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Master Corsetry Thread (Post A Review!)

Started by Flynn MacCallister, July 26, 2010, 06:35:51 AM

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Thank you very much Lyca! Your post was really helpful and instructive, I really hope to be able to fix up my corsets soon.
~ Steampunk Is For Life, Not Just For Cosplay ~

Angelica Needle

I really should come back into this thread & give a huge heads up for folk in the Coventry-Midlands area.

After much time trying to get an elegant overbust corset to fit in such a way that I felt comfortable & not too exposed, I discovered a corsetiere close by. It's a fantastic story - she was working out of her home, and then she won her shop in Coventry in a competition to revitalise the area!
My corset got it's debut at New Year, & I had many compliments. It was also incredibly comfortable. I might have preferred just a touch more pull in at the waist, but on the other hand, I could eat my dinner with all my usual gusto ;D I'd post some pics, but there weren't any posed ones, so my double chin makes too many appearances ... ;) When I get a formal one, I'll post it ;)

All of Gillian's corsets are handmade, but they can be bought off-the-shelf or made bespoke (she takes many many measurements, so it's a perfect fit!). They're not cheap by any stretch of the imagination (it was my birthday & Christmas present from Rob!), but you really do get what you pay for.

She's also trying to organise various corset-related evenings for 'the girls':

She hadn't heard of steampunk until we went in, she's very interested now :) She already does a corset in brown camo - she made the original for a Help the Heroes raffle, & it was very popular!

It's very true that an underbust can be bought off the shelf, but the overbust really has to be right. I love my Harlots & Angels steampunk corset, which comes in considerably cheaper (also with great service), but this one is perfect for the special occasions.... just hoping there'll be more special occasions so I can get a wardrobe-full  ;D

The sound of the gentle rattle of china cup on china saucer drives away all demons, a little-known fact.
Terry Pratchett, Snuff


Quick question, ladies. My TT underbust fits wonderfully and I love it to death, but I'm having a bit of a troubled time with the bosom department. I'm not a little girl to begin with, but I feel like I'm parading about like Dolly Parton whilst wearing the corset. Any way I make it feel a bit less like that? :/ I suppose it's passable when I'm not wearing a revealing bodice/top, but it's still not the most comfortable feeling, y'know? But if anyone's found a solution to this frustrating conundrum, it'd be helpful.

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Angelica Needle

I know exactly what you mean! The only thing I've found is to just adjust the underbust a touch lower. But I still end up feeling like I could balance a couple of pints on there! Have you tried different bras? Although the only bra I have that works without clashing underwires is a bit of a shelf-balconette anyway.
The sound of the gentle rattle of china cup on china saucer drives away all demons, a little-known fact.
Terry Pratchett, Snuff


I've tried a few, yes. The best two so far were actually a strapless, almost balconet, but it still had the "jiggle factor" to kill it because it's essentially for low-cut dresses. The other was a full coverage, and I might end up going with that. It just pushes up so much no matter what. And I don't any non-underwires, either. I guess I can try settling the corset lower, but I've got a high waist so I suppose we'll see what I can do. I'm a little more worried about looking like a harlot when I wear a square cut bodice or even a high necked bodice because of the silhouette, right now. But you never know. Maybe if I position it lower, it'll help it get laced tighter ... Well, it's worth the shot, I'm sure. If any other easier solutions come by, I'll be interested.
Y'know, I always did wonder why on corset websites, all the models were very small chested. I guess I figured that out the hard way, huh? :P

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Hello, I'm hoping that this is question is all right for the thread....
So I'm looking to buy an underbust corset, but one that is cut straight across the top (to wear over a blouse) instead of the usual sort that I've found at the Steampunk Emporium, etc. 
Where could I find something like that which wouldn't damage my wallet too badly?  ;)  (Although I am a small-chested girl; which of the two styles would be more flattering?)
"Life is infinitely stranger than anything which the mind of man could invent."

