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19th early 20th century Camping /car camping

Started by groomporter, March 08, 2023, 12:38:29 AM

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I inherited the old pop-up camper that my grandfather designed and built which has been making me interested in the history of camping. So here's a few sources I've found. More Diesel punk than steamed...

Honorable Outfitters Mr. Dyer's Musings Early 1900's packs, sleeping bags, mess kits and similar topics

Tin Can Tourists a Camping club founded in 1919 with info on vintage campers and RVs and early car camping

sargevining Another Youtuber focused on the History of Recreational Camping of the 20th Century

Tin Can Tourists Camping in the 1920s Dan Hershberger describes auto camping in the 1920s at a Tin Can Tourists Rally
If a person who indulges in gluttony is a glutton, and a person who commits a felony is a felon, then God is an iron.
-Spider Robinson

Hurricane Annie

It's amazing what people put together in backyard sheds. Back in the day. Ingenuity, tenacity and a a flow of inspiration. It's wonderful journey that you have inherited in that campervan