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eccentric cogs

Started by rovingjack, June 26, 2023, 12:48:29 AM

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is your cognitive function a bit eccentric? what today might be called neurodivergent?

I've seen suggestions that steampunk itself might attract ASD and Aspergers for many reasons.

When an explosion explodes hard enough, the dust wakes up and thinks about itself.


Yes, Most likely... Ha ha  :)


My wife has Aspergers but shows no interest in Steampunk.
She only goes to events to socialise with friends.

But she does like The Damned and a lot of old school Punk Rock.
Different strokes.
The legs have fallen off my Victorian Lady...

J. Wilhelm


Quote from: J. Wilhelm on June 26, 2023, 08:51:51 PM
You need a logo

I actually waited to start this meta-club until the right word play name could be figured out. cog is a pretty good old reliable as a gearing term and also a shortened term for 'cognition/cognitive' . but we don't have a great history of treating the 'cognitively spicy' members of society. the victorian asylums are not a romantic notion of where people would go. Though Holmes, Darwin and others are suggested to have traits that might get them a ASD diagnosis today. Clearly lower support needs than some, and thus seen as eccentrics rather than subject to institutionalization. and I know enough mechanics to know that eccentric has both the psychological term and the mechanical term.

so it seemed fitting.

I'm not sure if the suggestion of the steampunk to autism link is based on the stereotype of neuro-spicy kids that are obsessed with trains. or if it's possibly about formalized system of rules for social interactions, emotional propriety, special interests in sciences and mechanization and other related topics that fit really well to autism and aspergers.

I just thought it might be an interesting chance to discuss dealing with nuerodivergent adventures in living, as well as to learn to think about how different things could have been if the systems hadn't been so eager to institutionalize people out of sight and out of the way.

When an explosion explodes hard enough, the dust wakes up and thinks about itself.


I remember that oval cogwheel driving a square and a triangular cogwheel was in a real demonstration device and it was a filmed as a part of the intro to the TV show in my country called loosly translated to "The world of Science" but the Swedish version of it.  :)

I think the good side for my parents where probably that my father could just throw in some old car electronic parts some old batteries and old radios from the scrapbin in order to satisfy my need for kids toys...  I remember my grandfather gave me a cast metal mirror microscope when i was a little kid. I have always been deeply interested in the 1800 long before i discovered Steampunk or found any movies about the topic, my parents where young in the 1970s and the green wave so we did not even had a TV until i was about ten. So, old library books it was and i am still to this day thankful for that! :)

Of all actors i think it was actually actors like Arnold Schwarzeneggerand Sylvester Stallone who got me into the steampunk as a spinoff from fantasy and SiFi movies in the late 80s. I hawe always been a very big fan of Conan the barbarian since i red the magazines as a kid. ha ha

It was actualy the real word museums and actual history that got me inte the world of Steampunk as a kid, i did wisit the town museum
a lot more as a kid than i ever wisited the football stadion, i where honestly deffinitely more drawn to athletics sports and swimming/freediving whan i was in scool.


I would be eccentric.... if I could afford it.

Sorontar, Captain of 'The Aethereal Dancer'
Advisor to HM Engineers on matters aethereal, aeronautic and cosmographic

Hurricane Annie

Quote from: Sorontar on June 27, 2023, 11:33:23 AM
I would be eccentric.... if I could afford it.


That quality of decayed grandeur and former glory takes generations of money

Hurricane Annie

The experts have assured me  I don't have have the family madness. I do how ever descend from a long line of folk that struggle with / revel in  Neuro diversity, bi polar and psychotic type disorders. I do have PTSD  from having to dealing with the extremities of their behaviours.

Religious fervour, intense creativity and  extensive garden landscaping are  hall mark traits. I'll leave you with this fellow

This is the home in which he lived and performed religious duties from. I covet having a personal baptismal pool.


I've been debating using apps like Bumble Bff, to see if I could build a few connections with other eccentric cogs, in the area, to build a support network. and some resources for managing things in our lives that neurotypicals don't have to navigate by themselves.

but I kinda hate the idea that waking friends in the world is just being done now via a modification of dating apps.
When an explosion explodes hard enough, the dust wakes up and thinks about itself.


Aha, maybe my Post I just made in Dragon Tamers would be better placed here. I am indeed Divergent, in so many ways, not the least of which is neurologically.
"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because
rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." - George Orwell


I'm noticing that my 'tism may be 'spicier' than I thought in the past. I'm noticing how the spirals and dragon/black dog are partly complex PTSD, from brushes with death and losing everything... but also partly autistic overload, shut down, burnout and meltdowns. And some of this could have been mitigated with support and help from a person or agency.

a simple case worker, advocate or even a personal assistant to help navigate the labrynthian buerocracy would go a long way to helping me.

It's become more obvious to me as I start to grasp the biggest feeling in the mix is that it's too much to single handedly hold it all together, and part of why it's as bad as it is, is because it's bodged together patch jobs by somebody whose making it up as they go and doing it with their very survival in play.
When an explosion explodes hard enough, the dust wakes up and thinks about itself.


I've been debating using one of my YouTube channels to explore some of the concepts of 'eccentric cogs' navigating the world.

one of the gear grindings I am tempted to address is the Gatekeeping vs self diagnosis debate making the rounds now.

where some talking heads seem to be dismissing people as trend chasing, looking to be quirky and unique because they can't cope with the idea of not being interesting in some way. and they don't believe people even when they get diagnosis (like people talked years ago about how everybody's kid is now suddenly ADHD, but 'really' they just don't teach their kids self control and discipline, while others theorize that it's not ADHD it literally kids being kids, and that children are not robots to be programmed and sit silently awaiting commands about what they should be doing, kids learn and grow through play and exploring with rapidly spinning minds and energetic interactions)

meanwhile there are some people convincing themselves that playing with their hair and liking cartoons as an adult means they're wired different from what they think they are supposed to have turned out based on the culturally expressed norm that really none of us ever really meet.

I kinda just want to start a series where I say, I have some diagnosis, others in process of professional exploration and some suspicions, I'm not going to tell you any of them. But I will discuss my experiences and means of coping. you can debate in the comments if that makes you think you know one of my diagnosis, and what you think it might be. but just so we are clear, viewers are even less qualified to diagnose somebody else than somebody experiencing their symptoms and having to do the work of trying to understand themselves and the methods they need to help them navigate the world.
When an explosion explodes hard enough, the dust wakes up and thinks about itself.


When i was kid there was very little information about this, i am honestly glad that seem to slowly change and those old umbrllas are clearing up a bit. :-) As my friend once said, "We are alsmot but not exactly as anybody else".