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Dicey wildcards. tabletop game players and makers

Started by rovingjack, July 25, 2022, 04:52:35 AM

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started 24Worlds subreddit for people who wanna make 24 worlds in 2024 to practice world building for games and/or fiction. or just fun.

I'm on the 3rd day of questmas, I've random generated 3 cities, 4 magic spells, and 3 world maps.

The towns of: Dunno, Knot Shore, and Imblankin. the spells are basically inspired by pokemon 'moves' for various types. and I'm fairly impressed by some of the random town and world map generators. I'll be shifting over to making my own soon with craft supplies lol.

there's a lot left to do still.
When an explosion explodes hard enough, the dust wakes up and thinks about itself.


Quote from: rovingjack on December 23, 2023, 03:32:46 AMAdding 12 days of Questmas to my hobby challenges.

Anyone wanna have a bit of fun? Wanna try a 12 days of questmas challenge?
1 a one parchment city (a 1 page city)
2 magic spells (2 new spells)
3 setting maps (cast your dice or rice on a page and make some overland maps)
4 calling quests (quest hooks)
5 magic things (magic items)
6 npcs
7 traps a-tripping (make some traps)
8 monsters wandering (create some new monster descriptions)
9 treasures gleaming (random generation of treasures)
10 dungeons delving (simple one page dungeons)
11 puzzles puzzling (riddles, cyphers, etc)
12 domains delighting/ of dreading (one paragraph pitches for domains of delight or dread)
reskins, random tables and online random generators encouraged.

I done did it. Now I have 364 creations that I'm thinking of turning into a blog. a daily entry for a year might be cool but a bit much to take on. maybe a few daily for a short bit and then a weekly or something. we'll see.

but for now, I've got til chinese new year to finish off some of the year long projects I started, and the new ones start then.

as well as starting my 24 worlds in 2024.
When an explosion explodes hard enough, the dust wakes up and thinks about itself.


"It is said that everyone has two ends that await them: The first is when their body dies; and the second when the memory of them dies. But there is a place between these ends, where legends reside; endlessly maintained by the storytelling. Where tales of woe/wonder gain new life, by perching in the memories of those drawn into -the Curio Realms of Woe/wonder." rough draft of the back cover of C.R.o.W. zine idea
When an explosion explodes hard enough, the dust wakes up and thinks about itself.


waiting on the approval of my zinequest attempt for Curio Realms of Woe. (diigital only)

trying to keep being excited instead of anxious self doubting.

It might not fund but that's okay, it's really just trying a new thing, and as long as I learn something in the process, and it's not costing me anything, it's still a victory.
When an explosion explodes hard enough, the dust wakes up and thinks about itself.


I'm pretty sure it won't fund, which is fine, this is more of a kickstarter practice round just to test everything and see how it all works.

I'll likely produce the digital zines anyway, and maybe see about small batch printing. I intend there to be 2+ years of this zine, an equal number of it's sister curio realms of wonder, Maybe running in parallel with the Spelljammer homage, and eventually the planescape homage.for the C.R.O.W.,STAR, DREAM trilogy. otherwise I cannot imagine doing zines for all of this for a decade lol.
When an explosion explodes hard enough, the dust wakes up and thinks about itself.


figured out My symbol for DREAM (Divine/Demonic Realms Eternal And Miraculous/Malevolent) My reinterpretation of the Astral, Outlands and outer planes in D&D. Inspired by the Svefnthorn which is said to be the gates to the dream world where contact with gods may be found... looks a lot like keys to me, so If I use 5 instead of 4, swap the tops for Futhark that kind of represent DREAM the meanings can be interpreted as "radiant journey connecting Divinity and self/people" and can be kind of symmetrical looking lit a gate made of keys.

Combining that with CROW and STAR. I think I can imagine a combined graphic logo for my Realms series.

Meanwhile. I'm thinking of ways in which I might connect my homebrew setting of worlds which have 6 divine first mothers in a world that is the world within a 7th. forming a 'flower of life' grid where each first mother contains a world with 6 first mothers.

the DND connection would be The Lady of Pain, The raven Queen, and the lady of Stars as 3 of them. I will likely have a far realm Mother of Aberration, I'm also thinking of the Nick of Time prison and the Spider Queen who comes into being in that storyline as becoming a 5th. But I'm still trying to figure out number 6 (possibly magic itself)... and then imagine up something that can be the embodiment of the Goddess of D&D.

something to keep my mind busy with and enjoy playing around with.
When an explosion explodes hard enough, the dust wakes up and thinks about itself.


August had some game jams that I participated in.
For the 1 page rpg I made a Kawaii superhero going into a villains secret lair, facing traps, puzzles, minions, goons and ultimately facing the villain.

then there was the ShadowDark adventure creation challenge that randomly picked 3 covers from old Weird Tales. And I didn't finish in time but it really inspired some ideas that my worldbuilding brain ran away with.

as for my 6 fold world build model of the D&D multiverse, I think I've settled on 1) the weaver of time, 2) the Lady of Ravens, 3) the Lady of Stars, 4) the Lady of Doors, 5) the queen of madness (a variant of Pale Night, mother of demons) 6) the Lady of magic... all present within the convolutions of the Dungeon Muse.

I think I'll have to construct the equivalent of the curio realms of woe&wonder, for Time, the far realms of madness, and realms of magic... with suitable symbols and acronym.
When an explosion explodes hard enough, the dust wakes up and thinks about itself.


Been gone a while! Glad to see you're still trucking along wae it! Re your post, I made my D&D style world based on Eight Divines, with the Creator killed by his brother--so ten total. They also have the dual elemental system (four physical, four esoteric, one associated with each of the Divines), giving them a base twelve counting system (they use the three segments on each of their four fingers of the right hand to count single digits to twelve, and the five fingers on the left to count tens units, and in doing so can count to 144)!

