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Master Steampunk Computer Games Thread

Started by Lucius Voltaic, September 10, 2008, 04:02:12 AM

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Lucius Voltaic

So I was wondering--what are the good steampunk-themed computer and/or video games? The Myst series, of course, must head the list, and I'm guessing Bioshock will find its way on there (I've never played it, so I don't know how good it is), but what else? Surely, that cannot be all!

Lucius Voltaic
"The man who is clever and lazy however is for the very highest command; he has the temperament and nerves to deal with all situations."
--General Baron Kurt von Hammerstein-Equord

Jonas Kain

I'm fairly certain this thread already exists. However, if one is looking for Steampunk games, one need not look much further, than Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magick Obscura. It's a delightful gaslamp fantasy RPG in the isometric style, developed by Troika. I'm currently playing through it myself, and loving it. It's got a highly flexible character development system. Four words: necromancer with steampunk flamethrower.
There are some people who will tell you time travel is impossible. How quaint. Their problem is that they are attempting to travel THROUGH time, when it is far more feasible to travel AROUND it.


There are lots of Steampunk games in the works currently... and I mean by game companies not just indie stuff.

Vancouver Air Privateer

how about Rise of Legends? Nice RTS with a steampunk faction.
"Blessed be Science and her handmaiden Steam;
They make Utopia only half a dream."

"So he pulls an alternating-current taser on me and tells me that only the Official Serbian Church of Tesla can save my polyphase intrinsic electric field, known to non-engineers as 'the soul.' "

Armored Rah

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles on Gamecube.

Vancouver Air Privateer

Oh, of course Final Fantasy 6 (was released back in the day as 3 in america i thinks)
"Blessed be Science and her handmaiden Steam;
They make Utopia only half a dream."

"So he pulls an alternating-current taser on me and tells me that only the Official Serbian Church of Tesla can save my polyphase intrinsic electric field, known to non-engineers as 'the soul.' "

Dr. Oliver Cross

Final Fantasy VI is one of the best, but nothing tops Arcanum, I'd say.  If only I knew where I put my copy!  I know I own one, I simply can't find it....
If I have to choose between loving you or breathing, I will use my last breath to say "I love you."  --  Estevan Shu


I'd add the excellent Planescape Torment, and the Fallout series.

Josh of Vernian Process

I'm too lazy to do it, but if you do a search for steampunk video games, you'll find the most comprehensive thread on the subject farther back in the board.
Gilded Age Records is a collective of like minded Indie artists, all unified by a common 19th Century/Steampunk theme.
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Dark Cloud 2 was steampunkish. That's a fun game.


QuoteI'm guessing Bioshock will find its way on there

Having played Bioshock, I wouldn't label it "steampunk" (though some of those characters in diving suits have a steamy flavour  :D). This game is actually set in a city which has kept and developped Aesthetics of the 1940's rather than those of 19th century.

Concerning "steampunk games" I wonder if the Myst series could fit in such a category : its multiple worlds and the puzzles to resolve in often imply great mechanics (like a gear-rotating fortress in the first opus) and some places could definetely fit in the victorian science-fiction (I think of the laboratory of Myst four).

Matthias Gladstone

Could someone post a few steampunky screenshots of myst? The ones i've seen don't seem to punky to me, more fantasy. Are airships involved on any level?
Southampton University Steampunk Society:

Dr. Munro

Planescape Torment...  What a game.  It's years since I played.  I might have to go back to it


As far as I can tell there are very few games that have a solid steampunk theme. (And I've looked!)

There are a lot of games (RPGs by Square especially) that have a few brief scenes that could qualify, but the total steampunk content is very low.

There are some good games that are set in a WWIIish era that feature airships. "Crimson Skies" comes to mind if you like combat flight sims.  "Rule of Rose" comes to mind if you like horror.

There are also some games that are sort of retro-future, even if the retro isn't retro enough to strictly be steampunk.  "Bioshock" is the obvious example.  "Resistance:Fall of Man" too.

