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A Question Regarding Steampunk Forum Etiquette & “Thread Necromancy”

Started by David Vivian Haraldson, August 18, 2023, 11:34:51 AM

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David Vivian Haraldson

Dear all,

I am writing to inquire about a most pressing matter. I have discovered a conversation here about a subject dear to my heart but the last post was several years ago. On other fora, I have seen enthusiastic members chastised—nay, condemned!—for the dark art of "Thread Necromancy" or bringing a dead thread back to life.

May I be so bold as to ask what this forum's policy is with regard to resurrecting old discussions? Is it acceptable or should one always start a new thread?
Yours sincerely,

Mr. David Vivian Haraldson

von Corax

Our necroposting policy is rather unusual in that, if the old thread provides useful context for the new post, if the new post legitimately advances the discussion, and if the poster keeps in mind that (depending on the age of the thread) some (or even all) of the previous posters may have moved on, then by all means raise the dead thread!

Necroposting for the sake of posting is, of course, discouraged and is in fact pointless as our ranks are based not on post count but on time spent reading the forum.
By the power of caffeine do I set my mind in motion
By the Beans of Life do my thoughts acquire speed
My hands acquire a shaking
The shaking becomes a warning
By the power of caffeine do I set my mind in motion
The Leverkusen Institute of Paleocybernetics is 5849 km from Reading

David Vivian Haraldson

This sounds generous and reasonable. If I understand you correctly:

  • "What a splendid thread. Here are three additional items for your consideration"--would be permissible.
  • "LOL. Wut?"--would not.
Yours sincerely,

Mr. David Vivian Haraldson

David Vivian Haraldson

Yours sincerely,

Mr. David Vivian Haraldson

von Corax

Quote from: David Vivian Haraldson on August 18, 2023, 07:25:21 PM
This sounds generous and reasonable. If I understand you correctly:

  • "What a splendid thread. Here are three additional items for your consideration"--would be permissible.
  • "LOL. Wut?"--would not.

That sums it up nicely.
By the power of caffeine do I set my mind in motion
By the Beans of Life do my thoughts acquire speed
My hands acquire a shaking
The shaking becomes a warning
By the power of caffeine do I set my mind in motion
The Leverkusen Institute of Paleocybernetics is 5849 km from Reading


I see no reason why not to re use old threads if they does contain material that is relevant to for example a specific question one hawe and a similar diskussion i allreday up and running, but died off for some reason without solving the riddle, starting a new tread just for the sake of starting a new tread befcause of some strange policy, with basically a parroting repetition but without any interesting replies other than in old likns to another tread is just pointless as i see it.  :)

David Vivian Haraldson

Yours sincerely,

Mr. David Vivian Haraldson