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The Brass Goggles Occult Society...The Esoteric Order of the Brazen Dawn...

Started by Clockwerk Wolf, December 31, 2008, 11:57:02 AM

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Khem Caigan

Another text from the E:.O:.B:.D:. Archives :

John Dee : 1527-1608
by Charlotte Fell Smith, 1909.
( 3.35 MB .PDF )

Charlotte wrote John Dee at the suggestion of
her good friend Silvanus Phillips Thompson, an
early pioneer in the development of Transcranial
Magnetic Stimulation.

Silvanus Thompson: ShowHide

The file is down as of 3/21/2010EV.

If anyone would like a copy, please
feel free to message or email me.
"Let us create vessels and sails fashioned for the heavenly Æther, for there
will be plenty of people who do not shrink from the vastness of space."
~ Johannes Kepler, letter to Galileo Galilei, 1609.

Khem Caigan

Ægytophiles Rejoice!

On March 5, 2010, The Oriental Institute published
digital editions of four more volumes of Egyptological

The full Egyptological backlist is now available :

As part of its Electronic Publications Initiative and
with the generous support of Misty and Lewis Gruber,
the Oriental Institute Publications Office announces
the Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) publication
of :

The Temple of King Sethos I at Abydos, Volume I :
The Chapels of Osiris, Isis & Horus
Copied by Amice M. Calverley, with the assistance
of Myrtle F. Broome, and edited by Alan H. Gardiner.
Originally published in 1933.

The Temple of King Sethos I at Abydos, Volume II :
The Chapels of Amen-Re, Re-Harakhti, Ptah, &
King Sethos
Copied by Amice M. Calverley, with the assistance
of Myrtle F. Broome, and edited by Alan H. Gardiner.
Originally published in 1935.

The Temple of King Sethos I at Abydos, Volume III :
The Osiris Complex
Copied by Amice M. Calverley, with the assistance
of Myrtle F. Broome, and edited by Alan H. Gardiner.
Originally published in 1938.

The Temple of King Sethos I at Abydos, Volume IV :
The Second Hypostyle Hall
Copied by Amice M. Calverley, with the assistance
of Myrtle F. Broome, and edited by Alan H. Gardiner.
Originally published in 1958.

For a complete and up to date list of all of the
265 volumes of Oriental Institute publications
currently available online, see AWOL -  2 : The
Oriental Institute Electronic Publications
"Let us create vessels and sails fashioned for the heavenly Æther, for there
will be plenty of people who do not shrink from the vastness of space."
~ Johannes Kepler, letter to Galileo Galilei, 1609.


Oh my, how interesting that I should discover the Order after having a long discussion with a friend of mine regarding the matter of the occult.  You see, he's actually getting his degree in occult studies (through the military no less).  I don't know what he plans to do with such a degree, but he's currently trying to convince me to join him in starting a local organization somewhat akin to the "Ghost Hunters."  I think it would be incredibly fun, and I'm definitely interested; I'm just not sold on the idea yet.

Have any of you undertaken similar endeavors?


I wish to petition to join the B.G.O.S.- E.O.B.D. - which I am sure is an anagram for something esoteric; Dogbobes? Gedboobs? Nah, doesn't sound right. I'll figure it out, never you fear.

I'm a wizard/alchemist/druid with a B.Sc. in Geology, M.Sc. in Oceanography (marine geochemistry), and "almost" a degree in mechanical engineering; a semi-professional Celtic musician (which means I sometimes get paid for playing but not often enough to make a living at it), a designer and maker of "neo-Celtic" jewellery and musical instruments, an initiated Witch, former O.T.O. member (I could never get my head around Crowley Worship), banisher of sundry ghosts, interested in sacred geometry, sacred architecture, Rosicrucianism (NOT A.M.O.R.C.), UFO's, cryptography and cryptozoology, thoroughgoing sceptic and total heretic. Among other things. And Steampunk, pretty much since birth, of course.

Hi, guys and ladies.
Vero vobis dico, qui quaerit, inveniet eius. Et saepius, parum volet.

"Truly I say to you, he who seeks, shall find. And quite often, he shall wish he hadn't."

              - Elias Ashmole Crackbone.


