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Alternate Reality/Other cultures

Started by Kyyp, March 05, 2007, 10:03:25 AM

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Unfortunately for us steam fans, only a few cultures were ever very heavy into steam technology (Europe / Early Americas).  Has anyone ever seen any examples of alternate realities or something where other cultures around the world have a steampunk theme?  It would be interesting to see what Asian or Middle Eastern steampunk would look like.  I've been unable to locate anything like that though.
I'm talkin' period appropriate steampunk.  If China had actually had a mostly steam-powered industrial revolution during the 1800s.  Not the "A company in Japan made a game recently about steampunk" type that is filled with modern themes.

OHebel Wring

Good question, I know that the rails hit the east, but only as a result of west bringing it to them.

as kind of portrayed in the Tom Crewzy "Last Samuri"

I know of nothing on the fiction side of things, though.
"The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes. "
-Sherlock Holmes


I'm fairly sure Japan would have had some of this - as the Victorian era was when a flurry of interaction between those two empires (the Japanese kanji for England means centre of green kingdom, because that was what it was at the time).  The Victorians went bonkers for all things Japanese, and the Japanese were very interested in the culture and technology of the west, too.

There is also the fact that the steam engine was actually invented by the ancient Greeks (Hero), so although in reality the Hero Engine was seen as nothing more than a toy, the seeds were there for steam power.  (Not sure that'd be 'Steampunk' really though - generally the 19th Century runs as a fairly reliable constant).  You could also see about some of the interesting science-fiction coming out of India at the start of the 20th Century too - one author in particular (who's name escapes me) had an Indian mad scientist who experimented with going to the moon with his pets (and invented food pills for the pet).

Interstellar Machine

It was kinda out there, and not sure if it qualifies, but there was an episode of Talespin called "Last Horizons" where Baloo encountered an Asianesk cultures that had heat seeking rockets and baloons as battle platforms.


I have something in the pipeline with an alternative history of Japan with the injection of steam technology (think something like Lone Wold and Cub/Blade of the Immortal with big steam-powered machines). The script was accepted by a British small press comic 10 months ago and I'm now on something like my fourth artist. As well as the story itself, I've plotted out the whole broader world (and the full story arc) and it works really well. If things go well with the current artist I'm hoping it should be done in time for the next issue (May). If so I'm sure I'll circulate some sample pictures closer to the time.

Injecting steam power into  historical settings works really well:

1. It is always said the Romans were close to developing full blown steam-power. With trains (they loved their staright roads after all) to ferry troops to the frontier and keep expanding the Empire may have lasted longer.

2. Genghis Khan sweeping into eastern Europe on steam-powered mounts (the Copper Horde?).

3. Steam Crusades? The Islamic scientists were well ahead of Europe in the Middle Ages and with steam-power the advance north through Spain may never have stalled. El Cid with steam-powered advesaries.

Early or out of place development of steam technology would have certainly helped swing a few tipping points in world history in some new and interesting directions.

if I went 'round saying I was an Emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!

Steampunk Collective thread

OHebel Wring

if the vikings had steam, we would all be speaking very interesting dialects of icelandic.

if the egyptians had steam....

if an african tribe had steam....
"The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes. "
-Sherlock Holmes


If the Aztecs had steam they'd have given the Conquistadors a nasty suprise.

What if they'd traded some of that technology north to people like the Pueblo Indians? The Mound Builders?

if I went 'round saying I was an Emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!

Steampunk Collective thread


Makes me wish I were a halfway decent artist at times like these.
I think China and Rome would have had the most interesting steampunk.
China would have some awesome ornately decorated things while Rome would have the best looking steampunk war machines you could possibly imagine.

Josh of Vernian Process

Quote from: Interstellar Machine on March 05, 2007, 01:11:56 PM
It was kinda out there, and not sure if it qualifies, but there was an episode of Talespin called "Last Horizons" where Baloo encountered an Asianesk cultures that had heat seeking rockets and baloons as battle platforms.

That is one of my favorite episodes!!! Actually "The Old Man and the Seaduck" is my all time favorite. But that one was so cool too. Incidentally it got banned though!
Gilded Age Records is a collective of like minded Indie artists, all unified by a common 19th Century/Steampunk theme.
<A HREF=""><img src="">

OHebel Wring

i think a really interesting a.r. scenario would be considering the Chinese and the east to have focused on imperialism (rather than the Brits, Ports, Dutch, French, Spain, etc.)

pretty much everything would be different.

But this reminds me of the episode of Sliders where the Egyptian empire never fell....
"The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes. "
-Sherlock Holmes

Josh of Vernian Process

In the world of my game (which I've mentioned on a few other threads), the Japanese have a rather large military force, but are still rather isolated (though most of the outlying islands have been conquered). They still subscribe to feudalism, and the Meiji Restoration never ocured. Therefore Japan is made up of clans that fight amongst themselves in airships, and other tech that isn't quite as advanced as those of the other world powers. I haven't ironed out all the details to keep it from being immplausible, but that's the basic setting I have.

As for China, they have remained pretty neutral throughout the conflict, but are well prepared to defend against any potential invasions.
Gilded Age Records is a collective of like minded Indie artists, all unified by a common 19th Century/Steampunk theme.
<A HREF=""><img src="">


Someone else made a topic about this artist but his stuff fits perfectly with the kind of thing I was looking for with this topic.

Sir Andrew

A question that begs asking is what might the world be like if the Hindenberg had never crashed? Would airships still be used today?

In the same vein, what could have happened if the Victorians had delved into the realm of robotics? A interesting scene would be a black-and white film of a fully automated Ford assembly line.


"It's what a cove knows that counts, ain't it Sybil?  More than land or money, more than birth.  Information. Very flash." -Mick Radley

"Teaching boys to bake cakes? That's no way to maintain an industrial empire." --Fred Dibnah

Sir Andrew

Quote from: S.Sprocket on March 06, 2007, 12:00:54 AM
Quote from: Sir Andrew on March 05, 2007, 11:51:23 PM
A question that begs asking is what might the world be like if the Hindenberg had never crashed? Would airships still be used today?

I don't know whatever you mean sir, This fine ship will be comming out in a short while, and I plan to purchase a ticket.

Ha ;D
Oh, yeah, I meant would they have been continuously used to the present as a means of transportation, thru the 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's, etc.

mr gilbert flint

cant remember the author but the first family series of books is based around a post apocalyptic world and one of the major powers after is a chinese, japanese,korean amalgam.they will not use electricity but rely very heavily on steam and try to develope a glider that uses powder rockets .the american nation is split in two the ones lft outside become more like american indians .the ones underground become like techy big brothers but the leaders love steam trains.
I'M THE DANDY SKYWAY MAN(almost adam and the ants)
member of the P.I.R.A.T.E.S council