There's this list on Wikipedia. But A-It's a short list.  and B-It contains some games that are marginal.

My latest blog post :

Josh of Vernian Process

Well as I said on the other thread that I guess is now buried in the recesses of the board...

Skies of Arcadia.

Three little words, look it up. You will not be disappointed. It is the single most Steampunk game ever made.
Gilded Age Records is a collective of like minded Indie artists, all unified by a common 19th Century/Steampunk theme.
<A HREF=""><img src="">


Quote from: Matthias Gladstone on November 05, 2008, 09:52:35 PM
Could someone post a few steampunky screenshots of myst? The ones i've seen don't seem to punky to me, more fantasy. Are airships involved on any level?
Here's a few from google:
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There's better images to be found in the game. These are just from a quick google.
Can't remember I have seen an airship in it.


Wow.  I haven't seen a screenshot of the Myst mechanical age entrance gears in a LONG time!!  It boggles the mind to think of the strides made in computer graphics since then.

Arcanum still heads up my list of favorite steamy games, and when you think of it, it remains one of the only true steampunk games - nearly all others are just influenced by the style, not necessarily revolving around the genera
To keep every cog and wheel is the first precaution of intelligent tinkering - Aldo Leopold

Dr. Munro

Quote from: Zorch on November 06, 2008, 05:31:46 PM
Arcanum still heads up my list of favorite steamy games, and when you think of it, it remains one of the only true steampunk games - nearly all others are just influenced by the style, not necessarily revolving around the genera


Matthias Gladstone

Doubly agreed; I only played arcanum recently, and it was awesome. I'm now spreading it amongst my friends, and trying to start a steampunk revolution amongst them..........
Southampton University Steampunk Society:

Josh of Vernian Process

Valkyria Chronicles was just released for PS3. It is from the same team that developed Skies of Arcadia. It even has guest appearnces from the three main characters of that game!

The setting looks to be a loosely Fantasy based world with WW2 era technology in a totally over the top style. More Dieselpunk meets Fantasy, but relevant all the same.

The official trailer:
Gilded Age Records is a collective of like minded Indie artists, all unified by a common 19th Century/Steampunk theme.
<A HREF=""><img src="">


Quote from: VernianProcess on November 06, 2008, 05:49:31 AMSkies of Arcadia.
I just went to add this game (Gamecube version) to my Gamefly rental queue and found that it was already there. 

I have high hopes for this game.  It had better be great!
My latest blog post :

Josh of Vernian Process

It is an incredible game!

I can't think of another game that combines traditional FF style RPG elements with a fully fleshed out airship combat engine!

Quote from: VRAndy on November 07, 2008, 03:31:21 AM
Quote from: VernianProcess on November 06, 2008, 05:49:31 AMSkies of Arcadia.
I just went to add this game (Gamecube version) to my Gamefly rental queue and found that it was already there. 

I have high hopes for this game.  It had better be great!
Gilded Age Records is a collective of like minded Indie artists, all unified by a common 19th Century/Steampunk theme.
<A HREF=""><img src="">


Quote from: VernianProcess on November 06, 2008, 05:49:31 AM
Well as I said on the other thread that I guess is now buried in the recesses of the board...

Skies of Arcadia.

Three little words, look it up. You will not be disappointed. It is the single most Steampunk game ever made.
It is also one of my all-time favorite games. I had Skies of Arcadia: Legends for the Gamecube, and if I could find my copy, I would still play it today.

One steampunkish game in development that looks interesting is Damnation. It seems to be a kind of cross between Gears of War and Prince of Persia, set in an alternate history US where the civil war has been raging for 40-odd years.


The thief series, especially Thief 2: The Metal Age.


Quote from: Matthias Gladstone on November 05, 2008, 09:52:35 PM
Are airships involved on any level?
There is an airship in the third game. Unfortunately I can't find a screenshot of it.