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Calls for submissions

Started by Jemima Annabelle Clough, February 05, 2010, 12:16:29 AM

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Miss Penny Dreadful

Total-E-Bound Publishing is now accepting submissions of erotic romance stories between 10,000 words and 100,000+ words in the steampunk genre:

"Steamy stories set in a might-have-been world of clockwork technology. Join naughty neo-Victorians—from mad scientists to erotic automata—in their inventive adventures."

Submissions should be sent to quoting code "Brassgoggles". For further information on our guidelines, please go to

And if you have any questions, please feel free to PM me!



The folks over at Entangled Publishing are accepting novellas for a steampunk romance anthology to be released in e-format and print.

Length: 20k - 30k.

Deadline: December 1st.


Michael Farley

Taken from

Steampunk Revolution, edited by Hugo Award winner Ann VanderMeer (co-editor of both Steampunk and Steampunk II: Steampunk Reloaded) to be published in the Fall 2012 by Tachyon Publications, announces an open reading period.

Steampunk Revolution features a renegade collective of writers and artists—including steampunk legends as well as hot, new talents—who are rebooting the steam-driven past and powering it into the future with originality, wit, and adventure. Going far beyond corsets and goggles, Steampunk Revolution is not just a ride in your great-great granddad's zeppelin—now it's a much wilder ride.

Looking for reprints only (standard reprint rates apply). Willing to look at all kinds of Steampunk fiction, but mainly interested in work that pushes the boundaries, that truly is a revolution to the genre. Prefer works under 10,000 words.

Submissions accepted between February 1, 2012, and March 1, 2012. Any English-language story previously published in the past decade on a website or print publication is eligible for consideration. Willing to look at all kinds of Steampunk fiction, but mainly interested in work that pushes the boundaries, that is truly a revolution to the genre.

Submissions up to 10,000 words should be sent in a Word or RTF document to steampunkrevolution at Please cut-and-paste the first three paragraphs into the body of your email and include prior publication information, but no need to include any biographical information about yourself. If you prefer, use snail mail by sending your work to POB 38190, Tallahassee, FL 32315. Snail mail submissions should be marked on the outside of the envelope as for Steampunk Revolution consideration. No SASE is required if you prefer email response. All Submissions will be responded to no later than March 31; please do not query about a submission prior to that date.

Payment will be on publication, at standard reprint rates of one to two cents per word, against a share of any royalties from the North American and any foreign editions, as well as one contributor copy.

Michael Farley

Taken from

SteamPunk Magazine issue #9 will be considering submissions until March 15, 2012. Please see the Deadlines & Submissions page for details about submissions!


Hello all! My name is Pat and I am serving as the guest editor of a new steampunk anthology from Post Mortem Press ( titled The Ghost Is the Machine. I'm looking for compelling, unique and well-written stories to fill out the anthology, specifically stories of haunted machines in a steampunk milieu. Have a tale about a haunted ghost dirigible? A demonic automaton? Then send it my way! Full submission guidelines can be found here:

Of course, the anthology isn't limited to just steampunk stories -- it can and will include stories from any time frame, from the past to the future (in addition to steampunk, I'd also like to see some sci-fi ghost stories).

Most exciting of all is that the anthology will include a story by Joe Hill!

So if there are any writers out there, I look forward to reading your stories soon!


MVmedia, LLC Presents Steamfunk! Anthology Writers Submission Guidelines

Story Length: 1,500 to 15,000 words

Deadline: July 31, 2012

Story Description: Stories must contain a main characters or characters of African descent and elements of steam technology. The story can take place in the past, present future or alternate reality as long as steam technology dominates the scenario. The final selection will be based on the quality of the story submitted as deemed by the editors. Authors will retain all rights to their stories.

Each author will receive a free copy of the anthology with the opportunity to purchase additional copies at distributor's pricing.

Submissions should be in Word Document 97- 2003 format, rich text or .doc. Documents should be double-spaced. Please include author's name, story title and page number on each page.

Send all submissions to:

Mechanic Williams

White Cat Publications have announced a theme for their November anthology call: Automatons and Airships (the following is taken from the webpage):

White Cat Publications, LLC. is pleased to present the submission guidelines for its first anthology, Airships & Automatons, edited by Charles P. Zaglanis.

Pay: .05 per word first publication/ .01 per word reprint plus a contributor copy of the book. If translations are made, writers will be paid .01 per word and 1 copy for each version.

Format: Trade paperback and eBook.

Deadline: Until filled.

Word count: 5,000 words preferably.

