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Profile Pic Disappeared

Started by Justin Time, December 30, 2020, 01:52:37 AM

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Justin Time

I updated some info in my profile and my pic disappeared (even though I didn't touch it) and I cannot restore it no matter how many times I've tried or method used.

Anyone have any ideas what's going on?


Have you never wondered what it would be like to walk between the ticks and tocks of Time?

von Corax

I've moved this to the Engine Room, since it is very much on-topic there.

Anyway, my first guess is that your avatar pic is not exactly 100x100px. The current version of the site engine is quite prickly about that, moreso that it used to be. Try adjusting the pic to exactly 100x100px and let us know if that works.
By the power of caffeine do I set my mind in motion
By the Beans of Life do my thoughts acquire speed
My hands acquire a shaking
The shaking becomes a warning
By the power of caffeine do I set my mind in motion
The Leverkusen Institute of Paleocybernetics is 5842 km from Reading

Justin Time

Yep, 100x100 (which it has always been) and it still isn't showing.

The thing is, when I link to it (which it always was before) or even try to upload it, it shows in the 'edit profile' for a second, then as soon as I click "Change Profile", it disappears and goes back to the (no pic) option.  ???

Have you never wondered what it would be like to walk between the ticks and tocks of Time?

von Corax

Could you post the image you're trying to use? A closer inspection might give some insight.
By the power of caffeine do I set my mind in motion
By the Beans of Life do my thoughts acquire speed
My hands acquire a shaking
The shaking becomes a warning
By the power of caffeine do I set my mind in motion
The Leverkusen Institute of Paleocybernetics is 5842 km from Reading

Justin Time

This is the one I'd been using here for years that suddenly disappeared.



Have you never wondered what it would be like to walk between the ticks and tocks of Time?

von Corax

When I try to upload it, I get a message that "Your attachment couldn't be saved. This might happen because it took too long to upload or the file is bigger than the server will allow." As you can see, I was able to upload another avatar which is roughly half as big. Can you try again with a smaller (fewer kB) avatar image?
By the power of caffeine do I set my mind in motion
By the Beans of Life do my thoughts acquire speed
My hands acquire a shaking
The shaking becomes a warning
By the power of caffeine do I set my mind in motion
The Leverkusen Institute of Paleocybernetics is 5842 km from Reading

Justin Time

Cut it in half (kb-wise) and third and got the same message as you. Also tried a smaller one jpg-wise and still no luck.

I don't understand why id vanished to begin with.

Have you never wondered what it would be like to walk between the ticks and tocks of Time?


Hosting? I've uploaded to my account, maybe try this link?  :-\


von Corax

Still not working, and no error message.

I recall some years ago I was unable to link an avatar after Dropbox went https-only. At the time proteus was able to patch it, but the software may have been updated since then. JIT, did you (or your hosting provider) just turn on redirect-to-https, and are you able to turn it off again?
By the power of caffeine do I set my mind in motion
By the Beans of Life do my thoughts acquire speed
My hands acquire a shaking
The shaking becomes a warning
By the power of caffeine do I set my mind in motion
The Leverkusen Institute of Paleocybernetics is 5842 km from Reading

Justin Time

Quote from: SeVeNeVeS on January 02, 2021, 07:41:10 AM
Hosting? I've uploaded to my account, maybe try this link?  :-\


Nope, same problem; shows up in my profile when I add the link, then reverts to 'no image'.

It's been located, unchanged, on my domain since I joined the forum years ago.

I've tried that same link as-well-as uploading in different sizes and different images. I've also tried from a different browser. Always the same result  ???

So Weird.
Have you never wondered what it would be like to walk between the ticks and tocks of Time?

Justin Time

Quote from: von Corax on January 02, 2021, 08:38:48 AM
Still not working, and no error message.

I recall some years ago I was unable to link an avatar after Dropbox went https-only. At the time proteus was able to patch it, but the software may have been updated since then. JIT, did you (or your hosting provider) just turn on redirect-to-https, and are you able to turn it off again?

I do believe https was recently "enforced" by my host. They say "you don't want that" to turning it off  :-\

Have you never wondered what it would be like to walk between the ticks and tocks of Time?


Oh, well, got to be a forum glitch then.

What we need here is a new admin for the new year, if Proteus can ever be bothered to hand over the keys to von Corax then patches and problems like this might be sorted, so for the moment, no solution it seems.


Justin Time

Quote from: SeVeNeVeS on January 02, 2021, 01:47:27 PM
Oh, well, got to be a forum glitch then.

What we need here is a new admin for the new year, if Proteus can ever be bothered to hand over the keys to von Corax then patches and problems like this might be sorted, so for the moment, no solution it seems.


Bugger  :-\

Thanks for all your help, gents.

Have you never wondered what it would be like to walk between the ticks and tocks of Time?


Only temporary, I hope, please be patient......... all is not lost..........yet.  :P

Justin Time

Tried it again, but as a .gif (though no other gifs I tired would would work  ???) and it appears successful! Huzzah!

Have you never wondered what it would be like to walk between the ticks and tocks of Time?