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Calls for submissions

Started by Jemima Annabelle Clough, February 05, 2010, 12:16:29 AM

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I did a quick search but it looked like this resource had not yet been mentioned, apologies if it has and I missed it:
The Steampunk Writers and Artists Guild at

has a call for submissions for The Omnibus of Bill Shakes and the Magnificent Ionic Pentatetrameter ...a steampunk shakespeare anthology. Sonnet 130 is mine, all mine (hiss, spit), but there lots of other sonnets and plays to play with... I'm told that they hope to have a profit-sharing scheme set up with the selected authors. See the site for further guidelines/more info.



I will be watching this topic with great intrest-I'm currently working on a steampunk romance/sociopolitical work-I just hate I've missed so many deadlines!    >:( >:( >:(
No, no, girliepop, I GIVE advice, I don't TAKE it, not even my own.

The World's a Stage. The CAST is garbage.

Mark F

Any new calls for subs? I am in the final stages of my first draft for a young-adult steampunk action-adventure. There are a couple of sections I was thinking of submitting as excerpts to magazines. I am going to try the magazine of SF&F first, but a fall-back position would be good in case they don't come through.
Visit my blog for the free web-serial, Orphans of the Celestial Sea, chronicling the the adventures of Tom Cain and his misfit crew as they seek to unravel the mysteries surrounding their airship Hecate and the plague of psychosis-inducing Mist which is slowly destroying human civilization.

Episode 4 up now, at


If it involves lesbian protagonists, Steampunk Magazine is looking for work.  But, seriously, it has to have lesbian protags. 
You can also find me on Twitter and Facebook.


Slightly tangential, but there's a good directory of (UK) agents on a site called which, unlike countless others, is free to use.  You have to sign up, I think, but they have never spammed me in the last six months and the only paid-only services are things like proof-reading and putting together your submission package. is the link (or just check the top bar)

Also, UK writers could do worse than Interzone ( ), which also gives great advice to anyone submitting manuscripts.  For instance, the following bit of advice, which makes sense in hindsight; never use staples, use paper clips or bulldog clips instead.
Some are born strange, some attain strangeness, and some have strangeness thrust upon them.


Quote from: whistlelock on January 29, 2011, 01:53:27 PM
If it involves lesbian protagonists, Steampunk Magazine is looking for work.  But, seriously, it has to have lesbian protags. 

However it does say on their website that they're not looking for submissions at the current time...


Quote from: neon_suntan on January 29, 2011, 06:03:40 PM
Quote from: whistlelock on January 29, 2011, 01:53:27 PM
If it involves lesbian protagonists, Steampunk Magazine is looking for work.  But, seriously, it has to have lesbian protags. 

However it does say on their website that they're not looking for submissions at the current time...

ooops!  Yes, it's Femme fatale's that is looking for lesbian steampunk protag stories.  hah!  I saw it on Steampunk magazine's submissions page.  sorry about that. 
You can also find me on Twitter and Facebook.


Quoteoriginal submissions for The Mammoth Book of Steampunk,
to be published by Robinson in the UK and Running Press in the US in 2012.
Stories can be emailed here. The deadline is April 1st, 2011.
You will be notified soon after the deadline if your work is accepted or rejected

kinda says it all, right there. 
You can also find me on Twitter and Facebook.


I would like to bring it to the attention of the BG forums that Aether Emporium needs you!

AE is currently looking for contributors for its pages.

Reviewers, Story Tellers, Interviewers, Artists, Makers, Clothing Designers, Admin.

If you ask for permission to join and it is granted you will get your own page to show off your work (if that is what you want to do).  So if you are an , artist, shoe maker, candle stick maker, then you can have your very own page at AE. The same goes for bands and other performers. What ever you do or want to show off there is a place for you here.

If you want to add a story or three, create reviews and news then again AE wants to know.



Thank you all for this thread! It's been a HUGE help! (First novella, Island of Icarus, was released last year through Carina Press. ^_^ )

Don't think this one's been mentioned yet: The Red Penny Papers ( accepts steampunk submissions. But they have a limited submissions window. The current one ends on 2/28/11.

Also, I recently started a blog, The Biopunk Reader ( with Leah Dearborn from Steampunk Magazine. We're looking for stories, reviews, essays, comics, art--anything creative, really. Its focus is biopunk, not steampunk, but steampunk-esque biopunk or biopunk that takes place in the past is welcome, as long as the biopunk elements are apparent and make reasonable sense. (I have a post about not-quite-historic biopunk here: .)



Carina has a call out for holiday- and/or winter-themed novellas. 18k-35k. Deadline: May 15, 2011. Final decisions will be made by June 15.

More information here:

Licorice Lain

This thread has been snoozing for a while. Anyone found something they think may fit?
Sometimes abrasive, sometimes instinctual, sometimes dirty, sometimes freaky, sometimes a freak :), sometimes tired, sometimes friendly ;), always around if you need some advice.

Captain Ella Thorne

Nevermet Press have an open submission call for fantasy, science fiction and steampunk short stories, and flash fiction for their first anthology Stories In The Ether.

Stories will be published individually through Nevermet Press as a blog series, and later as both collected print and audio anthologies.

The call is open until the end of December 2011, with the stories being published online weekly and the anthology available January 2012.

Note: I've no affiliation to Nevermet; I just keep my eye out for subs in the genres I write.


