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Steampunk desktop themes: your screenshots

Started by Stefan Freestate, August 17, 2007, 02:41:47 PM

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Whats your desktop like?

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Total Members Voted: 147


Just created a battery gauge for your Windows desktop only at the moment, dieselpunk in nature:

Not yet on github, will be soon.
Steampunk Widgets and Icons of Some Worldwide Repute


Working on the VB6 version of the temperature gauges. Implementing the gauges separately as individual gauges rather than the combined gauges as before in the Konfabulator versions.

They will each be able to search for the weather data but will communicate with each other to prevent multiple 'gets' of the same data swamping the source with large numbers of requests. I know this shows just the temperature but behind the scenes this is a VERY complicated widget requiring a lot of weather-related calculations for determining sunrise /sunset using longitude/time &c &c that will feed the other five gauge elements that make up this widget. Strangely, I am enjoying the maths!

Not ready for download. It'll be a while, quite a few beers will be drunk before this will be completed.  At the moment I am ensuring these widgets work and operate on my desktop alone. When I am happy with all of them I will release.

For the moment if you really need them you can get the old Konfabulator version here:

Steampunk Widgets and Icons of Some Worldwide Repute


Oh Uncle-Bert you work looks wonderful, keep it going!  ;)


Thankyou, that is so kind. I am slow but sure, making progress. Moving house at the moment but hope to start developing again shortly.
Steampunk Widgets and Icons of Some Worldwide Repute


My weather widget has stopped working, I get a spinning wirlygig then it just craps out, nothing. Running Yahoo Widgets. Any suggestions? Thanks.


Yes, which one are you using? The dieselpunk weather widget or the combined steampunk one? I have a fix for you.
Steampunk Widgets and Icons of Some Worldwide Repute


The Panzer version and glorious it is sir.
It used to connect to Southampton airport but now hangs.
Cheers for any help to make it work again.


Do you run it in .widget form or unzipped as separate and distinct files?

The .widget is merely a zip file with files within.

Go here:,
Download all the files in the contents folder and the folder itself, place them somewhere sensible, in something like a "Panzer weather widget" folder.

Have YWE running, double click on the .kon file.

If you want the .widget flatfile version then Deviantart, as posted above, in earlier post will have the .widget zipped version ready for download.

The bug came about as the Aviation weather website changed its supplied data format. The new version of the widget should handle it. Try it and see. I am building the VB6 replacement, it will come in time.

VB6 single gauge version bottom left.

Steampunk Widgets and Icons of Some Worldwide Repute


Thanks for your efforts but you lost me in the first sentence, far too technical for the likes of me.

Will have to wait and see what else you come up in the future.

Oh well, shame, I kinda liked it.


Gosh, I thought that was the easy advice... it is so very easy. Just re-read the whole thing above but this time relax whilst doing so, or read the summary below.

Keep Calm and Carry On!

To summarise:
1. You can get the updated .widget from DA if that is what you downloaded before. Only you know that. Download it and double click on it, if the widget engine is running, it will open the new updated widget.

2. If you have the unzipped widget, and I was assuming that you, like many before you, may well have opened up the widget by unzipping it, then all you need to do is re-download the components from github. I think you can safely ignore this latter advice but it might be needed by someone else... so we will leave it here.

You - do number one.

Steampunk Widgets and Icons of Some Worldwide Repute


I must admit to having an extremely short attention span when it comes to computers and anything involved but is it just or me or........ I just can't for the life of me see a download button on either Deviant art or Github.

What am I missing here?

Thanks for your patience with a not so technically enabled individual  ::)


I haven't used DA for a while as a user, the B@st@rds removed the download button unless you mark each item as "Download for Free" - now done.

There is a little download icon just below the image and above the title. You may need to be logged into DA in order to see it, I am unsure, as I said, I don't use it often these days.

Don't worry about not being tech savvy, though it does help these days to be more savvy, tech is here and it's coming faster!
Steampunk Widgets and Icons of Some Worldwide Repute


RESULT! thanks so much you absolute beauty.

