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Steampunk desktop themes: your screenshots

Started by Stefan Freestate, August 17, 2007, 02:41:47 PM

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Whats your desktop like?

84 (55.6%)
67 (44.4%)

Total Members Voted: 148


No need cousin, I have all the bits already, I made most of it remember! I'll just arrange it in your manner and then see what comes out.
Steampunk Widgets and Icons of Some Worldwide Repute


Here is a screenshot of my newest theme I am working on.


Very nice, very grungy, please post details as to the resources you have used.

Here is one posted to me by a customiser:

Windows 7 with my steampunk widgets and icons, don't know where the left-hand wallpaper came from. The one on the right is my own. Mostly my steampunk icons and a few from standard stock.
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And another, this time, Ubuntu 14.04.

KDE plasmoid orrery, standard icons, same wallpaper.
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Quote from: nofx1994 on May 26, 2015, 11:10:55 PM
Here is a screenshot of my newest theme I am working on.

1. Windows 7 theme I am currently working on.
2. i3 Rainmeter base which I reskined to work with me theme.
3. Rock Dock that I made to go along with this theme.
4. British Icon set for the moment
5. Wallpaper I made to go along with this theme.

I have used bits and pieces of a few stock images found on deviant art.

von Corax

By the power of caffeine do I set my mind in motion
By the Beans of Life do my thoughts acquire speed
My hands acquire a shaking
The shaking becomes a warning
By the power of caffeine do I set my mind in motion
The Leverkusen Institute of Paleocybernetics is 5842 km from Reading


Von Corax - the orrery on that desktop is the KDE plasmoid - that can be found here:

This is it running under Kubuntu.
Steampunk Widgets and Icons of Some Worldwide Repute


Here is an update of the aimp skin i have been working on.


That is gorgeous - I can see my valves in there - don't forget to credit me :)
Steampunk Widgets and Icons of Some Worldwide Repute


New trial design for a widget for the windows desktop.

One of a series of gauges based upon the same style.
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Steampunk File Manager Widget

This is the first cut of a trial yahoo widget that will act as a Steampunk File Manager. The above is a smaller image of the widget, I'll add a better image of the widget as soon as I can.

This is a Yahoo/Konfabulator Widget for Windows and Mac OS/x. Works on Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 and 10, developed on Windows 10. It runs on your standard windows 10 desktop. It is written in javascript and XML and uses PNG images in layers to create a functioning file manager.

You'll need to install the widget engine first to run this widget. Get it here:

You can download it here:

It really does work, the download is a real working widget.  However, don't expect it to do much at the moment, it is under development and is only partially complete - at the moment it just demonstrates the concept. You click on the drawers, each opens to reveal a document that will, in the final version, show the folder contents. The gauge will show drive utilisation and the bulbs will select a particular drive. At least that is the idea. All the elements of the widget animate or appear to do something, all that is needed is to devise the file manager/file explorer logic. It will be limited in functionality probably being just a front end to some sort of native file manager.

The initial development has been done using Photoshop and utilising Javascript logic. When the functionality is complete I will convert it to the Xwidget engine.

I will update this Yahoo/Konfabulator widget as it progresses and let you know here when I make any changes to operation.

Hope you enjoy this widget - please leave a comment as it makes me very happy when you do so.
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A great steampunk desktop wallpaper can be found here:

It isn't one I created, it is rather good though.

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Can anyone please test the steampunk resource monitor for me on a Windows 10 system?

The widget is here:

This Widget does NOT run on my version of Windows 10. I think that this is because Microsoft has not yet created the necessary WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) classes on Windows 10 to allow the extraction of individual cpu information. I am hacking together a fix to remove this functionality from the widget temporarily until MS gets its act together and creates the missing classes. Sometimes Microsoft delivers sub-standard products and it shows...

What does it do to my widget? Well the bottom large gauges will not receive the WMI information they need to show CPU usage for each CPU on a dual/tri/quad core system and the widget will hang then need to be closed and deleted. ALL my other widgets work successfully, just this one widget is having problems since the upgrade to Windows 10.

BUT - Just in case it is not Microdolt's fault but a fault in my own Windows installation I need someone else to test - please!

My system is 64bit Windows 10 Home Edition, if you have the same or any other version of Windows 10 - please test and let me know the results and the version of Windows 10 that you are running (32/64bit, Home, Pro &c). Need to know whether the fault is just me or integral to Windows 10. Please HELP!

