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Master Steampunk Musicians Thread

Started by Josh of Vernian Process, July 06, 2009, 09:02:47 AM

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Chaeya the Empress

Hello Ladies and Gents,

I'd like to offer up my music Chaeya & Her Dark Secret to those who like a rockier edge.

I love other steampunk bands like Dr. Steel and Abney park, but we could just never land us a keyboard player so we wound up more guitar-driven.

I look forward to checking out the other bands here because I didn't know there were so many.  I'd be interested in hooking up with some other bands in the Los Angeles area and do shows and have a steampunk night or something like that, and I'm also looking to expand to San Diego and up to San Francisco to do some shows also.

We recently played the Viper Room last Saturday night, but like some have referred to, because of our dress and the fact that our music is different, you get the "raised eyebrow hipster response" at first.  I've always categorized us as a Steampunk/Glam Rock Adventure. 

Our website is here:


Abney Park (Electronic/World/Pop)
Diablo Swing Orchestra (Metal/Swing)
Dresden Dolls, The (Cabaret/Acoustic)
Emilie Autumn (Electronic/Symphonic/Metal)
Ghostfire (Rock/Indie)
Tiger Lillies (Experimental/Acoustic)
Vermillion Lies (Indie/Acoustic/Cabaret)
Vernian Process (Rock/Electronic/Symphonic/Acoustic/Experimental)

these are all the ones i've listened to.
i love Vernian process and i'm a MASSIVE fan of the dresden dolls. they are absolutely amazing!
Emilie autumn is really good too.

well.... they're all good!

but yes anyway, i love a good group called "Circus Contraption"
they have a few good songs.
one of my favourites is 'Stilt Faeries', 'carousel' and 'Drunkards dream'
Give thy thoughts no tongue - William Shakespeare


Greetings to all!

Well, it appears I have no choice but to join the sordid ranks of shameless pluggers.  ;)

I record under the name Escape the Clouds. My aim is to tell stories through eclectic music that blends world, electronic, and industrial influences.

My official site's: At present, I have two albums out, and a third that should be up for sale by the end of August. The first album Bring the Rain is all-instrumental; Circumnavigator, the second, is half-vocal / half-instrumental; the third one will be mostly vocal tracks. Even with the instrumentals I tell stories, as they are soundtracks to scenes playing out in my mind.

Here are the two music videos I self-produced that illustrate what I was thinking when I wrote each piece. The first one was selected for the Rose City Steampunk Film Festival earlier this year. If you like them, I'd certainly be most grateful if you could please share them around on Facebook, Twitter, etc.!

- Mark R.

"Every Storm has an End" - based on the track "Above the Overcast" from Circumnavigator

"Every Storm has an End" - an Escape the Clouds steampunk music video

"The Air Race" - from Circumnavigator

"The Air Race" - Escape the Clouds - Steampunk Music


I found steampunk musicians list on steampunk wikia..and I cant believe that Kerli is on(in?:D) that list....she has nothing in common with steampunk..
and I dont think that Emilie Autumn is steampunk...hmm...just because she has big clock on the stage and chainrings on her skirt..:D

But I like them...they are interesting and talented women:D

btw....I dont like Abney Park...I really tried to listen to them..but I just dont like it...maybe 3 songs..

Othniel Cope

Please Allow me to introduce myself... I'm a man you don't meet everyday...May I suggest you add my current ensemble to your wonderful list...

The Dark Design... We're traversing a nebula at the mo, but hope to touch down in Brighton England, somewhere in late 2011. Although Gordon Vader's currenly at the helm, so we may just end up in bits... or in the nearest cathouse...

Here's a link to a teaser page there are some partial tracks, but they are merely demos at the moment...!/pages/The-Dark-Design/138307032921169

You can call us what you want... but we don't use synths or midi... on our ship, if you can't fix it with a wrench it ain't worth having...

Be seeing you all real soon... We may have space for strings and horns and femme fatale vocals... if you can break heart with a wink, sing like a sunset and are bolder than bed knobs, then we should probably talk and quickly...

Feel free to friend me, Oh my lord that is so going to count as a verb soon...!/profile.php?id=100002665435063

Just loves a planet with an atmosphere...

