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Steampunk computer and video games

Started by elShoggotho, December 08, 2007, 02:49:53 PM

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I just stumbled upon

this little eyecandy and wondered upon existing games along the same vein. Steampunk aesthetics, in this special case proto-steampunk. Originally, Steel Empire is from 1992...


I just thought about the games on my shelf and suddenly had a fond memory of the Playstation version of "Jeff Wayne's War of the Worlds", which tells a radically different version of the classic tale. It tells of the second invasion made by now-vaccinated Martians and how the valiant efforts of Her Majesty's army denied them. Really nice scenes in there, like a zeppelin bombing raid on Martian war machines or the Ironclad level, which sees the player manning a dual-barreled Naval turret keen on destroying Martian structures, all the while driven on by the music from the 1978 musical.

It's a nice action-strategy game. I like it. It's not really the War of the Worlds though.


The rts (real time strategy) Rise of Legends has some steamy characteristics.  One of the races you can play as is basically a people using Davincian technologies. Despite that, its really not a great game and i wouldn't suggest buying it.
Just as no one can be forced into belief, so no one can be forced into unbelief.
Sigmund Freud

Ben Hudson, Esq.

Crimson Skies has some steampunk attributes, though it is really far out of the steampunk era. Not near enough gears or steam.
Quod me non necat me confirmat

QuoteCappuccino?! I'll give you a cappuccino!

Fellow of the Retrofuturist Society


Quote from: mythdude on December 12, 2007, 03:25:10 PM
The rts (real time strategy) Rise of Legends has some steamy characteristics.  One of the races you can play as is basically a people using Davincian technologies. Despite that, its really not a great game and i wouldn't suggest buying it.

It's not so bad. Not as good as command and conquer or dawn of war, but worth the time you'll spend on it.

Dr. Munro

Josh of Vernian Process

Every few months this topic seems to get reposted, so I will do what I did last time it was brought up, and repost the contents of wikipedia's list of steampunk works "Video Games" section.

    * Alone in the Dark series (1992-TBA)
    * American McGee's Alice(2000)
    * Amerzone(1999)
    * Arcanum: of Steamworks and Magick Obscura(2001)
    * Bang! Howdy(2006) wild west setting, with some purely mechanical units
    * Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean(2003-2005) mostly the Alfard empire and their technology
    * Battalion Wars(2005) Xlyvanians copy World War I Germany to some extent, but with more extravagant vehicles: Iron Legion uses antiquidated technology and uniforms.
    * BioShock(2007)
    * Blood Bros.(1990) "wild west" setting, steampunk touches in humorous tone
    * Boogie Wings(1992)
    * Breath of Fire series(1993-2003) Use of Industrial technology in various villages and usable machinery.
    * Castlevania series(1986-2006) Clockwork and steam-driven constructions, ranging from medieval-age to a near-futuristic (cyberpunk) setting.
    * City of Heroes(2004) Nemesis and Clockwork villains
    * Chrono Trigger(1995)
    * Dark Cloud 2(2002)
    * Darkwatch(2005) World of Sacred Device]]
    * Dreamfall (2006)
    * Final Fantasy series(1987-TBA)
    * Gadget: Invention, Travel, & Adventure(1993)
    * GunValkyrie(2002)
    * Jak and Daxter series(2001-2006)
    * Jade Empire(2005) (Asian Steampunk elements including celestial machinery, airships, and rocket powered aircraft)
    * Lighthouse(1996) For its visual style in transportation and mechanisms.
    * Martian Memorandum(1990)
    * MediEvil II(2000)
    * Morrowind(2002)
    * Myst series(1993-2007)
    * Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath(2005) (Western/Steampunk/Fantasy)
    * Okami(2006) Demon Technology features Steampunk elements.
    * Planescape: Torment(1999)
    * Progear(2001)
    * Pandemonium(1996)
    * Ragnarok Online(2002) (prominent in the town of Einbroch, as well as with the steam technology of monsters such as Rotar Zairo and RSX-0806)
    * Ring of Red(2000)
    * Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends(2006)
    * Rocket Knight Adventures(1993) (Steampunk Vehicles/Settings)
    * Rule of Rose(2006)
    * Rune (computer game)(2000) Heavy Steampunk theme in the Dwarven world chapter of this medieval fantasy game.
    * Sakura Wars(1996-2006) series
    * Septerra Core(1999)
    * Shades of Violet(2008) Upcoming Steampunk themed Adventure game.
    * Shining Force(1992) Steampunk elements, from characters such as Guntz through Lyle
    * SkyGunner(2002)
    * Skies Of Arcadia(2000)
    * Slouching Towards Bedlam(2003)
    * Space: 1889(1988)
    * Steamband(2002-present)
    * Steambot Chronicles(2005)
    * Steel Empire(1992)
    * Syberia(2002-2004) series
    * Super Monkey Ball Adventure(2006) (the stage Moonhaven is a Steampunk themed floating city)
    * The Chaos Engine(1993-1996) series
    * The Dark Eye(1995)
    * The Longest Journey(1999)
    * Thief(1998-2004) series
    * TimeSplitters Future Perfect (2005) The levels Scotland the Brave, You take the High Road (this level in particular) and Future Perfect. It also contains such characters as Robot Louis Stevenson, a steam powered robot.
    * Ultima: Worlds of Adventure 2: Martian Dreams(1991)
    * Wachenröder(1998)
    * Wild ARMs(1996) series (Western)
    * World of Warcraft(2004) and the Warcraft(1994-2003) series (Dwarven, Gnomish, and Goblin machines and inventions)
Gilded Age Records is a collective of like minded Indie artists, all unified by a common 19th Century/Steampunk theme.
<A HREF=""><img src="">


