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Fancy word game

Started by Caledonian, June 29, 2015, 02:39:00 PM

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RT Livingstone

The fascist fashionistas have decreed that zapatos blanco are verbotten after the holiday in which US citizens celebrate the worker.


Hello gorgeous!


Greetings La Stupenda
In any weather you will see us with a grin, risking head and skin.
Sorontar, Captain of 'The Aethereal Dancer'
Advisor to HM Engineers on matters aethereal, aeronautic and cosmographic

walking stick

During all atmospheric conditions we may be viewed, with our smile at its broadest, endangering cranium and epidermis.

Glad you could come to the show tonight.

RT Livingstone

I am so filled with happiness and mirth due to my knowledge that, the person that is yourself, is able and willing to attend the exposition and display that will occur on this very evening.


Quitters never win.

Will Howard

Victory is never achieved by those who do not finish the race.


Jack & Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water.
"I'm a Barbarian by choice, not ancestry..."

RT Livingstone

Two individuals, going by the monikers, "Jack and Jill", which may or may not be assumed names, aliases, or nicknames, reportedly ascended a sizable incline for the reputed purpose of obtaining a sort of vertical cylindrical container filled with the life-giving liquid H2O, and descending the formerly mentioned sizable incline with the same such container.


Enjoy yourself, its later than you think.

RT Livingstone

this thread is undoubtedly in the last stages of life, the winter of it's existence, it is coming down the stretch, so rejoice in that


the fool pays twice

RT Livingstone

By acting precipitously, without proper consideration, research, and due diligence, one may indeed have to perform an act, deed, or purchase a second time, in order to achieve or obtain the proper result.


Nobody ever called Pablo Picasso an asshole.


With all certainity, none have declared Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso to take the form or function of any oubliette commonly reserved for hampering the actions of a beast of burden.
The body will be cremated and the ashes taken to Australia.
Sorontar, Captain of 'The Aethereal Dancer'
Advisor to HM Engineers on matters aethereal, aeronautic and cosmographic

RT Livingstone

The earthly remains of this being shall burn in a funeral pyre, the remaining cinders will be transported then to the land down under where women glow and men plunder.


For he's a jolly good fellow.

Will Howard

A mirth-inspiring person he certainly was.
Take not his ashes down under... regrettably, they have generated enough ash there of late...
"I'm a Barbarian by choice, not ancestry..."

RT Livingstone

Indeed Australia has had the best of merry old England


I like ice cream on my pie

RT Livingstone

I've a preference for a pastry dough casing with a fruit filling garnished with a colloidal emulsion foam.


I never fart in the bathtub.

Will Howard

No U-boats are depth charged during my ablutions.
Check your petrol gauge if your auto comes to a sudden stop.
"I'm a Barbarian by choice, not ancestry..."

Bad Luck Belle

Should the combustion engine in one's wheeled transport spontaneously halt, it may serve one well to examine the fuel reserves.

{(+)}          {(+)}          {(+)}          {(+)}          {(+)}

After some issues, I finally finished my sewing project.
"It simply isn't an adventure worth telling if there aren't any dragons." -- J.R.R. Tolkien

RT Livingstone

I've come to the conclusion, completion, and termination of my stitching enterprise, post a veritable hornet's nest.


Quick, I need a drink!

Will Howard

Urgently! A libation!
No Tra-La-Las were touched in the making of this video.
"I'm a Barbarian by choice, not ancestry..."

RT Livingstone

My understanding, after a quick look at the urban dictionary, is that the male genitalia were completely unmolested in the production of this film...I think.


We're havin' a party.

Will Howard

Festivities shall commence anon.
Thereupon shall we make merry & engage in joyous activities.
"I'm a Barbarian by choice, not ancestry..."

walking stick

Then Everybody Party!


Honest at cards but cheats at love.

Will Howard

Poker face is trustworthy at the card table but not in the boudoir.
Steam pressure can propel vehicles but is not good to inhale.
"I'm a Barbarian by choice, not ancestry..."

Mercury Wells

Heated Dihydrogen Monoxide which is somewhat condensed can help to proceed a vehicle in a forwardly motion, provided you have a genlteman of your aquaintence, who is in posession of a certain sized medium to large piece of crimson material affixed to a celliouse structure of a well defined distance in length. It is also advisable to never to place one's forward facing portion of your cranium, notably the nasal & oral openings directly into the tendrils of boiling Hydrohydroxic Acid while deciding to quicken/over ride the automatic exchange of gases. As self sustained injuries are not pleasant or welcome to one's self-worth & wellbeing.


Explosion in a custard factory. old war wound? I got that at The Battle of Dorking. Very nasty affair that was, I can tell you.

The Ministry of Tea respectfully advises you to drink one cup of tea day...for that +5 Moral Fibre stat.

RT Livingstone

A cataclysm caused by a rapid release of energy occurred in an industrial facility involved in the manufacture of culinary dessert recipes primarily made with milk or cream cooked with egg yolk to thicken it, and sometimes also flour, corn starch, or gelatin.


I try to hide all this fear built in my spine

Will Howard

I attempt to conceal the timorous activity currently traveling the main highway of my nervous system.
It should become difficult to create an excuse for ungentlemanly behavior.  (Behaviour in the British Isles, I believe...)
"I'm a Barbarian by choice, not ancestry..."

RT Livingstone

It should become difficult to create an excuse for ungentlemanly behavior.  (Behaviour in the British Isles, I believe...)


Tonight is the Christmas Eve feast.