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My LEGO/Elastolin/tinplate army!

Started by mizzarrogh, May 09, 2022, 12:21:49 PM

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I don't know which category this shuld be in, so i apologize if i did post in the wrong category.
This is not realy a building project in that sense, so i try posting it here.

A few days ago i posted my attempet to draw those squid like creatures in another post.
This is what i came up with in order to trying to incorporate them into my vintage toy soldier army.
I will try to make some detachable shells for them that fit the lego system with my 3D printer as soon as i learned how to draw them in 3D CAD.
(Tyey are obviously not supposed to hawe detachable shells but permenent ones, but i wanted it to be possible to interchange the original Lego system for different types of scenarios and equipment)

Yes, i do indeed frequently monitor national action sites when the Lego octopus come up sheap in order to increase the strenght of my army... Ha ha!

(The Lego spacemen are just for scale, me and my brother played a lot with those particular guys whan we where small children so i restored them more for the affection value, the original Lego men does not fit the Elastolin scale, at the moment their work is to pave the lego field with flat tiles so the rest of the army can walk safely on the LEGO, no need for fieldmines whan the entire field is made of LEGO nobody else shall pass...  ;) )

When my new Lego auction finds arrive they are going to hawe some plants and other marine life there as well
for the octopus people.

I wanted the world to be sort of a mixture of a post war Army of Frankenstein and an alien world, in my world the German and American guys foud out that they had to cooperate in order to solve the problems connectod to surviving in the alien planet environment with help from their native guides and they decided to put down their weapons and explore the exoterrestial world.

In my world the war ended on the alien planet and the soldiers of all nations became friends and turned from the intended war against each others into a pieceful exploration of the new home planet.


Sorry, i forgot to attach the image of my Lego army...


Ah, the space base sheet. I still have mine, somewhere, from the 1980s.

I got the Portal of Atlantis set so I could add to the steampunk/horror aspects of my collection, and have a Stargate-like portal
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Sorontar, Captain of 'The Aethereal Dancer'
Advisor to HM Engineers on matters aethereal, aeronautic and cosmographic



Yes, i once had that moon car expedition, i won it on a lego building contest when i was a child (Me and my brother sat all the days in front of the lego box... ha ha He won the second price, a smaller lego set i can't remember exactly but i think it was some sort of old scool car), unfortunatly it has been lost to time and i gave my old spaceplate to my brothers little son long time ago, i just bought those for a few bucks on a lego action a couple of years ago, but they are the original spaceplate.

I think those spacemen, which are still missing the original arms and legs, so i probably hawe to replace them with new ones or old stock ones if i manage to find for a good deal, where among the very first sets with that type of new style helmet, Needless to say, with that stylish look compred to the old scool "moped helmets" they did imidiatly become the leaders and we played a lot with them outdoors expeditions, the yellow one was my carracter (the blue guys was my brother caracter since blue was he's favorite colour) i remember i almost lost him whan me and brother was canoing to a small islad outside my fathers farmhouse and i accidentaly dropped him in the trunk of a large hollw tree, but barly managed to pick him up by preforming some highly advanced acrobatic tricks i certanly would not repeat anymore... ha ha

My brother did try to recreate a lot of our old sets together with the children now when they grew up a bit so they understand the function of how lego are supposed to work.  :)
I remember i had the large alien spaceship my aunt gave me whan i was a kid, i gave him them as well whan i celaned up in my parents attic and they did manage to put most of it together except for those lightprobes which had dried out and cracked ower time. Fortunatly in contrast to me as a kid, i was always like a wolf, primary after all the parts so i could reuse them for my own design experiments, my brothers little sons seem to be very careful with the lego sets and store them in a glassmonter.  :)

I just got the first of the boxes with aquatic plants i ordered, if interested i can take some more pictures of the progress. But, as with all lego this is a newer ending project...  :)


It's obviously all a mess at the moment, i apologize for that, but i needed to build a much larger hobby table for my model railroad and old steamtoys (i long time wanted to make space where i can build a steampowered model workshop for some of the old clockwork toys i collected over the years) so i had to put everything else on my parlor sideboard when i took the picture, that's why they are wandering around kerosene lamps and old radios... 


I will make an update if someone is interested, i recently got all the pieces for the large mars base with the suction tunnels, but i don't think i will hawe time until the winter to start building it.

von Corax

Quote from: mizzarrogh on June 10, 2023, 08:52:15 PM
I will make an update if someone is interested, i recently got all the pieces for the large mars base with the suction tunnels, but i don't think i will hawe time until the winter to start building it.

Of course we're interested!
By the power of caffeine do I set my mind in motion
By the Beans of Life do my thoughts acquire speed
My hands acquire a shaking
The shaking becomes a warning
By the power of caffeine do I set my mind in motion
The Leverkusen Institute of Paleocybernetics is 5842 km from Reading


Quote from: von Corax on June 10, 2023, 10:43:08 PM
Quote from: mizzarrogh on June 10, 2023, 08:52:15 PM
I will make an update if someone is interested, i recently got all the pieces for the large mars base with the suction tunnels, but i don't think i will hawe time until the winter to start building it.

Of course we're interested!

Yes, please update as often as you can. Many of us live for watching collections such as this...


Where could i upload the pictures?  :)

von Corax

Quote from: mizzarrogh on June 11, 2023, 11:25:06 AM
Where could i upload the pictures?  :)

I use, and there's also Both are free for a basic account.
By the power of caffeine do I set my mind in motion
By the Beans of Life do my thoughts acquire speed
My hands acquire a shaking
The shaking becomes a warning
By the power of caffeine do I set my mind in motion
The Leverkusen Institute of Paleocybernetics is 5842 km from Reading