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Fruitcake: Good or Evil?

Started by von Corax, December 22, 2019, 03:16:36 PM

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How do you feel about fruitcake?

I've never tried fruitcake.
I can't stand fruitcake.
I have regifted fruitcake.
I like fruitcake.
I do everything in my power to reduce the world's supply of fruitcake.

von Corax

So the question is, "Fruitcake: love it or hate it?"

By the power of caffeine do I set my mind in motion
By the Beans of Life do my thoughts acquire speed
My hands acquire a shaking
The shaking becomes a warning
By the power of caffeine do I set my mind in motion
The Leverkusen Institute of Paleocybernetics is 5842 km from Reading


Love fruit cake! Dark fruitcake, light fruitcake, Genoa fruitcake, in between dark and light fruitcake, small fruitcake, large fruitcake, patty cake sized fruitcake!

There is nothing like sinking one's fangs into a moist, dark fruitcake that has been curing in just the right amount of alcoholic beverage, accompanied by a sharp, vintage cheese, and beverage of choice. Dark fruitcake for the winter, light fruitcake for the summer!

When I was a kid my paternal grandmother used to make a Christmas fruitcake and send it down to us, and later on an aunt on the other side of the family would send me a pudding and a cake every year. As she got older that just became a cake - she was still making and sending cake until she was into her early nineties!

Reminds me, I must get some fruitcake for Christmas!


I don't dislike fruitcake but usually have always something handy to wash it down.
The word pagan came from paganus , who mean peasant . Its was a way to significate than christianism was the religion of the elite and paganism the one of the savage worker class.

''Trickster shows us how we trick OURSELVES. Her rampant curiosity backfires, but, then, something NEW is discovered (though usually not what She expected)! This is where creativity comes from—experiment, do something different, maybe even something forbidden, and voila! A breakthrough occurs! Ha! Ha! We are released! The world is created anew! Do something backwards, break your own traditions, the barrier breaks; destroy the world as you know it, let the new in.''
Extract of the Dreamflesh article ''Path of The Sacred Clown''

von Corax

I, as I indicated with my vote, am sworn to do everything in my power to reduce the world's supply of fruitcake by eating it at every opportunity.
By the power of caffeine do I set my mind in motion
By the Beans of Life do my thoughts acquire speed
My hands acquire a shaking
The shaking becomes a warning
By the power of caffeine do I set my mind in motion
The Leverkusen Institute of Paleocybernetics is 5842 km from Reading

Mercury Wells

#4 old war wound? I got that at The Battle of Dorking. Very nasty affair that was, I can tell you.

The Ministry of Tea respectfully advises you to drink one cup of tea day...for that +5 Moral Fibre stat.


Mercury Wells old war wound? I got that at The Battle of Dorking. Very nasty affair that was, I can tell you.

The Ministry of Tea respectfully advises you to drink one cup of tea day...for that +5 Moral Fibre stat.


Quote from: Mercury Wells on December 23, 2019, 03:10:56 AM
Quote from: Banfili on December 23, 2019, 02:26:13 AM
Quote from: Mercury Wells on December 23, 2019, 01:38:02 AM
Dundee Cake or Christmas Cake, even a Christmas pudding style?

Whatever type, as long as there is cake, and fruit!

Seasoned/steeped in huge amounts of booze aswell?  ;D

Absolutely!! Although the alcohol has mostly gone by the time you eat it!
Dammit, I want some now, and I haven't got any!

Mercury Wells

Quote from: Banfili on December 23, 2019, 05:26:37 AM
Quote from: Mercury Wells on December 23, 2019, 03:10:56 AM
Quote from: Banfili on December 23, 2019, 02:26:13 AM
Quote from: Mercury Wells on December 23, 2019, 01:38:02 AM
Dundee Cake or Christmas Cake, even a Christmas pudding style?

Whatever type, as long as there is cake, and fruit!

Seasoned/steeped in huge amounts of booze aswell?  ;D

Absolutely!! Although the alcohol has mostly gone by the time you eat it!
Dammit, I want some now, and I haven't got any!

Janurary is the best time to start to make one & every fortnight inject a couple of oz of good booze, right up til Xmas day (heck you could possibly use small chunks of it as fire lighters). old war wound? I got that at The Battle of Dorking. Very nasty affair that was, I can tell you.

The Ministry of Tea respectfully advises you to drink one cup of tea day...for that +5 Moral Fibre stat.


Quote from: Mercury Wells on December 23, 2019, 05:50:32 AM
Quote from: Banfili on December 23, 2019, 05:26:37 AM
Quote from: Mercury Wells on December 23, 2019, 03:10:56 AM
Quote from: Banfili on December 23, 2019, 02:26:13 AM
Quote from: Mercury Wells on December 23, 2019, 01:38:02 AM
Dundee Cake or Christmas Cake, even a Christmas pudding style?

Whatever type, as long as there is cake, and fruit!

Seasoned/steeped in huge amounts of booze aswell?  ;D

Absolutely!! Although the alcohol has mostly gone by the time you eat it!
Dammit, I want some now, and I haven't got any!

Janurary is the best time to start to make one & every fortnight inject a couple of oz of good booze, right up til Xmas day (heck you could possibly use small chunks of it as fire lighters).

I just had to go out in the heat and smoke and walk across to the IGA and buy a fruit cake, dammit!  ;D


I had one once that was probably two thirds pecan halves, held together with a little bit of cake, chopped dried dates, and spice; that one was good.