Quote from: VernianProcess on December 12, 2007, 09:44:28 PM
Every few months this topic seems to get reposted, so I will do what I did last time it was brought up, and repost the contents of wikipedia's list of steampunk works "Video Games" section.

    * Alone in the Dark series (1992-TBA)
    * American McGee's Alice(2000)

I don't play many computer or console games, but I used to love watching people play American McGee's Alice.  It's a great-looking game, in my opinion.  Had no idea it was considered steampunk. 


Well, if you can include Rune, you might as well include Gas Powered Games' Dungeon Siege.  The Goblin Warrens have an industrial setting with several types of wooden robots and tanks.  You can even recover a lightning gun, a flamethrower, or a grenade launcher for use as ranged weapons.


I know that the Myst series was already mentioned, and I can speak only for Riven (the only one in the series I ever played), but it has some excellent elements of steampunk.

von Brasswood

"Steam punk is like a top hat: You can watch it from different angles and enjoy different things about it, and there are no single hat that fits everyones head."
- vonB


Thanks for pointing it out. Shadow of the Comet is definitely missing in the list. Disrupting cultist action during the visit of Halley's Comet in 1910 is definitely at least a bit steampunk.


Alice is definitely steampunk, especially the Mad Hatter's fortress levels. It could also be psychedelic steampunk, technically, which sounds like a fun label.

Alone in the Dark is steampunkish in that one Wild West episode it had, but what about the others? How's that steampunk? Maybe my opinion is just corrupted by that genuinely horrific Uwe Boll production. That was not at all steampunk.


Alone in the Dark IV was quite a bit of Steampunk, in a distinctive Island of Dr. Moreau way.

Steampunk Cybernaut

I've seen that wiki-list posted many times, but I am still wondering which are considered the hard-core steampunk games (from the top of their stacks to the bottom of their treads)?  I know that question may be open to everyone's interpretation of steampunk, but it seems like I see a lot of "on this one level this one guy has this one clock and it's sort of steamy...".

I promise I'm not mocking anyone, I would just really appreciate a whittled down list of the good stuff.  I know you have to explore (it's part of the Steampunk credo, for sure), but being a novice to gaming myself, I'd hate to waste time with games that have only hints of steamishness, or having to drudge through level upon level just to see that one balloon or one cool screen shot of a factory or giant clock.  I don't mind playing games that elements other than SP, but which have enough SP to deliver a satisfying chunk of time?

