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Bell Aerospace Rocket Belts - FAO RokkitGurl!

Started by TheRedMax, August 03, 2007, 12:52:37 AM

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Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen of the Brass Goggles Community.

Might I apologize in advance if this was already common knowledge, or perhaps had already been posted within the confines of the forum.

The name of fellow punker RokkitGurl intrigued me to do a little looking-around upon the subject of Rocket Packs (Rocketeer Style)

I was rather impressed to discover that they exist!!

This here is the Bell Aerospace Rocket Belt, as built by Wendell F Moore (An inventors name if ever I heard one!)

If you still don't believe it - then have a look at this rather impressive clip of them working!

(Yes I know its not particularly steampunk - but I think its amazing that something so scientific has happened without me hearing about it before!!)

"The trouble with these international affairs is they attract foreigners." (Member #77 and fiercely proud of it!)


I remember seeing one of those at the Expo '67 Worlds Fair in Montreal.. was very cool, waaay back then..
You never know what lonesome is , 'til you get to herdin' cows.

Professor Lidenbrock

This is the make & model used in "Thunderball".
It's maximum altitude,speed & range were all used in the film.
Still an attractive design though.
"Through the ruins of a city stalked the ruin of a man."


"I should probably finish one project before taking on another, but the badger won't fit in the freezer." -Steamblast Mary


I thread in my name. Oh Sir, I am flattered! Thank you! Oh,and the rocket pack rocks! Now I just need one of my own...
SCHLAMPE! ... Ich liebe dich!


Jeremiah Cornelius Harlock
At Your Service

"It's so hard to know if you're bound for a fall,
But better to have tripped than never danced at all."
"Dancing Under The Rose" - The Albion Band.