But I've had some that were pretty awful.

Will Howard

"I'm a Barbarian by choice, not ancestry..."

Synistor 303

Mother-in-law's fruitcake = one tablespoon of the cheapest dried fruit you can find, cook for as many hours as it takes to blacken; this ensures the driest crumb.

My fruitcake = start steeping the fruit in booze in October. Make glacé pineapple and glacé apricots to ensure they are moist and have lots to put in the cake. Stick fruit together with the smallest amount of cake mix as is possible. Bake in tin lined with five layers of paper to ensure it doesn't burn or dry out.


Quote from: Synistor 303 on December 24, 2019, 05:09:34 AM
Mother-in-law's fruitcake = one tablespoon of the cheapest dried fruit you can find, cook for as many hours as it takes to blacken; this ensures the driest crumb.

My fruitcake = start steeping the fruit in booze in October. Make glacé pineapple and glacé apricots to ensure they are moist and have lots to put in the cake. Stick fruit together with the smallest amount of cake mix as is possible. Bake in tin lined with five layers of paper to ensure it doesn't burn or dry out.

I'll have some of yours, please, Synistor, hot, with custard and ice cream!!


I like fruitcake as it comes, hot or cold, no cream or silly nuts, just fruit and cake.

Sorontar, Captain of 'The Aethereal Dancer'
Advisor to HM Engineers on matters aethereal, aeronautic and cosmographic


'Tis my opinion that the temptation to add nuts to fruitcake must be sternly resisted.

But, that's just me. Anyone else agree?

Vero vobis dico, qui quaerit, inveniet eius. Et saepius, parum volet.

"Truly I say to you, he who seeks, shall find. And quite often, he shall wish he hadn't."

              - Elias Ashmole Crackbone.


Quote from: Athanor on December 24, 2019, 08:47:04 PM
'Tis my opinion that the temptation to add nuts to fruitcake must be sternly resisted.
But, that's just me. Anyone else agree?

Agree completely, fruitcake does not need nuts! ;D

Synistor 303

Quote from: Athanor on December 24, 2019, 08:47:04 PM
'Tis my opinion that the temptation to add nuts to fruitcake must be sternly resisted.

But, that's just me. Anyone else agree?


That's why there is Bishop's Bread...


Quote from: Synistor 303 on December 25, 2019, 08:00:04 AM
Quote from: Athanor on December 24, 2019, 08:47:04 PM
'Tis my opinion that the temptation to add nuts to fruitcake must be sternly resisted.

But, that's just me. Anyone else agree?


That's why there is Bishop's Bread...

That sounds quite nice - might hunt up the recipe and give it a go when the ambient temperature in my kitchen  is less than that of the oven!


Passion is like a Peatfire


Quote from: Caledonian on December 25, 2019, 06:23:25 PM
I now want to try a fruitcake

A nice, rich dark, moist fruit cake, (preferably moistened with brandy), sharp cheese and hot beverage of choice - nothing better! Have a go!

Fruit cake has to be moist - if it's too dry, then it has probably been slightly overcooked, or not enough fluid added in the first place.

Cora Courcelle

Fruitcake - good, marzipan on fruitcake - good, royal icing on marzipan - good. (Fondant icing on marzipan bad). Tiny model of Santa trick-skiing over top of cake - excellent (he lost one of his ski's sometime in the late 1960s and that was my Mother said every year afterwards - when she said she was going to buy a new Santa the entire family said no - he was part of our Christmas traditions!)
You have to tread a fine line between avant-garde surrealism and getting yourself sectioned...


Quote from: Cora Courcelle on December 26, 2019, 02:04:52 PM
Fruitcake - good, marzipan on fruitcake - good, royal icing on marzipan - good. (Fondant icing on marzipan bad). Tiny model of Santa trick-skiing over top of cake - excellent (he lost one of his ski's sometime in the late 1960s and that was my Mother said every year afterwards - when she said she was going to buy a new Santa the entire family said no - he was part of our Christmas traditions!)

Fruitcake - very good, if not excellent, marzipan on fruitcake - never good, icing on fruitcake - nah, not unless it's a special occasion cake, like wedding or birthday.
'They' put marzipan on my 21st birthday cake, despite me asking 'them' not too! I think the stuff is horrible!
It is just my opinion - everyone else is, of course completely and fully entitled to theirs! ;D

Cora Courcelle

Quote from: Banfili on December 26, 2019, 10:07:53 PM
Quote from: Cora Courcelle on December 26, 2019, 02:04:52 PM
Fruitcake - good, marzipan on fruitcake - good, royal icing on marzipan - good. (Fondant icing on marzipan bad). Tiny model of Santa trick-skiing over top of cake - excellent (he lost one of his ski's sometime in the late 1960s and that was my Mother said every year afterwards - when she said she was going to buy a new Santa the entire family said no - he was part of our Christmas traditions!)

Fruitcake - very good, if not excellent, marzipan on fruitcake - never good, icing on fruitcake - nah, not unless it's a special occasion cake, like wedding or birthday.
'They' put marzipan on my 21st birthday cake, despite me asking 'them' not too! I think the stuff is horrible!
It is just my opinion - everyone else is, of course completely and fully entitled to theirs! ;D

I will selflessly volunteer to take care of any unwanted marzipan ......
You have to tread a fine line between avant-garde surrealism and getting yourself sectioned...


I will gladly send you any and all marzipan that comes my way in the future!