Setting: We seek steampunk stories featuring strong characters, exciting plotlines, and automatons and/or airships. We don't want the latter to be mentioned in passing; they should be central to the plot. We aren't shooting for any particular mood with this book. Dystopian, humorous, pulp, Lovecraftian, upbeat or dark— all have a place here. Please don't feel constrained to write in a Victorian setting.  It's steampunk, push the boundaries. We're looking for that certain flavor of writing that's hard to explain, but obvious when it's present.  Like most markets, we aren't interested in erotica or unnecessary gore (I know, I know. I said push the boundaries, but I'm not cutting the checks).

Submit stories in standard manuscript format to No snail-mail. No multiple submissions. Word or .rtf only, no .pdf, .wp, etc. Feel free to send another story after rejection. Please type A&A/Your Name in the subject line. I get a lot of email and this will help me keep track.

Best of luck and we'll see you in the aether,

Chuck Zaglanis


White Cat Publications, LLC
If you can't fix it with a hammer, it's an electrical problem.

Michael Farley

A few more calls for short stories for you all, with links to the publishers' websites:

Real Girls Don't Rust

  • Publisher: Pugalicious Press
  • Description: Young adult steampunk
  • Wordcount: 5,500 - 7,500 words
  • Deadline: 1 September 2012

Bellows of the Bone Box

  • Publisher: Sirens Call Publications
  • Description: Steampunk horror
  • Wordcount: > 4,000 words
  • Deadline: 17 September 2012

New Orleans by Gaslight

  • Publisher: Edited by Brandon Black
  • Description: Steampunk poetry and fiction set in a alternate Victorian-era New Orleans
  • Wordcount: None
  • Deadline: 31st October 2012

Penny Dread Tales - Vol. Three

  • Publisher: RuneWright
  • Description: General steampunk
  • Wordcount: 2,000 - 11,500 words
  • Deadline: 30th November 2012

Rose Streiffe

Das Krakenhaus Publishing is accepting submissions for short stories in the Steampunk and Scientific Romanticism genres.

Authors whose works are chosen will be paid for their stories and will retain all rights to them.  They will also be given the opportunity to buy books at a percentage above print cost and sell said books themselves, so long as it is in agreement with the non-compete clause of the contract (in other words, said author cannot set up to sell at a convention where Das Krakenhaus will be selling the same book.) 

We are a very small but author-friendly imprint seeking independent and first-time authors.  Submissions guidelines can be found below:!untitled/sitepage_3

Feel free to contact us with any questions.  The deadline is open at this time, but we are looking at a spring/summer 2013 production date.



Thanks for all this great info, everyone. I better get flexing those typing fingers...

Fishbowl Helmet

Duotrope will be going subscription based at the start of the year. If you're not one of the subscribers, you have until Dec 21st to see the various magazines accepting steampunk shorts. Science Fiction > Steampunk lists 39 venues. Fantasy > Steampunk also lists 39 venues.

If you're a writer who's serious about publishing, you could do worse than support this great site. But, if you're a bit on the broke side, check 'em out now.


This looks really useful. A couple of years ago I heard of a word that changed everything for me. Suddenly I just had to say my writing was 'steampunk', rather than 'It's sort of set in the 19th century-ish, but they have some modern technology and stuff, so it's like an alternative world and really it's all a bit confusing and you probably shouldn't read it and I'll just go burn the original copy now. Sorry to bother you. Bye.'

But now that I know, I have new hope.

Does anyone know of any current opportunities?
"Let us return to the past; it will be progress." ~ Giuseppe Verdi


Water Closet Press is taking open (unpaid) submissions for a Victorian adventure anthology set in the world of the UK small press hit Ladies & Gentlemen.

Full details at...

Scripts, artwork, prose, fan art... you want to do it, we want to print it!  Get in touch,

Deadline 1 October 2013.


Water Closet Press is taking open submissions for a Victorian adventure anthology set in the world of the UK small press hit comic, Ladies & Gentlemen.

Full details at...

Scripts, artwork, prose, fan art... you want to do it, we want to print it!  Send us an email at if you are interested.

Deadline 1 October 2013.