The Corsair

No clue if they're here already but I'd like to ask if Panic! At The Disco deserve a place here?
They may not be 'steampunk' in the musical sound but definitely in lyrical themes and styles they are steampunk, though granted they are closer to the turn-of-the-century Vaudevillian side of things.
Yes, I mention Panic far too often :P
Still here, just quieter


Quote from: The Corsair on September 05, 2011, 09:46:48 AM
No clue if they're here already but I'd like to ask if Panic! At The Disco deserve a place here?
They may not be 'steampunk' in the musical sound but definitely in lyrical themes and styles they are steampunk, though granted they are closer to the turn-of-the-century Vaudevillian side of things.
Yes, I mention Panic far too often :P

Whether 'Steampunk' friendly or not they are a fine band :)
The legs have fallen off my Victorian Lady...

The Count

May I suggest my band? Narval (Melodic death metal/Steampunk)


Quote from: The Count on September 14, 2011, 04:37:44 PM
May I suggest my band? Narval (Melodic death metal/Steampunk)

You might also like to suggest where the new album can be obtained... ;)
The legs have fallen off my Victorian Lady...

The Count

not in this topic, I don't want to flood ^^ we can talk about that in the "a new steampunk band" topic (ernest or a moderator shold rename this topic, it will be more convenient!! :p )

Josephine Hogwood

I don't know if this one has already been listed or if it belongs to the list, but maybe 'Dionysos'?
It's a French band.
""  < a song of them.

~ Josephine

Insp. Baskerville Durham

Not very steamy but something to get steamy about -
I present to you "Chased by Wolves"

The aforesaid CBW are fronted by Richard Smith who is courting my dear daughter Rebecca who has also recorded some music - enjoy -


What really constitutes steampunk music? There are so many variables by which different arguments could be based. Many 'steampunk' artists seem to use synths and loops, even on stage. To me, that's ridiculous and steampunk is more about what can be produced without electricity. I know in Jules Verne's world electricity was an exciting new force, but they wouldn't have been relying on it as heavily as that.
Surely an artist like Tom Waits, who can do a performance even if all the power goes out, with a myriad of percussive instruments, not to mention an incredible look, has more of a place in the steampunk world than a band like Abney Park.
What's it based on, the music? or the fashion?

Argus Fairbrass

Well you've just highlighted the problem right there. By that definition every Steampunk band has to be virtually acoustic using only period correct instruments and technology which was extremely limited. None of them can release Cd's,MP3's or videos, only wax cylinders and gramophone records, recorded in mono of course. Only playable by people with the correct equipment to reproduce it. No one can utilise any modern digital technology at all in fact.

How do you think that's really going to work, and what, given the amount of digital assisted art and design that's already been produced, makes you think that the Steampunk movement is actually trying to turn it's back on modern technology anyway? (how am I even talking to you right now?)

This is not about period correct reenactment. One of the ideas that informs Sp is that the computer age began a full century earlier. The book the Difference Engine diverges from actual history around 1824. The first digital computers were actually invented around 1940-45, by that token they could have been invented in 1840-45. Of course Sp embraces the present, (we're not all mad y'know)  :D, just with a more fantastical twist that puts one in mind of an altered past, or a slightly antiquated vision of the future depending on your pov.
Have her steamed and brought to my tent!


Yes, that's a very good answer. I just get annoyed generally when I see bands with so much reliance not just use of digital stuff on stage...
I'd like to think, that if the world as we know it ended, and with it went a stable form of electricity, my band would still be able to perform!

Argus Fairbrass

I wouldn't wholly disagree with you, funnily enough I'm actually writing a paper about it at the moment. But we do live in the digital age, and for a great many of us that is a part of the Sp world as much as any other. I'm almost exclusively a midi composer these days. More out of practical necessity than anything else. I'd love to own and be able to play all the vintage and antique instruments I use as samples. But sadly health issues mean I can hardly play the guitar anymore, let alone anything else. But I can still program, so I guess I'm quite grateful for it.

For live performances I'd have to hire in 'real' musicians. And if I wanted it to be totally live a good deal of heavy machinery as well haha. I think it's also a question of what sounds and styles put people in mind of particular eras. I'm quite fascinated by Musique Concrète and the weird and wacky sound and composition techniques employed by the likes of Wendy Carlos or Deliah Derbyshire at the BBC Radiophonics Workshop. It has a wonderful otherworldly vintage vibe, but historically speaking still way past the Victorian era and relied heavily on the use and manipulation of old phonographs fx filters and later magnetic tape.