Sum in Ona

I am not that huge thank god.. but with underbust I feel kind of like an opera lady:P.. it makes them look HUGE
so  alegrah I suggest you do not wear a bra beneath it but a firm shirt of some kind.. (you know.. underwear shirt.. mostly to cover it so it doesn't go somewhere seen..)
and the pul the corset tight but not to tight so you wont squeeze them up
If you've got the right size you should be able to get your ahum
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under your corset if you succeed it should not seem to bar maid ish.. and just plainly decent
(helped my mom with finding a corset once.. same problem.. at first)

lady brooklyn.. I thought the same at first.. but if it doesn't damage your wallet you'll get a very painful experience
I have one (authentic) corset from england cost me more than €100 I must admit but wearing it is just enormously nice no pain or discomfort at all
however the other one I aquired for less than half of the price.. literally got me bleeding all over the place.
the thing you will have to check is the bones are not made of plastic and if they are.. make sure they are of good quality
my more expensive one has steel bones.. the other one mere plastic..
so I am guessing you will have to invest something..
though underbust is not as pricy as the other option it is up to you how you want to look =)
Now I am dreaming
I must
for reality be
no threat


Lady B., I can suggest that Timeless Trends has some with straight-cut top but of course it depends on what you think is breaking your wallet. The corsets are $99, but absolutely worth it. I made the mistake of buying a cheap one, thinking it wouldn't really make much of a difference and I had to sew the whole thing back together. :/

Sum, that's an idea, but I don't think I'd ever be able to go into public without feeling mortified. x.x I'm thinking about maybe getting a decent sports bra that has support and such but doesn't make me look horrid. The thing that stinks is it works with my silhouette (the opera lady feeling, that is), since I'm a fairly curvy girl. I do have this one that seems to at least hold it in, so I might use that for now. It's the crazily uncomfortable barmaid cleavage that makes it yuck. But I think I've got a handle on it, so we'll see! Thanks, though. :]

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Angelica Needle

I looked at one of my sports bras yesterday & wondered if it would work with an underbust (it's the only unwired bra I own), but I think it would have the same problem as wearing no bra at all - it makes them splay sideways (what a wonderful image!). The underwires hold your boobs forward... maybe an underwired sports bra, or a pointy-shaped one, like the Shock Absorber or Freya ones? ( FYJ3/4 or BE59... I own BE53 for sports)

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Sum - getting one's nipples under the underbust???? That idea makes me *eek*. That's about 4" out & up from where the underbust should sit! Ouch!
The sound of the gentle rattle of china cup on china saucer drives away all demons, a little-known fact.
Terry Pratchett, Snuff


I'm actually looking for an underwires one just because no underwires feels unnatural to me. I know danskin has a few. And yes! I hate that sideways thing. One of the problems with the shirt.

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Quote from: Sum in Ona on January 17, 2011, 10:20:06 PM
lady brooklyn.. I thought the same at first.. but if it doesn't damage your wallet you'll get a very painful experience

Quote from: AlegrahEredschtadt on January 18, 2011, 02:32:02 AM
Lady B., I can suggest that Timeless Trends has some with straight-cut top but of course it depends on what you think is breaking your wallet. The corsets are $99, but absolutely worth it. I made the mistake of buying a cheap one, thinking it wouldn't really make much of a difference and I had to sew the whole thing back together. :/

Well, I believe I must take the plunge and spend a bit more than desired.  And, as you ladies have said, the effect will be worth it (both in how I look and how I feel.   :D ).
Would wearing a corset over a blouse look too risque`?  I've seen it done often, but I suppose it depends on the blouse cut, the corset shape, etc...?  (I'm just having trouble imagining this on myself, so bear with me.   ::) )
"Life is infinitely stranger than anything which the mind of man could invent."

