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The Fourth Doctor Who Thread - with a huge scarf

Started by elShoggotho, June 08, 2013, 05:46:12 PM

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never liked the old whos & especially despised K-9... the british "Twiki". no matter where the doctor went in time and space... he always wound up in a 20 foot by 20 foot room!

the "4th doctor" as you're calling him was the only one i ever saw until the reboots and still kind of think of him as "the original". there's a great biopic about the 1st dr called "an adventure in time and space"

personally, i only really got into the series with the new reboots and am a fan of the "underdog" goofy chris eccleston. david tennant is probably the most "dr dr" in the reboots and excellent too with every dr afterwards, until the sex change anyways... being worse than the one before. i couldn't stand either capaldi or his OBNOXIOUS "i'm the one in charge here" sidekick nardo. i like the new dr though. she has a sexy mouth, and just the right manner that she feels like she's related to #4.


The world faces a new challenge. What would the Doctor do?

On another note, what do people think of the costume for the Jo Martin Doctor? What do we call her? The Third Hidden Doctor since there were two children shown (I think)?

Sorontar, Captain of 'The Aethereal Dancer'
Advisor to HM Engineers on matters aethereal, aeronautic and cosmographic


The word pagan came from paganus , who mean peasant . Its was a way to significate than christianism was the religion of the elite and paganism the one of the savage worker class.

''Trickster shows us how we trick OURSELVES. Her rampant curiosity backfires, but, then, something NEW is discovered (though usually not what She expected)! This is where creativity comes from—experiment, do something different, maybe even something forbidden, and voila! A breakthrough occurs! Ha! Ha! We are released! The world is created anew! Do something backwards, break your own traditions, the barrier breaks; destroy the world as you know it, let the new in.''
Extract of the Dreamflesh article ''Path of The Sacred Clown''

walking stick

Just got the Radio Times for the week starting on the 5th of December. Revamped Dalek on the cover with an article about it inside. The Dalek is black and meant to be menacing. As reminds me of a particular helmet. I'm calling it THE DARTHLEK.


Sorontar, Captain of 'The Aethereal Dancer'
Advisor to HM Engineers on matters aethereal, aeronautic and cosmographic

walking stick

Quote from: Sorontar on November 27, 2020, 09:55:49 AM
Star Wars or Spaceballs?

Star Wars.  Though Spaceballs will use The Schwartz to get the Merchandising.


So the Dalek's head isn't half the size of the dalek then.

There have been black daleks with various ranks/specialitities through the years (including one of the movies with Peter Cushing as the Doctor),  maybe not in a different shape though. It's not the first time.

There was of course the Emperor Dalek, was a clearly different shape.

Sorontar, Captain of 'The Aethereal Dancer'
Advisor to HM Engineers on matters aethereal, aeronautic and cosmographic


WTF has happened? Simply in one word crap!

Camp, extremely poor story lines and a musical dance fiasco thrown in.

I've vioced a few opinions recently......,54354.0.html

POOR ACTING, plots and content all camped up with unecessary gay overtones.

Waste of licence payers money, If russel t wishes to continue with his agenda then let some other twat pay him and please remove this debacle from our TV screens.

Worst series so far in the history of Dr Who! Absolutely terrible!


Quote from: SeVeNeVeS on May 11, 2024, 12:55:09 PMWTF has happened? Simply in one word crap!

Camp, extremely poor story lines and a musical dance fiasco thrown in.

I didn't care much for the Space Babies episode; it didn't care for the "Baby Geniuses" movies from the 90s either.

The music episode was better. I couldn't figure out if the villain actor was male of female; it turns out to be a drag performer, who would probably be pleased that I couldn't tell. I could take or leave the dance number at the end.


I just found out that Disney is now involved and Russell now has a reported budget of 10 million per episode.

Every dollar/ pound wasted.

Kiss goodbye to a British tradition of 60 years with that destroying combination then.  ::)

How they have the gall to describe this as SCI-FI Drama is totally beyond me.


He is a very huggy doctor. I have only seen up to the Space Babies episode so far, but it seems like they feel the need to explain all of the back story again to a new audience, rather than doing when it actually is important. Previous doctors were well known for not sharing all the details, like not naming Gallifray or that they were time lords. They tended to claim that "I'm not anyone important, don't worry about me".
Sorontar, Captain of 'The Aethereal Dancer'
Advisor to HM Engineers on matters aethereal, aeronautic and cosmographic


I watched them. I enjoyed them. I'm not 'precious' about a TV show.
The legs have fallen off my Victorian Lady...

Cora Courcelle

You have to tread a fine line between avant-garde surrealism and getting yourself sectioned...


Quote from: Rockula on May 12, 2024, 03:58:28 PMI watched them. I enjoyed them. I'm not 'precious' about a TV show.