Of course if I had all my music 'encoded' onto clocks, music boxes and pipe and barrel organ cylinders (which I might do just for a laugh) that would probably be quite Steampunk.

Have her steamed and brought to my tent!


You should make it a project! Recently I saw Pat Metheny's "Orchestrion", and whether you're into his music, or jazz, or not, it's certainly a fascinating watch. It's a vast array of mechanical instruments, 'played' by his guitar. Check it out!

Argus Fairbrass


Thanks for that. I was looking for something contemporary to make the connection between the old mechanical players and modern midi sequencing. That looks to be a perfect combination of both (although I suspect you'd have to be Pat Metheny to afford it all). :D

Still that's amazing, I shall scurry off to research!

Cheers mate.  :)
Have her steamed and brought to my tent!

Angus A Fitziron

An aspect of digitally processed music that bothers me is that the packetization (A to D converstion) always introduces latency, both playing into the device and playing out. This has to change how the brain perceives the music. Isn't it strange how guitarists have wet dreams about class A valve amps yet happily buy into digital everything without considering the thing that makes class A so awesome is its immediacy - brush a string and it breaks into rolling thunder! (and before I get flamed by guitarists, I own several guitars have played for the last 48 years and own a genuine class A VHT Pitbull as well as the more mundane Vox AC30S (S for Solid State) and Marshall Valvestate - I am talking about myself)

I have a bit of a debate going on at the moment as to the replacement for our sound desk. Currently it is an old Allen and Heath GL2000 which I really like. The control is so instant with the faders under your fingers actually affecting the audio directly. The fashionistas are holding out for a digital replacement, a Roland M 480 because it has loads of effects and a digital snake! But what does it sound like and does it release the sound engineer to do his / her job? I expect it is the way we will go but I raise it here because, for me, steampunk music is about having as few elements between the player and the listener in order to allow the seamless transfer of art from one to the other. We appreciate the honesty and transparency of good art, lovingly delivered without covering up the cracks with additional technology. For me, it is not necessarily about the style or genre of music, more about how it is delivered. That's why the visual aspects of a musical performance are important to us, why we appreciate beautiful instruments that are well made, interesting sound production devices and amplifiers and all the other paraphernalia that we so delight in.

Of course, money has to be taken into account - when I tot up what my pedals have cost to acquire, I could have had two digital effect racks for the same price... However, the Allen and Heath replacement for the GL2000, the GSR 24, seems to come in at a similar figure to the M480 once you have factored in all the necessary Roland breakout boxes.
Airship Artificer, part-time romantik and amateur Natural Philosopher

"wee all here are much troubled with the loss of poor Thompson & Sutton"

Argus Fairbrass

The fact is Angus I suspect you and I are both what is currently being described as "digital immigrants". IE people who have seen the digital revolution evolve as opposed to the "digital natives" who have been born to it and never known any different. The talk at UNI at the moment is suggesting that such things as hardware sound desks will soon disappear altogether. Supposedly one of the most exciting aspects of inventions such as the iPad, is not their internet and audio capabilities (which are comparatively laughable tbh) but simply the fact that they are such accurate software controllers.

Midi latency remains a fact, but it has evolved so much now that as long as the signal is strong it's really not noticeable (unless like one of Trevor Horn's friend you can actually hear a millisecond delay). I must confess my ears are not so golden. But if you are someone who is used to tactile hardware it's not easy to make the change to touchscreen, or essentially pushing the air via holographic controls, which I understand the Japanese have developed far more than I realised.

I think they will survive for a while yet as many people still want them, but as hand held 3d and holographic controllers develop, which can essentially do the same job as a full size 24 track mixing desk and beyond who knows? Obviously as far as switching your desk over, try before you buy and see if it impresses you.
Have her steamed and brought to my tent!


I wish someone would invent a home kit for converting CD/mp3 etc. onto vinyl.

I've just ordered a wind-up gramaphone but what I can play on it is going to be a bit limited. :)
The legs have fallen off my Victorian Lady...

