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Started by SeVeNeVeS, July 29, 2021, 05:19:38 PM

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From the pictures this is going to be genuinly beautiful!


Simple in the amount of space that it takes up, but adds to the atmosphere. Nice additions.
Sorontar, Captain of 'The Aethereal Dancer'
Advisor to HM Engineers on matters aethereal, aeronautic and cosmographic


I really love the combination of the "old" ruin and water with the lilliepads, i hope Your fishes finally make it!  :)


The pond basically takes care of itself, I drag out weed and drain after a heavy downpour now and then, no fish, just for newts, snails and plants.

The fish are indoors.


Ah, i wish we had newts where i live (i know there shall be one species here as well, but i have not seen them, however the toads and copperfrogs seem to thrive in the summer... :) ).
My neighbors have fishes in their pond in the summer, but he told me he have them in an aquarium indoor during the winter season because the pond is to shallow for hibernating the fishes.

Synistor 303

No newts down under, and no toads except the introduced one. We do have lots of frogs, lots and lots, but mostly they don't even need a pond to breed! Aussie frogs are tough.


I would introduce frogs and toads if I could get hold of some spawn, unfortunatly they are in decline in the UK, along with the hedgehog, I know a few people with ponds and no spawn for at least the last 3 or 4 years.

They are getting quite rare in a city environment these days.  :(


Yes, i do my best to help them since they eat pests, i think it appends on many factors, mainly the breeding seasons of insects and the number of worms in the soil they can reach i think, if their food source is insufficient or they does not find deep enough and stable water they will not bread that season.

The common toad here is the brown "Bufo Bufo" it's harmless in it's native environment, for some reason my grandfather had them as wild pets under the bucketstone on the water well, it was common back in the days that old people had toads living somewhere on the yard for good luck as i understood, or maybe it was just another pet to feel less lonely for elder people living in the rural farm and fisherman's homes, owls where also seen as good luck and pets people cared about. Granpa also used to look after the white swans and he had a few "tame" wild ones that ate from he's hand, i remember they always swam up to him from the seashore when he went down to the shore with food for them, they loved leftovers from the dinner, like fish pieces and boiled potatoes, i think they are omnivores like us so they where not so picky and the human food was probably of much better quality back then when one had to grow and fish most of it all by Your self.


Sir Henry

Are you going to use the insides or just keep the shell?
I speak in syllabubbles. They rise to the surface by the force of levity and pop out of my mouth unneeded and unheeded.
Cry "Have at!" and let's lick the togs of Waugh!
Arsed not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for tea.


Quote from: Sir Henry on March 04, 2023, 04:17:02 PM
Are you going to use the insides or just keep the shell?
This through necessity for the final goal will be shell only with a steampunk flare, now it's all about the looks as well as funtion. not some kind of restoration, those days are long gone, so use the bits I got and try and make something.

Any suggestions and opinions are most welcome along the journey.

James Harrison

Will be watching this with interest.  If you're anything like me there's an initial burst of enthusiasm for a project that quickly leads me into territory I find myself anxious to quit. 

These things date from roughly the 1910s-1920s I think? 
Persons intending to travel by open carriage should select a seat with their backs to the engine, by which means they will avoid the ashes emitted therefrom, that in travelling generally, but particularly through the tunnels, prove a great annoyance; the carriage farthest from the engine will in consequence be found the most desirable.



James Harrison

That burner's cleaned up very nicely considering how it looked at first.  Looking forward to seeing more.
Persons intending to travel by open carriage should select a seat with their backs to the engine, by which means they will avoid the ashes emitted therefrom, that in travelling generally, but particularly through the tunnels, prove a great annoyance; the carriage farthest from the engine will in consequence be found the most desirable.

J. Wilhelm

That's looking mighty nice. Reminds me of the old days when I was working with copper. It's an art. I liked to anneal the copper right after cleaning to create an orange patina. It would keep the verdigris out for a very long time after lacquering.




J. Wilhelm

Quote from: SeVeNeVeS on March 19, 2023, 10:35:39 AM
This small piece of brass could be the most important piece of the whole project, outflow is now steady, constant with no fluttering or splattering.

Soldered onto the original.

The rest is now mainly window dressing until I get around to fitting the thing to my hot and cold supplies.

Looking mighty fine! There's absolutely nothing like metalwork on copper and brass. Regarding the maker's mark,  was UK date format back in 1915 still "month/day/year" though? Only in the US are we still using that format  ::) Because "freedom and stuff."

All cleaned up that combustor looks like a rocket fuel injector!  ;D


I think the UK has always gone day/month/year.

The only thing I can't decided is whether to keep it simple or go Adèle Blanc-Sec.

I might have enough stuff to go ott within reason. What do you guys think? Basic or try and Steampunk the hell out of it? I'm having a hard decision on that one.  :-\

von Corax

If this water heater is historically significant, then keep it as close to original as possible. Otherwise, I say "Banz-bloody-ai!" and go as far over the top as you can afford.
By the power of caffeine do I set my mind in motion
By the Beans of Life do my thoughts acquire speed
My hands acquire a shaking
The shaking becomes a warning
By the power of caffeine do I set my mind in motion
The Leverkusen Institute of Paleocybernetics is 5842 km from Reading

J. Wilhelm

Quote from: SeVeNeVeS on March 22, 2023, 05:10:56 PM
I think the UK has always gone day/month/year.

The only thing I can't decided is whether to keep it simple or go Adèle Blanc-Sec.

I might have enough stuff to go ott within reason. What do you guys think? Basic or try and Steampunk the hell out of it? I'm having a hard decision on that one.  :-\

Adele Blanc-Sec? Would that involve pterodactyls?


Quote from: von Corax on March 23, 2023, 04:16:39 AM
If this water heater is historically significant, then keep it as close to original as possible. Otherwise, I say "Banz-bloody-ai!" and go as far over the top as you can afford.

Any historic signifcance has already been destroyed by previous attempts, it's basically scrap metal.
I'm hoping I have enough bits and bobs already to complete the look without spending too much money.
(you would not believe the amount of crap, usable stuff I have collected over the years)

Quote from: J. Wilhelm on March 23, 2023, 05:37:59 PM
Adele Blanc-Sec? Would that involve pterodactyls?

Sorry to disappoint but I'm afraid no pterodactyls or  Egyptian mummies in the plan, but you never know.  ;D


Awesome! Honestly i where not familiar with that movie, but i realy hawe to watch it now! I am a huge fan of Luc Besson movies (and of course anything steampunk!)

Looking forward to see more of this whan you got the time!