Neither am I really, could this just be yet another effort to get some kind of response longer than one sentence or a push of the like button?.......Hmmm...kinda makes you wonder, eh?

A forum should reciprocate........

Justin Time

Quote from: SeVeNeVeS on May 12, 2024, 06:23:28 AMI just found out that Disney is now involved and Russell now has a reported budget of 10 million per episode.

"The absence of limitations is the enemy of art."
― Orson Welles

The lack of funds is what made the Classic DW team (and other shows) come up with clever and innovative ideas. No more; just throw some CGI at it.

I'm not bothering with the RTD-led Disney reboot.  Partly since the three Tennant specials were, IMO, a waste of time, money and potential.  But mostly because, since I am an older, white, straight, CIS male, I have already been told that I "don't matter" to NuWho, fandom or society in general these days.  Any criticism I'd make (minor, constructive or otherwise) will be dismissed as me being a "fossil who resists change" or that I'm "just a hater".  Intelligent, rational debate and differing opinions are dead in the current climate.

Thankfully, BG is still a civil place.

Have you never wondered what it would be like to walk between the ticks and tocks of Time?


Quote from: Justin Time on May 13, 2024, 02:18:44 PM
Quote from: SeVeNeVeS on May 12, 2024, 06:23:28 AMI just found out that Disney is now involved and Russell now has a reported budget of 10 million per episode.

"The absence of limitations is the enemy of art."
― Orson Welles

The lack of funds is what made the Classic DW team (and other shows) come up with clever and innovative ideas. No more; just throw some CGI at it.

I'm not bothering with the RTD-led Disney reboot.  Partly since the three Tennant specials were, IMO, a waste of time, money and potential.  But mostly because, since I am an older, white, straight, CIS male, I have already been told that I "don't matter" to NuWho, fandom or society in general these days.  Any criticism I'd make (minor, constructive or otherwise) will be dismissed as me being a "fossil who resists change" or that I'm "just a hater".  Intelligent, rational debate and differing opinions are dead in the current climate.

Thankfully, BG is still a civil place.


As one fossil to another...... ANY opinion you have does matter, liked or not, in this day and age of political correctness and woke attitudes gone bonkers to the point of being on the borders of rediculous...... Umm as long as it's within forum rules, no racism or politics..... I think you have a right to air your thoughts on any subject and contribute to a discussion of your choice. It's a rather large forum, dig around a bit...... Just my opinion.

Cora Courcelle

I've been trying to formulate my thoughts, to be fair to everyone involved in the production, but you know what, I can't be bothered.
I doubt if I will watch any more because I don't want to give the BBC and Disney the satisfaction of increasing their viewing figures. Doctor Who used to be something you could watch on many levels and the Doctor was a character who made you think about the difficult questions and the importance of everyone's opinions. No longer I'm afraid; now if you disagree you're just wrong. If you don't like something in the past it doesn't matter, you can just wipe it out and start again.
Welcome to Doctor Who season 1!

You have to tread a fine line between avant-garde surrealism and getting yourself sectioned...

Justin Time

I've said it before elsewhere on BG; The character of the Doctor should always have remained asexual, then viewers could speculate or project their own sexuality onto him.

The recent garbage they did to retcon Davros into, simply, an evil, white male because he was offensive to the handicapped infuriated me.  I don't imagine the BBC was flooded with complaints from people in wheelchairs who felt that a mutated megalomaniac was clearly intended as an offensive anti-disabled people character. ::)

I liked the aspect that NuWho brought to the Doctor as 'the man who makes people better', but that's about as far as positive contributions to DW "lore" the new show has made, IMO.

The show has always had a spotty record on quality of writing (and acting) but the days of great stories/concepts beyond the wonky sets & FX seem to have given way to mediocre-at-best writing and flashy CGI.  It was also always intended as a family show that would appeal on different levels for the varied ages of the viewers.  That requires clever writers, not just farting aliens or monsters made of boogers.

Rather like most new reboots of other old IP, the attitude of "This ain't your father's....", "If you don't love what we're doing now, then you were never a true fan" just speaks to the dismissive ageism rampant in Whollyodd Hollywood these days.  You don't care about my old fan opinion, then you don't get my old fan viewership or any of my old fan disposable income for merchandise.

Now get off my lawn, ya hippies! ;)

Have you never wondered what it would be like to walk between the ticks and tocks of Time?


Episode 3...... Not great but alot better, at least it was kinda sci-fi and the plus point there was no dancing. No ABBA the musical. I would say let it carry on, if not then, Mamma Mia! I'm gonna give up........ :D

I'm starting to think it depends on who wrote it, this one was Moffat.

Justin Time

Have you never wondered what it would be like to walk between the ticks and tocks of Time?