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A merge : Capt'n Nemo's Peacemaker - Completed

Started by urgolem, March 01, 2018, 09:23:35 PM

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Making Capt'n Nemo's very personal Peacemaker.

Left --> a flea market find (a joystick ?)
Right --> winter sales - a soap water bubbles gun :

Winter sales - a plastic air football horn :

First steps, first assembly tests :


A small kraken power unit (a flea market find) :

To be continued ...


So when is the next episode  :D ?


von Corax

By the power of caffeine do I set my mind in motion
By the Beans of Life do my thoughts acquire speed
My hands acquire a shaking
The shaking becomes a warning
By the power of caffeine do I set my mind in motion
The Leverkusen Institute of Paleocybernetics is 5842 km from Reading


Quote from: Miranda.T on March 01, 2018, 10:06:49 PM
So when is the next episode  :D ?

As it's a WIP, very soon. This time, I don't start with the final product. Welcome on my worksite.  :)



Already steamed parts :


Empenotronic ray flashes (100,000 hydrovolts) diffuser and concentrator


Ready to use :


Very nice job, sir!
The sort of weapon that makes the person facing the business end feel rather threatened!

Synistor 303

...I read that as "Capt'n Nemo's Pacemaker"... I had to check how you would Steampunk a pacemaker! It looks great - I'd wear it!




Quote from: Synistor 303 on March 03, 2018, 03:53:31 AM
...I read that as "Capt'n Nemo's Pacemaker"...

Actually, powered by Kraken, it can do whatever you want. A simple matter of dosing...  ;)


Wonderful detailing; it is unmistakably the weapon of choice of a submariner and the design of its 'business end' really does look like it would be as effective in the depths as in air. Lovely build.



Quote from: Miranda.T on March 03, 2018, 11:25:29 AM
Wonderful detailing; it is unmistakably the weapon of choice of a submariner and the design of its 'business end' really does look like it would be as effective in the depths as in air. Lovely build.

Thank you !
I agree readily that it's a steampunk tinged with a kind of sci-fi forties (thirties ?), with a little bit of Disney and finally, a little bit of Mary Poppins.  :)
And that's exactly as I like it.


Some details.




Buick Le Sabre 1951 and Nemo's Peacemaker :


King Kong neutralized.

Golem neutralized.

Kraken neutralized.

Synistor 303

Hmm... you obviously have a better class of flea-markets where you live. I do like the Kraken - that was a wonderful find. A fitting Peacemaker for Capt'n Nemo!


Quote from: urgolem on March 18, 2018, 11:45:44 AM
King Kong neutralized.

Golem neutralized.

Kraken neutralized.

The screws are a little too modern looking.

Ephriam Lunchwaiste

Quite fantastic- I love how you integrated the Kraken!


Quote from: RJBowman on March 19, 2018, 02:45:03 AM
The screws are a little too modern looking.

I am fully aware of that. Planned for the Release 2.  ;)


Quote from: Synistor 303 on March 18, 2018, 11:46:01 PM
Hmm... you obviously have a better class of flea-markets where you live. I do like the Kraken - that was a wonderful find. A fitting Peacemaker for Capt'n Nemo!

Steam-compatible items like this one, YBIWYSI, you buy it when you see it. In case when. This octopus was waiting in my boxes for a long time.


Quote from: RJBowman on March 19, 2018, 02:45:03 AM
The screws are a little too modern looking.

Kraken neutralized, Release 2.

With very particular, but no doubt the contextually best fitting screw head "cover caps".


The good old press stud - so many ways to use them, they are a great multi-purpose piece of kit!



And, for comparison, this can be found on Ebay. Well...


No comparison!
Yours wins, hands down - or should that be hands up!