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Started by Rockula, August 19, 2017, 11:44:14 AM

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Huh? Wha? Who are you strange people and where's my gin?  ???

I'm so confused I can't remember my name, or where I live.
I made a note in my diary on the way over here. Simply says; "Bugger!"



We just got back a couple of hours ago.

Unpacked and filled the washing machine.

Third cup of Earl Grey.

I've come home with sore feet, a partial tan and a huge grin.

Fantastic as usual.

Roll on the 10th Anniversary Asylum in 2018.  ;D
The legs have fallen off my Victorian Lady...

Cora Courcelle

Quote from: Madasasteamfish on August 29, 2017, 01:28:46 PM
I'm so confused I can't remember my name, or where I live.

In a galaxy, far, far away?
You have to tread a fine line between avant-garde surrealism and getting yourself sectioned...


Best. Weekend. Ever.

Last year was my first. Feels like an aeon ago. Hadn't anticipated ever actually getting involved in giving talks and so on, but was pleased I did. Sunday at Asylum IX was the best day I've ever had as a Steampunk, even if it was hard on the feet!

Thanks to everyone for making it so great!


Quote from: Caledonian on August 25, 2017, 10:34:45 PM
Quote from: Madasasteamfish on August 24, 2017, 08:39:55 PM
Quote from: Caledonian on August 24, 2017, 08:32:11 PM
On a night boat, leaving port right now. Guess I might see some people tomorrow

Entirely possible. I should be arriving in Lincoln somtime tomorrow morning.

Only problem is im really bad at recognising people

I suspect I may have spotted you and your stepdad wandering around over the course of the weekend, but didn't say hi. I wish I had done  :(
I made a note in my diary on the way over here. Simply says; "Bugger!"


Hektor Plasm

Made it there by car, easy peasy!
Made it back by train(s) just in time for Tuesday...  ;D

I was the sweaty madman with the big blue trolley rumbling about  :D

Marvellous time!

"all die! o, the embarrassment."
H Plasm Esq. ICUE    Avatar by and with kind permission of Dr Geof. Ta!!

Some musings:-

Harley John

Wow! First time for us, what a fantastic weekend. Slightly marred by a non functioning camera which meant I was using my phone to take photos and I went and lost the phone on the Sunday night sometime after leaving the Assembly Rooms and hailing a cab on Corporation Street. An early morning search on the Monday failed to find the blighter and ensured slightly more walking up and down Steep Hill than I or the good lady had expected or my damaged little toe required! Hint - do not wear your pointy toed cowboy boots all day and night and expect your feet to survive unscathed especially when you walk from the centre of Lincoln to Canwick twice in the before-mentioned period! Further hint - do not try to combine four days and nights at the Asylum with your annual fourteen day holiday and four different hotels - a logistical nightmare.
That all said we had a truly fabulous time and are in total awe of all the fantastic costumes & contraptions we saw. Everybody was so friendly and helpful. We shall return.


Glad you enjoyed it Harley John.

That was our 9th year. You learn the tricks and iron out the wrinkles as you go.
But they introduce new wrinkles every year just to keep you on your toes.  ;D

Ps. Sorry about the camera. If you'd lost it INSIDE a venue you'd definitely have got it back. They're good like that.
The legs have fallen off my Victorian Lady...

Harley John

Indeed we spoke to Evangeline on Monday in case l had left it there, sadly I hadn't but she was very helpful. I also spoke to Lincolnshire Police, the cleaning supervisor for Biffa/Lincoln Council and most of the pubs going down the hill towards Corporation Street, not to mention the "Sausage Inna Bun Man" (CMOT* Dibbler I believe he was called) at the Prince of Wales - no luck at all but again everybody really helpful. Own stupid fault - it wouldn't fit in my sporran so it was in a pocket in my DJ, think it must have fallen out at some point coming down the hill. Even managed by some fluke to get the same Taxi driver another two times and he kindly checked his car for me. Ah well, trawling through the pics posted on FB and on Flickr in the vain hope of spotting my ugly mush and most especially of the Mem who looked truly stunning - not biased me, no not a bit!
*What a strange first name, anybody know how one pronounces it? :D

Fairley B. Strange

CMOT, I believe it's usually promounced "Cu'meeownfrote".
Choose a code to live by, die by it if you have to.

Harley John

From the Old Ankh Morporkian perhaps? Although he had a distinct Lincolnshire accent.


Quote from: Fairley B. Strange on September 07, 2017, 01:20:29 PM
CMOT, I believe it's usually promounced "Cu'meeownfrote".

"Cut My Own Throat" Dibbler. What went in to those sausages was nobody's business, especially the person who was stupid, er, brave enough to eat one!