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Am I usual

Started by Arfon Kane, January 17, 2024, 11:07:44 AM

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Arfon Kane

It seems having recently discovered Steampunk, its popularity has waned, with a lot of sites like Steampunk Magazine having long closed; this forum seems rather quiet (although Facebook seems to have killed off a lot of forums). Particularly this side of the pond with local groups only having a handful of members.


It pains me to say your summary is correct.
The forum is indeed a little on the silent side at the moment Farcebook, twatter, fikfok etc has killed most forums.
If you would like to stay and contribute here you are most welcome, you wont get famous, get thousands of followers but hopefully an honest committed helpfull community will respond.
These days people tend to drift in then dissapear for weeks.

J. Wilhelm

Quote from: CrazedFandango on January 17, 2024, 11:07:44 AMIt seems having recently discovered Steampunk, its popularity has waned, with a lot of sites like Steampunk Magazine having long closed; this forum seems rather quiet (although Facebook seems to have killed off a lot of forums). Particularly this side of the pond with local groups only having a handful of members.

Yes, but if I may be so bold, the truth is that you can't kill a genre.  We weren't famous or cool or a "movement" for a very long time, before Steampunk became a buzzword around a decade and fraction ago.  You can't kill an idea.

von Corax

Quote from: CrazedFandango on January 17, 2024, 11:07:44 AMIt seems having recently discovered Steampunk, its popularity has waned, with a lot of sites like Steampunk Magazine having long closed; this forum seems rather quiet (although Facebook seems to have killed off a lot of forums). Particularly this side of the pond with local groups only having a handful of members.

Steampunk is about anachronism. The idea that an anachronist can be "late" amuses me greatly.
By the power of caffeine do I set my mind in motion
By the Beans of Life do my thoughts acquire speed
My hands acquire a shaking
The shaking becomes a warning
By the power of caffeine do I set my mind in motion
The Leverkusen Institute of Paleocybernetics is 5842 km from Reading

Arfon Kane

Quote from: von Corax on January 18, 2024, 12:19:58 AMSteampunk is about anachronism. The idea that an anachronist can be "late" amuses me greatly.
"Late" to its popularity

Arfon Kane

Quote from: SeVeNeVeS on January 17, 2024, 11:25:20 AMIt pains me to say your summary is correct.
The forum is indeed a little on the silent side at the moment Farcebook, twatter, fikfok etc has killed most forums.
If you would like to stay and contribute here you are most welcome, you wont get famous, get thousands of followers but hopefully an honest committed helpfull community will respond.
These days people tend to drift in then dissapear for weeks.
I've seen a fair few forums die off, but I still frequent some which are thriving...albeit, nothing to do with Steampunk.

Justin Time


Like any genre it has its peaks and valleys.  When this forum was at its height, it had an influx of several "fad surfers" who eventually got bored and moved on to the next thing.  Sadly, the influx seemed to alienate or offend some of the more "serious" SPs who dropped off.  Also, several members are/were older and time eventually takes its toll.

Several people here, including myself, were interested in the genre before it was even called "Steampunk".  When it started getting noticed by the mainstream it became a fad for a time.  I even did some props and music recommendations for a "Steampunk wedding" for someone locally several years ago...and that's where the bride's deep-dive interest in SP started and ended: have a gimmicky wedding.

I am only on four forums; one for Star Trek modelers, one for classic sci-fi fans, one for toy robot collectors/restorers, and Brass Goggles.  All of them are experiencing the usual post-holiday drop in activity and, hopefully, they will all soon recover.

As mentioned by SeVeNeVeS, the movement away from forums to things like Facebook and NitWit has killed most forums.  A move that, frankly, bewilders me.  Especially Facebook; if I wanted to have to endlessly scroll through junk looking for something interesting or relevant I'd still be using GEnie ;)

We'll just have to be satisfied with a forum of quality members and not a quantity of members.