Quote from: malcontentcontent on March 17, 2010, 12:07:59 AM
Oh my, how interesting that I should discover the Order after having a long discussion with a friend of mine regarding the matter of the occult.  You see, he's actually getting his degree in occult studies (through the military no less).  I don't know what he plans to do with such a degree, but he's currently trying to convince me to join him in starting a local organization somewhat akin to the "Ghost Hunters."  I think it would be incredibly fun, and I'm definitely interested; I'm just not sold on the idea yet.

Have any of you undertaken similar endeavors?

I have a Masters in Gothic Studies, specializing in Victorian Mesmerism, and I am looking for a good PhD program o further my studies. I would like to do one of three things...

1. Victorians and death (with a PhD paper entitled "Sleep Like the Dead", which is kind of where my Masters idissertation stared heading in its conclusion).
2. Theosophy, looking at the wider scope of Aetherology, what happens when we die spiritually, the meaning of life etc.
3. Occult, focussing more on actual Victorian practises of magic/occult science.

Out of the three, I like 1 and 3 the best, but so far have only found universities offering 2 (Exeter and one in mid Wales).

Anyone know of any other institutions promoting the dark arts occult studies?
Every time you say "cog" when you mean "gear" or "sprocket", Cthulu kills a kitten.


I don't know of any myself, but I'm sure my friend would.  I could make an inquiry on your behalf, but I'm sure most of the institutions he's familiar with are here in the States.


Got it. B.G.O.S - E.O.B.D is an anagram of GOOD EBBS which pretty much describes the current state of the planet. However one must remember that ebb tide is invariably followed by flood tide, so after ebbing as far as it can, GOOD will flood back into the world, we only have to be patient.

Here's a point for the students of synchronicity to ponder. In Robert Anton Wilson's epic three-volume novel "Schroedinger's Cat", published in the 1970's, one of the important characters is a vast, mysterious computer known as GWB-666 which effectively monitors everything that happens on the planet. The question is, did R.A.W. KNOW that a future president of the United States would have the initials GWB, would wish he could monitor everything that went on, and who would be desperately afraid of the number 666 - or was it all just a coincidence?
Vero vobis dico, qui quaerit, inveniet eius. Et saepius, parum volet.

"Truly I say to you, he who seeks, shall find. And quite often, he shall wish he hadn't."

              - Elias Ashmole Crackbone.


It is very interesting that Robert Anton Wilson is a fan of Jack Parson's work.
I love hearing Wilson's take on things. He was so down to earth when speaking about such far out topics.
"We often mingle with the world, but our discovery is hidden away, as it can be in a small compass, and no one suspects who or what we are. We pass as tourists among our fellow-men" - Mystery Airship Pilot 1858-1898

Seaton Begg

Quote from: Voltin on March 20, 2010, 04:22:47 PM
It is very interesting that Robert Anton Wilson is a fan of Jack Parson's work.
I love hearing Wilson's take on things. He was so down to earth when speaking about such far out topics.

Saint Bob (as he is known to sombunal Discordians) managed to traverse Chapel Perilous with his critical faculties intact. Reading Bob's books seems like a process of initiation, and he played the roll of Trickster (Tarot 0, The Fool) with gusto.
We shall bewilder the masses with seams in our trousers that could cut paper, trilbies angled so rakishly that traffic comes to a standstill; and by refusing the bland, watery substances that are foisted upon us by faceless corporations, we shall bring the establishment to its knees.


Well, I'm not sure what you fine fellows might think of me.

I have been, in my past, a practicing Witch, a Ghost Hunter, and all sorts of oddities.

Then I was... well... there's only one way to describe it, as much as I used to make fun of this term.

I was Born Again.

Now, this does not mean I turn my nose up at those who still follow those paths.  On the contrary, I have the greatest respect for those explorers of mysterious pathways.

It's just not my path anymore.

However, I do still have a great interest in Ghost Hunting and other paranormal occurances.  My Faith puts no strictures on things the human mind can accomplish.
"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because
rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." - George Orwell

Khem Caigan

We're a completely secular organization, so I don't see any
problems in the offing.

Welcome to the Order of the Brazen Dawn, SolarCenturion!
"Let us create vessels and sails fashioned for the heavenly Æther, for there
will be plenty of people who do not shrink from the vastness of space."
~ Johannes Kepler, letter to Galileo Galilei, 1609.