Michael Farley

Here are a few more open and ongoing calls for submissions:


  • Publisher: E-Fiction Publishing
  • Description: Monthly online fiction magazine
  • Wordcount: 7,500 words for short stories, no wordcount for non-fiction
  • Deadline: Monthly

Steampunk Magazine

  • Publisher: Combustion Books
  • Description: "SteamPunk Magazine is a print-and-web periodical devoted to the genre and burgeoning subculture of steampunk".
  • Wordcount: 6,000 words for short stories, no wordcount for non-fiction etc
  • Deadline: Unknown

The Clockwork of Crime

  • Publisher: Glass Page Books
  • Description: "Collection of crime/mystery stories set in a steampunk setting".
  • Wordcount: 3,000 - 10,000 words
  • Deadline: 1st April 2013

Airship Kids

  • Publisher: Glass Page Books
  • Description: "Collection of Steampunk Bedtime Stories written for young and middle-grade children.  Some, if not all stories will be illlustrated.  As the name of the anthology suggests, all of the stories should feature a child or young adult living in an airship in some form or fashion".
  • Wordcount: 1,000 - 3,000 words
  • Deadline: 1st April 2013

Capes and Clockwork: Superheroes in the Age of Steam

  • Publisher: Dark Oak Publishing
  • Description: "New steampunk superhero story anthology"
  • Wordcount: 3,000 - 9,000 words
  • Deadline: 15th June 2013

Family Von DonderPans

Hello Peoples.
I thought I would raise your awareness to a potential market for your stories - no word limit. It is not limited to steampunk, but accepts all genres. It pays royalties.

They've just accepted one of mine - non steampunk. I remembered this thread and thought I would share!
Submission Page for is here :

I hope it helps someone!

Eponymous Laugh, Esq.

Hello, forum.

An addition to your submission options: Musa Publishing is in the process of setting up a Steampunk shared world project under the umbrella title The Darkside Codex. They are inviting proposals for novella-to-novel length stories (35-100,000 words, I think), with the first book slated for November 2013. Some basic info is available on the project's website (, but a full world bible is also available on request.


Hi all,  I have just created a publishing company called Living world books ( it's still currently a work in process but basically I have created three worlds, one of which is a Steampunk world, and created a rough timeline for the world.  Now i'm looking for writers to create short stories, novellas or novels set in these worlds and I will then publish them as an e-book.  The joy of it is you can write a short story using the basic timeline as a guide or you can create a world altering event which will be added to the timeline and other authors can write about it.  The seed of the world is mine but the tree which it will grow into is every ones.  Please browse the site and get in touch.
Many thanks

Witty Bard

Hello All!

Due to an unforeseen circumstance, we are no longer involved with Witty Bard Publishing.  With this in mind, please direct any questions/comments to the now owner of the company on their website.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


Hey guys, I've just finished two 50k+ word novels, working on a third, fourth and fifth, and a ton of short stories in between, all set in the same world. It's steampunk fantasy with a tiny bit of scifi sprinkled in.

Would anyone know of anyplace I could publish them? That would accept them?


Quote from: Luy22 on June 20, 2014, 03:18:36 AM
Would anyone know of anyplace I could publish them? That would accept them?

You can self publish on Amazon for Kindle distribution, but if you want to go the trad route, then get yourself a copy of Writers and Artists yearbook and look up publishers in there (they will list their criteria for application and which genres they publish), or the alternative route is to get an agent, also in the yearbook again with criteria, rates and genres.

Don't waste your time with blind application, publishers and agents get barrel-loads of those and only the time to open let alone read a small percentage.

The first option is the easiest, Amazon take a 30% cut and as an unknown author you'll obviously have to price accordingly but people have done very well out of that and some have even gone on to be published in the trad style.
We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.
H.P. Lovecraft
"The Call of Cthulhu"


Quote from: Heckler on June 20, 2014, 09:13:41 AM
Quote from: Luy22 on June 20, 2014, 03:18:36 AM
Would anyone know of anyplace I could publish them? That would accept them?

You can self publish on Amazon for Kindle distribution, but if you want to go the trad route, then get yourself a copy of Writers and Artists yearbook and look up publishers in there (they will list their criteria for application and which genres they publish), or the alternative route is to get an agent, also in the yearbook again with criteria, rates and genres.

Don't waste your time with blind application, publishers and agents get barrel-loads of those and only the time to open let alone read a small percentage.

The first option is the easiest, Amazon take a 30% cut and as an unknown author you'll obviously have to price accordingly but people have done very well out of that and some have even gone on to be published in the trad style.

I have thought of self publishing on Amazon, but I can't figure out exactly what to do or how it works. Especially with cover art and the like. I didn't know some people went on to being trad published, that's cool.

I'll look into the yearbook, too.

Kitten von Mew

Does anyone know any trustworthy publishers for books aimed in the above category? A lot of the ones I have checked up from your postings are based on adult literature.

My book is 28-30k words and illustrated, so looking for a publisher who is interested in Steampunk! Your help would be appreciated!


You could submit to JLB Creatives Publishing. They publish children's books, middle age, adult books fiction and non-fiction. You can find them at
"You don't have to be a fantastic hero to do certain things – to compete. You can be just an ordinary chap, sufficiently motivated."
                                                                        Edmund Hillary