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The Barker Street Irregulars OOC and Set Up Thread

Started by Stella Gaslight, June 03, 2015, 02:03:41 PM

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Stella Gaslight

You could always have a distant relative was a mysterious stranger from far away lands that married in to the family.
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Steampunk Away

Welcome aboard Steampunk Away! We are a small custom order shop, creating jewelry, props, costumes, drawings, and models. Email us at to have us create your special order on commission! Have a mechanical day!

Prof. Isambard Ravenwood

Quote from: Steampunk Away on June 18, 2015, 10:16:17 PM
I would think that if Abraham is related to anyone, it would be the Green Knight, as the Green Knight is an outsider like Abraham. Problem is , is that I was thinking Abraham was 100% Scandinavian. I could always change his story.

Any input?
It was over 1000 years ago, so you can still have Scandinavian parents, grandparents, great grandparents etc...
I don't know why I have to learn algebra... I have no intention whatsoever of ever going there...

Quote from: Space Captain Toby on July 10, 2008, 11:36:25 AM
"Uh-uh. I know what you're thinking. Did he discharge 6 chambers, or was it only 5? Well, I rather forgot myself, what with all this excitement and all. But seeing that this is a .45 Civiliser, the most powerful hand-cannon in the Empire, and will blow your goggles clean off, you ought to ask yourself a question. Do I feel lucky?

"Well, do you... steampunk?"

Stella Gaslight

Celia realy respects Beety because she was friends with her grandmother and even thou Celia thinks she is good at her job her grandmother had it down to a art and made it look effortless.  Celia sometimes flounders trying to do things the same way.  What she doesn't realize is that her grandmother made some of the same mistakes.
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walking stick

Celia's grandmother taught Beety how to make the best use of the talents she has.  Beety doesn't have anything like the magical strength that Celia's family is gifted/burdened with however her theatrical past made her very aware of what could be done with a little talent and a lot of hard work. Beety has mentioned more than once that the appearance of effortless grace depends on what you can see.  A swan gliding down a river doesn't look nearly so elegant when you can see how hard she's paddling underneath.

It was Beety who taught Celia's grandmother how to project an aura of power without the use of magic.  She in turn taught Celia some of the tricks and this is how Celia managed such a convincing bluff when she took Toby from the goblins. 

Ranger Reid

You guys are writing some very nice exposition, and it would be really nice to fit it into the main story if you see an opportunity.  Especially if someone wants to write this all up for future readers.  ;D

Stella Gaslight

That is the best part of rp.  Watching both the world and who you are playing as grow.  It is sort of like writing improv.
I have a picture blog thinger now

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There is a say that a writers does not write the story they just record the events as they happen.
You will see many post about characters running away with the story.
I suffer from a random misfiring synapse and a bad case of wolfen the turns me into a seven-foot-tall werewolf or a seven-foot great wolf!

Stella Gaslight

Reid since there is a particular deal that needs to be reached would you take the part of the Morgan for a bit.
I have a picture blog thinger now

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Ranger Reid

Okay, I didn't know if you wanted to.  Thanks!   I Have about 3 hours of fence building to do, but will get it this afternoon.

Stella Gaslight

Well you have the direction you want it to go in so it is only fair.  Any one of y'all can be behind the door I thought it would be a good in for someone.
I have a picture blog thinger now

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Ranger Reid

I hope that is okay.   I saw that as one way it could go, but didn't want to ran it down anyone's throat. 

Still leaves room for twists.  She only told us the truth as she believes it to be.  Heck, maybe not even that.  She SAID she was bound to speak truth, but who knows?

Anyway, I just want a good story and a fun game. 

I thought the idea of the Guardian or Voice or Spirit of London sitting to tea with the Morrigan was interesting. 

walking stick

How do you prefer your magic rings:-

1) Power jewellery. A lively game of hunt the talisman is quite possible.

2) Magic rings as in vicious covens. Needs a lot of non player characters.