760 posts.  I'm sure this will amount to a fascinating read for Moi.

*cracks knuckles*


QuoteDoes the Count walk among us today?
And if so who or what is the Count?

Voltin, if the Count were with us today, I sorely wish He'd show His face as we need Him and his whole bag of tricks.

My instinct is to say that He's in the shadows watching and biding His time waiting for a prime opportunity because certainly this is the silliest human kind has acted in centuries.

Now your research question:

*rises from my chair, strolling past the immense personal library stacks, gently fingering the battered leather spines of many an overused tomb*

Ahh, here it is!

I recommend starting with: The Count De Saint Germain - Last Scion of the House of Rakoczy by Jean Overton Fuller, East-West Publications, London and The Hague, ISBN: 0856921149 copyright 1988

It may be a difficult book to get but it's much more reliable than the babbalings of Marie Claire Prophet (avoid those at all costs).



QuoteHey, anybody out there (uh...Khem, cause you have links to EVERYTHING) know anything about Hoodoo?  Like, American folk magic...the fine American mess of European witchcraft, Afro-American folk-medicine and charms, American Indian Medicine, and whatever else bubbled about in the grand South-Eastern Melting Pot?

Vagabond GentleMen:  The previous statement to research at luckymojo is a very good one.

The person you want to begin your studies with is Marie Laveau.  That should take you infinite directions.

Khem Caigan

Quote from: M. on August 10, 2010, 09:57:50 PM
I recommend starting with: The Count De Saint Germain - Last Scion of the House of Rakoczy by Jean Overton Fuller, East-West Publications, London and The Hague, ISBN: 0856921149 copyright 1988.
Yet another Classic from the pen of the woman who gave
us The Magical Dilemma of Victor Neuburg!
"Let us create vessels and sails fashioned for the heavenly Æther, for there
will be plenty of people who do not shrink from the vastness of space."
~ Johannes Kepler, letter to Galileo Galilei, 1609.

The Squire

Quote from: Khem Caigan on August 03, 2010, 02:37:23 AM

We're a completely secular organization, so I don't see any
problems in the offing.

As a student of the yogic traditions of Oddiyana and the Tybet, perhaps I can bring a slightly different perspective to the mostly theosophic/magickal bent of the B.G.O.S.-E.O.B.D.

I am magically secular.
"You don't mind breaking the law?"
        "Not in the least."
"Nor running a chance of arrest?"
        "Not in a good cause."
"Oh, the cause is excellent!"
         "Then I am your man."



I've personally found talking boards to be tantamount to issuing and open invitation for the entire spirit world to come mess with you.
"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because
rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." - George Orwell

Khem Caigan

Quote from: M. on August 11, 2010, 11:06:42 PM
Has anyone mentioned spiritualism and talking boards yet?   ;D
The topic of Spiritualism was first broached here
at the E.'.O.'.B.'.D.'. way-y-y back in December
of 2008, in post #17 (it's on our First Page).

The Golden Dawn's version of a 'Talking Board',
so-called "the Ring and the Disc", is available
here, along with the procedures for its use.

Historically, it was their active engagement with the
Otherworld that lead to a certain antipathy between
the various Magical or Hermetic Orders and the
Theosophists during the Victorian Era.

The Making of Yeats's A Vision:
A Study of the Automatic Script
Volume 2, by George Mills Harper
(Preview @GoogleBooks)

The System of W. B. Yeats's A Vision

Museum of Talking Boards:
An Online Museum of Ouija Boards
"Let us create vessels and sails fashioned for the heavenly Æther, for there
will be plenty of people who do not shrink from the vastness of space."
~ Johannes Kepler, letter to Galileo Galilei, 1609.

Khem Caigan

Quote from: The Squire on August 11, 2010, 03:39:53 AM
As a student of the yogic traditions of Oddiyana and the Tybet, perhaps I can bring a slightly different perspective to the mostly theosophic/magical bent of the B.G.O.S.-E.O.B.D.
Thibetan Deity Yoga bears some remarkable similarities
to the Theurgical Operation of Abraham Elim.
"Let us create vessels and sails fashioned for the heavenly Æther, for there
will be plenty of people who do not shrink from the vastness of space."
~ Johannes Kepler, letter to Galileo Galilei, 1609.