As to the Divines themselves... seven were once a mortal family, that just happened to be near by at the moment of the Kinslaying, and the Creator passed his power to them--the Eighth was ripped from his dimension across space and time at that moment, saw the Kinslayer attacking the One Who Would be Goddess of Spirit (death) as she "Sang the Creator to Sleep," lost his $#*7, and was the first of the Divines to figure out how to shape all eight elements simultaneously, driving the Kinslayer off. Despite this, his worship is generally considered only done by the insane, and to call someone an "Eigthman" is a serious insult (unless you unwittingly call one of his followers that, they wear it with pride).

That was more of a ramble than I intended... Uh... Yeah, my world is uh... Avalon is fleshed out (particularly in the areas of the Divine, the fluff of the magic system (if not the crunch, still working on that), and there's a lot of history...

Just... so much history.

As to a suitable acronym for yours, I've never been great with stuff like that. But I look forward to what you come up with!
No, no, girliepop, I GIVE advice, I don't TAKE it, not even my own.

The World's a Stage. The CAST is garbage.


feel welcome to expound your setting or game designs, this isn't my blog... though I'm considering making one ( I feel like starting on new years is a better time since I did 12 days of x-mas last year which resulted in 364 creations I could do blog posts about).

I've kinda got 2 big multiverses for D&D projects. My completely from scratch 'Avarrah: worlds of the first mothers' and the rewrite of the D&D multiverse meant to be showcased in my solo playthrough of every edition of D&D rules and a different setting for each, with the various 'Ladies and their domains' as passages between worlds.

I created hexagon tiles of hex map inspired by sections of the outdoor survival boardgame map used in 0D&D as the first setting.These tiles can be flipped over and mixed up to blind draw and arrange in a hex flower for the Hexlands,  and the adventure ends when the characters end up in the RoanLands (near anagram for DL Arneson) as a replacement for Gary Hawk. Then ShadowVance a sort of synonym for Blackmoor literally, but also tipping the hat to Jack Vance with the Vancian people. Maybe a Vecna like villain in the Nick (slang for jail or prison) of Time, that results in encounters with the weaver of time and the outlands like planes of time as a lead in to Mythacra (mystara of Basic edition)...

I feel like The Lady of Pain, The raven Queen, and a third in the Spelljammer phlogiston (essentially hyperspace) are a triad with CROW, STAR, DREAM; with the R standing for realms in each. But the 3 additionals all have Ms. TIME, MAGIC, and MADNESS. and perhaps don't have ringed cities. I need to think on that a bit more.

I feel it both tidies up the haphazard assemblage of D&D cosmology and lore while also bringing it kind of in line with my Avarrah setting. in the sense that there is the D&D multiverse as a sort of 6 fold world within the dungeon muse, and each 'world' is within one of the Ladies/ first mothers. all part of a giant cosmic hex grid of six circles around a 7th interlocking in a flower of life grid. My Avarrah is just elsewhere along the grid in it's ow set of 6 around a 7th.

I've got to figure out some details soon if I want to launch the 0-6e solo playthrough on the 50th annaversary year of D&D.
When an explosion explodes hard enough, the dust wakes up and thinks about itself.


For work, I am trying to think of ways to gamify some of the training we do about the methods we use. I am looking at the video game Framed for inspiration, which allows you to reorder and rotate slides/cell from a storyboard so as to change the outcome. I like the idea of getting a story right, but sometimes there are multiple correct stories. It's an interesting challenge to make an interesting challenge.

Sorontar, Captain of 'The Aethereal Dancer'
Advisor to HM Engineers on matters aethereal, aeronautic and cosmographic


there was something I saw a while back from a teacher on youtube where she made google slides that were games. One was a choose your own adventure and another was connect 4. Depending on the job being done I could imagine a training game done that way.
When an explosion explodes hard enough, the dust wakes up and thinks about itself.


I did a lot of prep and design for running a solo D&D game starting in 0D&D with an Homage do the outdoor survival 'setting' implied in the first booklets. and adventuring through the rules and editions updated through the years while setting hopping through several of what I call Homagebrew (homage and home brew) setting that are reimaginings with heavy modification to make different settings.

And yet I procrastinate like it's something terrible to do.
When an explosion explodes hard enough, the dust wakes up and thinks about itself.


I did it anyway. it's not perfect and there are things I want to fix going forward but the saying 'perfect is the enemy of good' comes to mind. I want it exist, not be the best thing ever, and I gotta create it first before I can adjust it.
When an explosion explodes hard enough, the dust wakes up and thinks about itself.


the Hexed lands.

based on the 'outdoor survival' game map used by many in oD&D as the first setting and the origins of the hex map and he crawl.

made into hex tiles 5 hexes on a side. that can be shuffled, to make a variety of locations. I used 7 to make a hex flower but there is an 8th tile of a swamp similar to the desert in the middle
When an explosion explodes hard enough, the dust wakes up and thinks about itself.


I've become obsessed with reworking the deck of many things into the deck of 7 parts (rod of 7 parts) with the parts being six hands of fate with 6 cards, and secretly there's the hand to rule them all,.. I mean a secret hand of 7 cards and a 7th card for each of the 6 other hands. The 7th hand is the hand of Vecna.

I'm aiming for 7 suits, and 0-6 numbers, that way the cards can be used in gaming too (go fish, old maid, a variant of uno, qwirkle, and eventually variants of gambling games). and fortune telling. the D&D campaign will revolve around the whole deck distributed in faction... like the red hand of doom, or kas the bloody hand,
When an explosion explodes hard enough, the dust wakes up and thinks about itself.