3) Magic rings as geographical markers. We'd have to work out a detailed map of that version of London.

4) A set enchanted bells.  There are several folk stories of master craftsmen being asked to do work for magical clients.

Ranger Reid

I sort of,thought the spell we broke up at the tower was one,of the 5 circles.  But hey.....  A good circle of toadstools has worked in the past LOL

Stella Gaslight

Well that was sound based so what about talismans that sing when struck in the right way.  That way we could do an all of the above.
I have a picture blog thinger now

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Ranger Reid

Stained glass in the church window....   I dont know!   :)

walking stick

On the fifth day of Christmas my truelove gave to me...


James walked into the room in a foul mood, he pulled something out of his pocket and threw it onto the table that landed with a heavy thunk denting the polished wood surface.
"You talk of magic rings, but have you ever seen one of these or had to suffer the curse of one?"
Everyone looked down on the black iron ring that was just big enough to fit around a persons neck, it had nine runes on it and the 8th was damaged and showed sign of partial melting. "for those who have never seen one of these, it is a slave collar. The runes bind it to a persons soul and one fitted, there is never any release from its curse. They amplify the pain of the wearer as well as the pain from other wearer's and feed it back to the person. The runes around the edge bind a persons powers or abilities."
One of the runes glowed with a sickly green light, there was a gasp as the glowing rune was recognised. "Yes that is my rune and it is bound to my soul. I have been a slave to one of the cruel knights of Camelot but of the Camelot that now exists today!"

Just a fluffy bit about magic rings as you're talking about them.
I suffer from a random misfiring synapse and a bad case of wolfen the turns me into a seven-foot-tall werewolf or a seven-foot great wolf!

Ranger Reid

Nice re-entry Mallard.   I liked that whole post.  Dibs on Toby's grub though.

Stella Gaslight

Toby may bite you if you try.  I think his love of sweets comes from his time in the fae world.  They most likely spoiled him rotten but in a bad empty way where they gave him everything but love.  He was likely very lonely when Celia saved him and i don't think he fought being taken to the goblins because he viewed himself as another disposable novelty to be traded away when no longer pleasing.   
I have a picture blog thinger now

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Prof. Isambard Ravenwood

Quote from: Ranger Reid on June 21, 2015, 11:37:41 PM
Nice re-entry Mallard.   I liked that whole post.  Dibs on Toby's grub though.
Thank you, I do try. And I'd like to see you try... you may have tricks to distract him, but with my new found knowledge of black magic, I can bewitch him! *Celia hands him his plate* oh. well... what a relief... (now I won't have to show them I haven't got a magical bone in my body...)
I don't know why I have to learn algebra... I have no intention whatsoever of ever going there...

Quote from: Space Captain Toby on July 10, 2008, 11:36:25 AM
"Uh-uh. I know what you're thinking. Did he discharge 6 chambers, or was it only 5? Well, I rather forgot myself, what with all this excitement and all. But seeing that this is a .45 Civiliser, the most powerful hand-cannon in the Empire, and will blow your goggles clean off, you ought to ask yourself a question. Do I feel lucky?

"Well, do you... steampunk?"

Stella Gaslight

I think the gold circle is in the goblin market and getting in and out of there is going to be hard.
I have a picture blog thinger now

Look for me on Etsy


I suffer from a random misfiring synapse and a bad case of wolfen the turns me into a seven-foot-tall werewolf or a seven-foot great wolf!


Please bare with me for a moment, I think I know where the five circles are based on the London underground maps and Laylines plans but will need to do more research tonight!
If I am right, then supernatural may have made an episode about a similar construction
I suffer from a random misfiring synapse and a bad case of wolfen the turns me into a seven-foot-tall werewolf or a seven-foot great wolf!

walking stick

I was working from archetypes but if you wanted to have the underground represent another world read Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman it has more of a steampunk feel. There was a T.V. series based on it as well.