Sum in Ona

if you already have the blouse.. just wear it whilst shopping for a corset
or if you want to order one per internet..
go to the nearest corset selling point and try it one with your blouse...
also to get the right size..
I bought a wrong size once.. luckily I still had the recite

Now I am dreaming
I must
for reality be
no threat

Ms Fisher

Quote from: RoseOak on December 06, 2010, 09:46:02 PM
Has anyone made the TV 492 in leather or suede? I've made a couple of them in fabric but I'd like something I can wear 'roughing it' so to speak.  Just general advice would be lovely.

Rose, this is exactly the project I had planned next. I was hoping it wouldn't be to hard as the top layer of the corset is a "fashion fabric" pattern. I have some very thin brown leather form an old coat I found, which makes the material cost far less scary. If you haven't had a go yet i'm happy to let you know how mine goes, I should know after sunday. If you have already had a go did it work out?
Also, if you've used this pattern before I have a quick question for you as well. The pattern suggests a natural waist measurment Did you do that? I was wondering about adding a modesty pannel and taking about four inches off the waist, any thoughts?

Thank you


I have a question- Other than busks in the front, what other ways can a corset be closed in front? I just don't have the money to buy more busks at the moment... On the other hand I have plenty of grommets to work with..
Please take a look at my website, see what I create...


I know there are corsets that lace front and back for easier self wear...

Read the musings of a mentally unstable traveler:

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Lacing front and back would be doable... I have plenty of grommets for that sort of thing.. I was thinking that or just have the lacing up the back.
Please take a look at my website, see what I create...

Ms Fisher

If you were gonna do lacing front and back I might not be to ambitious with how small you want the waist to get. And wether or not you lace the front i'd pop a couple of bones in to help it keep the shape when being worn.


I've also seen ones that laced only in the front. Was a different concept but still looked nice. I believe the first example I saw was made and worn by Emilie Autumn.

Read the musings of a mentally unstable traveler:

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I dare mention my bloomers in public.

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I'm probably going to do a mock up before starting in on the real thing...
Please take a look at my website, see what I create...


Always best! But now that I think of it, the front lacing version actually sounds better, at least in my opinion. You could just put the boning in the back a bit closer together for the back straightening, and it would be easier to lace. But of course it's up to you. :]

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I dare mention my bloomers in public.

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lady joanna

Lady B, I regularly where my underbust day to day with all sorts of different outfits. However, it doesn't sit high under the bust. I guess you'd call it more of a waist cincher, as it doesn't have a busk either, so very comfortable to wear. It's also reversible with a patterned silk on oneside and plain black coutil on the other.

Here's a picture of me wearing at his Lordship's Christmas do.

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Here's a better pic showing the patterned side

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I didn't make the corset, but I did spend hours applying crystal to it.

Maybe not steampunk but I do rather like it.

Ms Fisher

Here's the leather corslett from the truly victorian pattern. Its pretty much finished off, I treated the leather as the cover fabric for the pattern and it seems to have worked out okay. It's pretty heavy, so if I were doing it agian I might make channels for the bones rather than sandwitching them between the two layers of lining (btw, first picture post, please bear with!);


Back (need to finish off my fastening, i think i'm going to add lacing underneath)

And, if you've got a whole leather jacket to cut up, why stop at a corslett?


Quote from: Ms Fisher on January 24, 2011, 12:13:52 AM
Here's the leather corslett from the truly victorian pattern. Its pretty much finished off, I treated the leather as the cover fabric for the pattern and it seems to have worked out okay. It's pretty heavy, so if I were doing it agian I might make channels for the bones rather than sandwitching them between the two layers of lining (btw, first picture post, please bear with!) Change of plan,
Links (if anyone would like to tell me how on earth I put pictures in posts. it would be appreciated);

Unfortunately, none of the pictures are visible... ;_;
"PLC, and reach for the stars." - F. "Bucky" Laughlin

Ms Fisher

thanks for that lizersparkes, managed to work out the picture thing eventually!