FIXED - Windows 10 is a bit crap!

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A Trial skin for a Media Player

All criticism welcome.

Working on the design, creating the various layers, adding components as required. Just an idea at the moment.

Just using some existing components to imagine what a steampunk media player might be like.

The concept player will have minimal mode where just the old volume slider is shown. The play list will drop down on demand as will the track position slider.

My old volume slider would control the application volume. A duplicate at the bottom might indicate the track position and act as a a slider to control which part of the track to play. The "ring" button on the top slider would mute the sound, the "ring" button on the bottom slider would pause the play.

The red buttons would have their motifs changed to reflect their functions, previous track, next, random play and loop. The Nixie tube indicates the current track and the play list shows the track listings just as you would expect.  There are a couple of of toggle sliders that could also act as controls for the same functions.

The clock could be a timer showing accurate track position.

You may use any of my images in your own creations but commercially only with my permission. In all cases I require a credit to the original artist using my name or pseudonym and a link to my own site.

Hope you like this, please leave a positive comment and any suggestions that you might have. I will probably create a Yahoo widget from the finished design but I'd not be averse to allowing others to create a media player based upon my ideas for any combination of engine or o/s.

If you feel the need to customise then contact me, I'd be happy to provide the skin design in layered form for you to play with.
Steampunk Widgets and Icons of Some Worldwide Repute


Quote from: Cousin Itt on March 07, 2015, 12:23:51 AM

My latest screenshot.

Cousin Itt - all your screenshots have gone, try to load using tinypics or similar.
Steampunk Widgets and Icons of Some Worldwide Repute


Quote from: yereverluvinunclebert on October 30, 2015, 01:41:29 AM

That looks great so far and may I say what a spendid idea, a bespoke Steampunk media skin, still using Constantine on XP. Could I just ask if once completed it would be compatable with windows media player or will I have to download and install another, independant player? I like and try to keep my OS lean and clean.


The skin is just an idea at the moment - when completed I will make it available to anyone that wants to use it so they can adapt it to any media player they wish to do so.

Personally, I will probably create a Konfabulator widget from the skin as it is very easy for me to do so. Only needs the Konfabulator .js runtime engine to function which does not get in the way of windows nor uses much in the way of resources. Then I might create an Xwidget for the Xwidget engine.

If anyone wants to use it to skin any other media player then they are welcome to do so.
Steampunk Widgets and Icons of Some Worldwide Repute


This could be a cracker, hope you do develop it to a working skin . Waiting with baited breath. Keep up the outstanding work sir!


Sevenes - Just re-reading your post. If I create it as a Konfabulator widget it will just work, no need for any other media player. It won't have really fancy functions such as an equaliser &c but it will work, be a useful and resizable tool that won't get in the way of any programs as it sits on desktop underneath all your Windows - if that is how you choose to run it.

A few changes.
Steampunk Widgets and Icons of Some Worldwide Repute

Cousin Itt

Quote from: yereverluvinunclebert on October 30, 2015, 01:54:37 AM
Quote from: Cousin Itt on March 07, 2015, 12:23:51 AM

My latest screenshot.

Cousin Itt - all your screenshots have gone, try to load using tinypics or similar.


They're now fixed.  ;)

It looks like some of yours are missing though.

Cousin Itt

Cousin Itt


This was my desktop for a while on one of my systems:

Not so much a wallpaper but merely a background for one of my drawings. It looked good though on one of those image frames and on a trial linux laptop.

You can see it here in full size:
Steampunk Widgets and Icons of Some Worldwide Repute


New XWidget version of the Steampunk Volume widget that you could certainly use on your desktop. It is a lovely piece of eye-candy as well as being useful on your desktop.

** NEW VERSION 1.0.3 **

Added code to allow the widget to be locked by clicking on the left stanchion. The direction of the mousewheel can now be defined. Also, licence code has been added accessed via menu. This brings the functionality into line with the old Konfabulator widget of the same name. The good thing is that this widget will run on Windows Vista/7/8 and 10.

You can get it here:
Steampunk Widgets and Icons of Some Worldwide Repute


gereric background that changes every so often and little mascot are everything that's interesting aabout my screen
Passion is like a Peatfire


I have the same background on one of my lappies but the icons need a lot more themeing before that desktop can be considered Steampunk!
Steampunk Widgets and Icons of Some Worldwide Repute