Steam Press

Steam Press is looking to publish speculative fiction novels – fantasy, horror, and science fiction; utopias, dystopias, and the coming apocalypse; and punks of the cyber, steam, and diesel persuasion. Whatever floats your boat, I'd love to read it. We are currently only looking for novels I'm afraid, and our focus is on those aimed at adults (though I'm open to YA if it's something really special).

We are in New Zealand and this will be our primary market, with anything we sign being published on treebook before ebook – it will, unforunately, be difficult for us to sell paperbacks outside of New Zealand but with ebooks that won't be a problem.

Our books will be smart, dead sexy, and a pleasure to own. I'm hoping that our authors will be the same...

If you have any questions please get in touch.



Clockwork gentlewomen and expeditionary sirs, hearken and attend! 

Kindling Press is pleased to announce a call for submissions for the Steampunk short story anthologie "20,001: A Steampunk Odyssey."  In the spirit of Jules Verne's seminal work, we are seeking all manner of short stories in the Steampunk style.  Preference will be given to stories involving the Sea and its mysterious Denizens; Submarine travel and related Contrivances; transoceanic Escapades, mysterious Islands, &c. 

The preferred length of submissions is 2000 to 6000 words, but longer or shorter works may be considered on a case by case basis.  All submissions must be original works and cannot have previously appeared in any form. Only submissions formatted in Microsoft Word and written for the Steampunk genre will be accepted. 

Send all submissions as attachments to no later than July 31, 2011.  Accepted submissions are unpaid but will receive publication credit and a copy of the final anthologie.  For further details please visit

Gentleman, don your goggles and load for Kraken!  Ladies, parasols at the ready!  To your typographical contrivances - and full Steam ahead!


Peter A. Smalley
Kindling Press


Anyone have any experiance with Nevermet Press?

Would kinda like to know what I'm getting into.
Cheapie Theatre - Web Proxy for my Gemini Site
Want something to read? Got ten minutes to kill? Here you go!

Spare Goggles
If this forum goes down. I shall be reachable there under the same name.


Quote from: Lazaras on August 07, 2011, 01:54:43 AMAnyone have any experiance with Nevermet Press?

Would kinda like to know what I'm getting into.

The one person I know who worked with them said they're great, recommended making a submission, but I have no first-hand experience myself.  Just remember that they will send a contract that you should read and can reject, so you lose nothing by submitting and then considering your options. 

One point I'd make is that submitting to multiple publishers at once is considered impolite.  Wait for a rejection if you have the patience, or at least give them a couple of months.  If they get back to you six months after submission and your tell them it already got published elsewhere, they might grumble.  If they get back to you a week after submission and you tell them it's already got a publisher, you might expect to be black-listed...
Some are born strange, some attain strangeness, and some have strangeness thrust upon them.

Michael Farley

My first short story, Crush Depth, has been accepted by Kindling Press to be included in 20,001 A Steampunk Odyssey ( This is due to be published as a e-book in mid-September, with an old-fashioned paper version to hopefully follow shortly afterwards.

OK, shameless self-promotion over, now on with the actual post... I'm currently working on submissions for the following short story collections. I know Stories in the Ether has already been mentioned, but I thought you might find the others interesting.

Captain Ella Thorne

Ooh, thanks mgfarley! I need to get more stuff submitted.

*rereads list and ponders*

Michael Farley

You're welcome (although I'll probably kick myself later for creating more competition for my own submissions)


Quote from: mgfarley on September 11, 2011, 12:52:59 AMYou're welcome (although I'll probably kick myself later for creating more competition for my own submissions)

More competition means better quality of the final work, means more money for the publisher and probably more investment in Steampunk publishing...
Some are born strange, some attain strangeness, and some have strangeness thrust upon them.

Michael Farley

I've just found another one:

Penumbra ( - Musa Publishing, deadline 15 November 2011, 500 - 3,000 words

Captain Ella Thorne

Quote from: mgfarley on September 11, 2011, 12:52:59 AMYou're welcome (although I'll probably kick myself later for creating more competition for my own submissions)

Probably not - if the piece I'm writing for Black Sails Press carries on at its current rate, I'll have to sub it outside of the anthology. It would apear that my vampire is likes to wax lyrical  :D

Captain Ella Thorne

Machina Mortis: Steampunk'd Tales of Terror


- short stories from 4000 - 10,000 words
- MUST be VERY 'steampunk'-ish, mixed with elements of HORROR
- Use mechanical creatures, vehicles, weapons, etc.--> bio-mech zombies?
- Can be on earth or other planet, etc.---> be creative!
- STEAMPUNK isn't always easy to write: research the clothes, lingo, etc.
- Violence/gore is GOOD :) Stay away from EXCESSIVE foul language/sex



Ship Designers Needed!

The Aerial Forces of the Hive, Queen and Country universe are locked in an arms race! Each nation seeks to field the best aerial vessels possible. New designs are constantly being sought and each ship makes all those that came before it obsolete relics.

Hive, Queen, and Country and Objects May Appear... are pleased to announce a design contest for would be aerial architects. The prizes will include a rapid prototyped model of your ship and inclusion of the design in an upcoming Hive, Queen and Country product. You will receive full credit for the design in the product and a complimentary copy when it reaches print.

This is partly a writing exercise and partly a design exercise.

Contest rules and background are available


Submissions are due by October 15, 2011.

Good Luck and Good Hunting!