Downloaded from DA and it works again.

I am trying to get more tech savvy, but honestly the majority like social media bores me to death.

Many thanks again for your patience and eforts, very much appreciated!


The original widgets were written in javascript. They are packaged as a .widget which is just a zip file renamed.

You can unzip the contents to a folder and see the result. Just text files and images that can be edited with whichever editor you choose. You can see the individual images that comprise the widget and you could change things if you wanted.

The code in these widget being javascript is learnable but not simple but you'd get the idea if you cared to take a look. That is the beauty of FOSS code. It is all available. There was a time when I knew nothing about widget programming in .js but now I am competent.

VB6 is another matter, I am also competent but it is really rather a lot harder. I wouldn't go there...
Now, in return, please upload and link pictures of your desktop!

Steampunk Widgets and Icons of Some Worldwide Repute


This is an update on the Panzer (dieselpunk) gauges for Windows desktop. Nearing some sort of completion. I have added basic animation to the pointers of each gauge so it now sweeps across the face. Final task is multi-monitor support, I have to check that operates as it should. Then I need to build installers for each gauge and check the help files are accurate for each. Crikey - almost done for the first suite of gauges.

These new gauges are 32bit VB6 binaries, ie. Windows programs written in VisualBasic rather than javascript logic/graphic bundles that ran inside the Konfabulator engine (as the old Yahoo widget gauges used to be).

When each is complete and ready to test, I will post an update here.

In six months or so, I may upgrade them to 64bit operation using TwinBasic. I need to finish a tranche or two of these gauges first.
Steampunk Widgets and Icons of Some Worldwide Repute



I have just moved into a new home and so my work rate in code has drastically reduced. Despite this I am managing to do a little every day.

My weather gauges are moving ahead, the single master gauge receives and calculates the weather more or less properly. Displaying via an analogue pointer, the temperature. A balloon tooltip displays a summary on mouseOver. It is starting to look useful and be an improvement over the old Yahoo/Konfabulator widgets with the same functionality.
Steampunk Widgets and Icons of Some Worldwide Repute


The VB6/TwinBasic 64 weather widget continues...

One gauge operates perfectly and the airport selector tool is now being coded. Just getting the thing to appear was a trial in itself but I feel that I now know what I am doing... The underlying code for searching and selecting the airports data file is already coded, I just need to migrate it to the new form.
Steampunk Widgets and Icons of Some Worldwide Repute


This shows my VB6/RC6 Panzer Storage desktop widget doing its stuff. Hoping the animation shows.

Finishing them off.
Steampunk Widgets and Icons of Some Worldwide Repute


The VB6 version of my Windows weather widget is continuing apace. Just added the barometer gauge and now about to convert the pictorial weather gauge (centre right).

A fair bit of work to do to complete. You only find out you've done it wrong just when you are arriving at the end. So, a bit of re-work and I will be in a a position to release it.

It will replace the Yahoo widget version.
Steampunk Widgets and Icons of Some Worldwide Repute


My weather widget is undergoing refactoring the code. Boring.

To pick me up I am completing the conversion of my old dieselpunk volume control to VB6 It also has a steampunk skin which I will show later.

Steampunk Widgets and Icons of Some Worldwide Repute


Just created some new gauges, pagefile and virtual memory. These are replicas of the old yahoo/Xwidgets that run on Windows. These are now discrete binaries that no longer need an engine. Will be finished this year! They work already but need to be tested on everything.

Steampunk Widgets and Icons of Some Worldwide Repute


I've started recreating my very first steampunk widget that I released for the Konfabulator/Yahoo widget engine about ten or more years ago.Recreating it in VB6 using the RC6 graphic framework. Still only for Windows.

As always with all my stuff, unfinished and unsupported until I release it. Nevertheless, working on my own desktop now. Currently, it has less than 50% of the functionality of the old one but I am adding it piece by piece every day.

It will be finished in a month or so. I'm just pleased to see it back again, alive and supportable, no need for an outdated engine underneath.

Steampunk Widgets and Icons of Some Worldwide Repute