Have you never wondered what it would be like to walk between the ticks and tocks of Time?


being late is very hard when the party has this many time travelers in it.

it's popularity waned with the fad focused cycles, but if you ride with that crowd long enough you'll discover that they are never developing a love of the things, just a love of being seen in connection to a thing, no matter what it is. Because their degree of exploration of a thing is measured in how many eyes there are to see them doing it.

it's okay to do that, this isn't judgement about what we all do at some points in our lives. But it's also important to reassure people that when they find something that speaks to them, it's worthwhile getting off the fad chasing ride and get into something. and your interest may wane over the years, and then spring back but don't drop something that scratches your itch just to stay with the endless cycles of temporary visitors, that's a sure recipe for feeling regret for things you would have enjoyed but left behind for staying with the crowd.
When an explosion explodes hard enough, the dust wakes up and thinks about itself.


I am not as eloquent as many members so I would say if you discover something that feels right and is in your blood, you must stick with it no matter the fashion at the time in question.
From an early age I have (as described by my mother) been different from the norm.
From motorcycles, punk rock, metal, taxidermy and all things weird, whatever it may be I have embrassed it as "that is me" and gone with it.
We have some fantastic people, artists, makers here and this will always be my Steampunk home.
I would say though Facebook Marketplace and Gumtree are both great places for getting cheap/free supplies for projects my goto before ebay. The only reason I joined those (anti) social platforms, the rest of it.....bleeeeeeh.


Indeed, it is not appropriate for steampunk to be popular, traditional or normal - it wouldn't be punk otherwise. It is not the "in thing", and never has been, which is good. None have been able to claim it, own it or redefine it, because that is not in its nature. Steampunk cannot die, because that would imply that it was something that it isn't.
Sorontar, Captain of 'The Aethereal Dancer'
Advisor to HM Engineers on matters aethereal, aeronautic and cosmographic

Arfon Kane

Thank you all for the welcome and insight.

Cora Courcelle

The forum may be quiet at the moment but the genre certainly isn't, with more gatherings than ever it seems 😀. We are certainly hoping to go to quite a few this year and that's only in the north of England!
Do stick around Mr Fandango; it's nice and civilised here.
You have to tread a fine line between avant-garde surrealism and getting yourself sectioned...


I must admit I'm in the category of rocking up and then disappearing again. For weeks. Like a comet caught in a stars gravity well, being pulled in before being slingshot out again, ready to reset the cycle and come back.

That was an ungracious way of saying my attendance is poor but consistent in my return.

As for Brass Goggles, and in fact, forums as a whole which others point out are on the overall decline. They don't have the expedient reward shot of dopamine (anti) social media has; what forums are is more meaningful and greater long term rewards.

Afterall modern culture is geared towards 144 characters to answer complex and sophisticated topics and issues. This is results in over simplistic mindset that reacts to MEGA (positive or negative it matters not) in violent and emotionally charged.

Martin Luther insisted that the bible be written in the local language to which it is preached so that followers could read and think for themselves.
Now days in the "age of information", people seem just as naive as those who couldn't read Latin, without the language barrier for an excuse.
Elymas J. Banderbine
Urban Druid

Cora Courcelle

You have to tread a fine line between avant-garde surrealism and getting yourself sectioned...


Quote from: CrazedFandango on January 17, 2024, 11:07:44 AMIt seems having recently discovered Steampunk, its popularity has waned, with a lot of sites like Steampunk Magazine having long closed; this forum seems rather quiet (although Facebook seems to have killed off a lot of forums). Particularly this side of the pond with local groups only having a handful of members.

Totally get what you mean about the shift in Steampunk's popularity. It's a bummer seeing some sites and forums close down. Social media, especially Facebook, has indeed changed the game. But hey, the essence of Steampunk is still alive in those local groups, even if they're smaller. Quality over quantity, right? Ever been to any local meet-ups? Sometimes, those smaller groups host the coolest gatherings!

Arfon Kane

Quote from: Olivia32 on February 18, 2024, 09:14:39 PMTotally get what you mean about the shift in Steampunk's popularity. It's a bummer seeing some sites and forums close down. Social media, especially Facebook, has indeed changed the game. But hey, the essence of Steampunk is still alive in those local groups, even if they're smaller. Quality over quantity, right? Ever been to any local meet-ups? Sometimes, those smaller groups host the coolest gatherings!
Not really.  I know of a couple, but I've yet to attend.