The Sammy

Tell you what, Rockula, you could get a needle and a small hammer and play the song... when you hear a note tap it onto the disk?
What? Infeasible you say?! I say you just aren't trying hard enough ;)


This thread seems to have evolved from its origin as a simple list of bands, into an entire subgenre of its own, and its now covering bands, philosophy, techniques, styles, technology and blatant self promotion all under one banner. Not that there's anything wrong with that, I only wish I had a decent video of my own! No doubt there will soon be things like MetalDeathSteam, HighEnergySteam, SteamJazz, and GrimeSteam, popping up like daisies too. Good stuff, the more the merrier, I'm new to the steam side but me and punk go way back, and I see the parallels. I'm liking the ethos immensely, it seems to be a lot more inclusive than most and consequently provides for a much wider experience, and potentially will open the ears of many who would not normally be listening to certain genres or bands without the steam connection. To try and define what the music should be, or how it should be made, performed or recorded however, is I think, a big mistake, as any formal definition ultimately leads to an exclusion of what is not steam enough. There is only one ultimate question to be asked:- Do I like it? I know what I like, but I can't force you to like it if you don't. The only way to find out though is to listen to loads of stuff, and make your own mind up. 


Following on from my last post, and in the interests of getting on with it, here's the compiled list of ALL bands from the thread thought to be in any way, shape or form steampunk by anybody and his dog. List is in general order of appearance, apologies for any omissions or duplication. If anybody wants to take this and add/re-add weblinks please do. Thanks to all the original posters and bands too.

Abney Park (Electronic/World/Pop)
Absinthe Drinkers, The (Post-Punk/Rock)
Agent Ribbons (Pop/Indie/Rock)
Arcade Fire, The (Indie/Rock/Acoustic/Symphonic)
Beat Circus (Acoustic/Circus)
Beats Antique (Electronic/Hip-Hop/Circus/World)
Beirut (Acoustic/Indie)
Bug (Electronic/Experimental/Symphonic)
Cabaret Decadance (Acoustic/Cabaret)
Clockwork Dolls, The (Electronic/Symphonic/Acoustic)
Clockwork Quartet, The (Acoustic/Indie/Musical Theater)
Cretins, The (Punk-Rock)
Crimson Muddle (Electronic/Coldwave)
Danny Elfman (Symphonic/Rock)
Darius Greene (Acoustic/Indie/Tin-Pan Alley)
DeVotchKa (Acoustic/Rock/Indie/Symphonic/Gypsy)
Decemberists (Acoustic/Indie/Rock)
Diablo Swing Orchestra (Metal/Swing)
Dr. Steel (Hip-Hop/Electronic/Industrial)
Dresden Dolls, The (Cabaret/Acoustic)
Emilie Autumn (Electronic/Symphonic/Metal)
Extraordinary Contraptions, The (Rock/Indie)
Ez3kiel (Electronic/Experimental/Symphonic)
Fermata (Acoustic/Rock/Gypsy)
Flood of Rain (Symphonic/Acoustic/Electronic/Experimental)
Ghostfire (Rock/Indie)
Gogol Bordello (Rock/Acoustic/Gypsy)
Harlequin Jones (Acoustic/Cabaret)
Hellblinki Sextet, The (Acoustic/Rock/Cabaret/Gypsy)
Humanwine (Rock/Cabaret/Punk)
Imaginary Airship (Rock/Pop/Experimental)
In the Nursery (Symphonic/Electronic)
James Gang Experience, The (Hip-Hop/Acoustic/Tin-Pan Alley)
Jill Tracy (Cabaret/Acoustic/Symphonic)
Jim Strange with the Proud & the Damned (Rock/Acoustic)
Johnny Hollow (Rock/Electronic/Experimental/Symphonic)
Juke Baritone & The Swamp Dogs (Acoustic/Rock/Indie/Punk)
Kate Bush (Experimental/Acoustic/Electronic/Pop)
Katzenjammer Kabarett (Rock/Pop)
Lee Press-on and the Nails (Swing/Rock)
Legendary Shack Shakers, The (Rock/Punk/Americana)
Life's Decay (Electronic/Experimental/Symphonic)
Life Towards Twilight (Electronic/Acoustic/Experimental)
Magnificent Seven, The (Cabaret/Acoustic/Rock)
Malice Mizer (Rock/Symphonic/Metal/Experimental)
Men That Will Not Be Blamed For Nothing, The