I hear Arcanum is in the top five, maybe even top three of this list?  Everyone's thoughts are mucho apreciando.

A shorter list, or maybe someone could describe their very positive experience with particular games satisfying that steamish sweet tooth would be wonderful, and you would have my gratitude.

at your service,

Irwin James Willechin ;D


I just played Steel Empire's first level while running a video grabber... look here:

Josh of Vernian Process

Well in that case check out:

    * Arcanum: of Steamworks and Magick Obscura(2001)
    * BioShock(2007)
    * Dark Cloud 2(2002)
    * Darkwatch(2005)
    * Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends(2006)
    * Rocket Knight Adventures(1993) (Steampunk Vehicles/Settings)
    * Shades of Violet(2008) Upcoming Steampunk themed Adventure game.
    * SkyGunner(2002)
    * Skies Of Arcadia(2000)
    * Space: 1889(1988)
    * Steambot Chronicles(2005)
    * Steel Empire(1992)
All of those games are essentially Steampunk from beginning to end. My personal fave of the list though is Skies of Arcadia. You just can't get anymore Steampunk than that (imho)!
Gilded Age Records is a collective of like minded Indie artists, all unified by a common 19th Century/Steampunk theme.
<A HREF=""><img src="">

Snark MacQuarrie, Esq.

I'd add Railroads! to that list. While not technically steampunk, most of the trains in it are steam-powered, and the game is rooted in steam locomotiveness. I find it's such fun sometimes to don a top hat and build my railways across the landscape. And in the game, too.
"You dress like a cad. You act like a cad. You are a cad."

- George V


"X-Com - Terror From the Deep" had some steamy elements to it when squinted at in a certain light. 
The alien craft were all copper and rivets, and the aliens were definitely Lovecraftian.

I've often wondered about re-drawing the remaining elements to steam them up a bit. I'm not sure about getting new graphics in game, but it can't be that hard given the technology we built it with.
"I should probably finish one project before taking on another, but the badger won't fit in the freezer." -Steamblast Mary


There are programs to modify the graphics of the early X-COM games. Seek, and you will find.

Parthenia Hawk

I'm so glad you put Myst on that list, good sir &hearts;

I'd say that Riven, Myst III: Exile, and Myst IV: Revelation are closer to steam elements, for the curious indivuals!

The music is rather steamy (and very ambient) at times as well!

Steampunk Cybernaut

Quote from: VernianProcess on December 19, 2007, 08:13:26 PM
Well in that case check out:

    * Arcanum: of Steamworks and Magick Obscura(2001)
    * BioShock(2007)
    * Dark Cloud 2(2002)
    * Darkwatch(2005)
    * Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends(2006)
    * Rocket Knight Adventures(1993) (Steampunk Vehicles/Settings)
    * Shades of Violet(2008) Upcoming Steampunk themed Adventure game.
    * SkyGunner(2002)
    * Skies Of Arcadia(2000)
    * Space: 1889(1988)
    * Steambot Chronicles(2005)
    * Steel Empire(1992)
All of those games are essentially Steampunk from beginning to end. My personal fave of the list though is Skies of Arcadia. You just can't get anymore Steampunk than that (imho)!


Thank you so very much for this list... Arcanum is on its way to me, and I shall endeavor to acquire/play many more (incl. Skies of Arcadia)...



What about silverfall?  seems punkish, but unlike arcanum I have not tried silverfall.  I'll look around and see if it's still being sold...

Ben Hudson, Esq.

Quote from: elShoggotho on December 19, 2007, 07:51:13 PM
I just played Steel Empire's first level while running a video grabber... look here:

A battle against Motorhead? :P
Quod me non necat me confirmat

QuoteCappuccino?! I'll give you a cappuccino!

Fellow of the Retrofuturist Society


Quote from: Ben Hudson, Esq. on December 23, 2007, 07:18:18 PM
Quote from: elShoggotho on December 19, 2007, 07:51:13 PM
I just played Steel Empire's first level while running a video grabber... look here:

A battle against Motorhead? :P
...with all the benefits of Gentlemanly Science. Airships and tesla bombs! 8)