Clym Angus

Quote from: darkshines on March 17, 2010, 08:15:31 AM
Anyone know of any other institutions promoting the dark arts occult studies?

Hello ds, it depends what you mean by occult studies. Institutions tend to do all the theory and none of the practical, and years and a day initiation tends to ride on the skill of the tutor. Even then you have a narrow view of the occult. I would advise read, learn, practice. That way you come to your own truths regarding the art and ways of working. Start going to local groups (DON'T listen to self serving gurus) try and drop, try and keep. Occult arts need to be searched for, they don't just serve themselves up on a plate. There is trial and pain in their understanding, but the rewards are edifying.

Word of warning: It is easy to fall in with one group and within that group blurr the line between politics and the study of the occult. Do not put all your eggs in one basket. I hope this helps.

Re-reading your post I think if you like number 1 then look to Victoria for your inspiration. She started the death cult after all. Monarchy, popular culture, the manipulation of the masses. It's all good stuff.

Khem Caigan

The original query was about Universities in the UK offering
advanced studies of an esoteric nature and, in that regard,
U. Exeter would be the logical choice.

Exeter Centre for the Study of Esotericism
Director: Professor Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke

~ from their site:

"The Western esoteric traditions reach back to
Hermeticism, Neo-Platonism, Gnosticism, and
theurgy in the Hellenistic world during the first
centuries AD...

The modem revival of esotericism extends from
Romantic Naturphilosophie to nineteenth-century
occultism involving Swedenborgianism, Mesmerism,
Spiritualism, the ancient wisdom-tradition, and
ceremonial magic and para-masonic orders."

The Esoteric Uses of Electricity:
Theologies of Electricity From Swabian
Pietism to Ariosophy

by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke
(Read/Download @Scribd)

The Theology of Electricity:
The Vril Myth Revealed

by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke
Grey Lodge Occult Review
Issue #9

The Western Esoteric Traditions:
A Historical Introduction

by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke
(Preview @GoogleBooks)
"Let us create vessels and sails fashioned for the heavenly Æther, for there
will be plenty of people who do not shrink from the vastness of space."
~ Johannes Kepler, letter to Galileo Galilei, 1609.

Lord Nicholas Horsethorn

Quote from: Clym Angus on August 13, 2010, 06:37:29 PM
I would advise read, learn, practice. That way you come to your own truths regarding the art and ways of working.

Having come to this esteemed Order by way of my Steampunk Spirituality thread, it's good to find such good advice being proposed.

On that basis, I would like to forward myself as a member.

It'd be good to be somewhere where I won't get funny looks when a random comment sends me off on a discussion of obscure spiritual practices!

Will there be a Brazen Dawn meet-up at Lincoln?


Khem Caigan

Let the Mystic Circumambulation take
place in the Path of Darkness, with the
Light of Occult Science to guide the Way!

< circumambulates the temple with
steampumpkin and thurible >

Inheritor of a Dying World, We call Thee
to the Living Beauty.

Wanderer in the Wild Darkness, We call
Thee to the Gentle Light.

Child of Earth, long hast Thou dwelt in
Darkness - quit the Night and seek the

Welcome, Frater Horsethorn, to the Order
of the Brazen Dawn
"Let us create vessels and sails fashioned for the heavenly Æther, for there
will be plenty of people who do not shrink from the vastness of space."
~ Johannes Kepler, letter to Galileo Galilei, 1609.

Lord Nicholas Horsethorn

Quote from: Khem Caigan on August 21, 2010, 12:03:24 AM
Welcome, Frater Horsethorn, to the Order
of the Brazen Dawn

I thank you for your welcome. Can I roll my trouser leg down now?

Do we have a Symbol? I'm looking to design some Calling Cards for Lincoln; it would be good to add a few Mystic Signs to it. Any suggestions?

There seems to be some interest in a philosophical conclave (via the Steampunk Spirituality thread,26048.0.html) at the Asylum - is anyone in the Order interested?

Yours in Fraternity
Lord Nicholas Horsethorn OBD