Mr. Joe Black (Cabaret/Acoustic)
Nouvelle Vague (Acoustic/Rock/Pop/Bossa Nova)
Paul Roland (Rock/Experimental/Electronic/Symphonic)
Peryls, The (Rock/Indie/Acoustic)
Rasputina (Electronic/Acoustic/Rock/Symphonic)
Real Tuesday Weld, The (Pop/Cabaret/Indie/Symphonic)
Revel Hotel (Experimental/Electronic)
Scarring Party, The (Acoustic/Rock)
Sixteen Horsepower (Rock/Americana/Punk/Acoustic)
Squirrel Nut Zippers (Dixie Jazz/Pop/Swing)
Strawfoot (Acoustic/Americana)
Sxip Shirey (Experimental)
Synthonym (Electronic/Symphonic)
Tenth Stage, The (Electronic/Rock/Symphonic)
This Way to the Egress (Cabaret/Acoustic/Indie)
Tiger Lillies (Experimental/Acoustic)
Tleilaxu Music Machine, The

Tom Waits (Acoustic/Rock/Experimental)
Tragic Tantrum Cabaret (Cabaret/Acoustic)
Unextraordinary Gentlemen

Unwoman (Symphonic/Electronic/Acoustic)
Vagabond Opera (Cabaret/Acoustic)
Vermillion Lies (Indie/Acoustic/Cabaret)
Vernian Process

Viral Millennium (Metal/Symphonic)
Voltaire (Indie/Gypsy/Pop/Acoustic/Symphonic)
Voodoo Organist (Acoustic/Rock)
Walter Sickert and the Army of Broken Toys (Experimental/Indie)
Widow's Bane, The (Acoustic/Indie)
World Inferno Friendship Society (Swing/Rock/Pop/Indie)
Wovenhand (Acoustic/Experimental/Americana)

The Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band.
The Temperance Seven.
Leon Redbone
The Penguine Cafe Orchestra.
The Inkspots.
Tiny Tim
The Singing Postman.
The Wurzles
The Pasadena Roof Orchestra.
Cigarette Trees (highly recommend)
White Collar Sideshow

The New Orleans Bingo Show
The Sisters of Mercy
The Sisterhood
Miranda Sex Garden
Evelyn Machine
Murder By Death
Midnight Syndicate
Dima Koldun

Steve Reich
Steam Powered Giraffe
The Book of Knots
The Blackcat Revival
Sophe Lux
Nicki Jaine
Rosin Coven
The Rohan Theatre Band
Vera Baxter
The Dead Brothers
Meret Becker
Revue Noir

Black Tape for a Blue Girl
The Peculiar Pretzelmen
Goran Bregovic
Almaailman Vasarat
The Extra Action Marching Band
Municipale Balkanica
Black Ox Orkestar
the Avett Brothers
Tally Hall
Rhubarb Whiskey
One Beer Prophet
Oakland Wine Drinkers Union
Victoria & the Vaudevillains

Honey Body Moon Bee
Reptile Palace Orchestra
El Radio Fantastique
Hope for a Golden SUmmer
Jason Webley
The Builders and the Butchers
Ben Weaver
Carol Lipnik
blackbird RAUM
Hobo Gobbelins
The Cat Empire
Rum Rebellion
THAT damned band
Casa de Chihuahua
Stumps Duh CLown
1 Man Banjo

The White Ghost Shivers
The Devil Makes THree
Circus Contraption
The Smashing Pumpkins
Deadly Nightshade Botanical Society
Moth (UK)
Stolen Babies

Sunday Driver
The Wet-Glass RO
Meat Beat Manifesto
Alice Moving Under Skies
Weasels exist
The Wet-Glass Ro
Ben Steed And The Orchestra Of Symmetry
Charles von vitic
Kaizer's Orchestra
emilie autumn
emilie simon
The Clockwork Quartet
Love Cigarette Trees
KK And The Steampunk Orchestra
The Gypsy Nomads aka Frenchie and the Punk

Hedgehog Coitus
The synthetic dream foundation
Thomas Truax
The Cardiacs
The Cog is Dead
Einstürzende Neubauten
Mad dog mcrea
The Covenant

Eliza Rickman
The Strand
Steampowered Giraffe
The Birthday Massacre
Why Are We Building Such A Big Ship
Alexandra Hamer
Dark Dark Dark
16 horsepower
the Legendary Pink Dots

The destroyers (From Birmingham!)
Louis Barabbas and the bedlam six
DJ Kormack
Prof. Elemental
Mechanical Spaniard
V is for Villains
Apparat Organ Quartet
Chaeya & Her Dark Secret
Escape the Clouds
The Dark Design
Panic! At The Disco
Birthrite (From Dudley!)

Argus Fairbrass

Have her steamed and brought to my tent!