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Having trouble

Started by SeVeNeVeS, February 02, 2024, 06:57:35 AM

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Malwarebytes flags BG for phishing and even when logged in in I get forbidden when trying to post. Just me?


You don't have permission to access this resource.

Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

Well this worked but if I try to qoute no joy, no idea.Any ideas or advice, could be a glitch with malwarebytes but I really don't want to turn off my anti virus software and it's only just started happening.

Techie bods?


It certainly doesn't look like you are flagging anything at the BG end. It might just be malwarebytes. I am not familiar with that.

Sorontar, Captain of 'The Aethereal Dancer'
Advisor to HM Engineers on matters aethereal, aeronautic and cosmographic

von Corax

You're showing up in the server's error log. It specifically mentions "Matched phrase ..." and a specific site which I can't mention here or I get the same error. Let me do a little homework and get back to you.
By the power of caffeine do I set my mind in motion
By the Beans of Life do my thoughts acquire speed
My hands acquire a shaking
The shaking becomes a warning
By the power of caffeine do I set my mind in motion
The Leverkusen Institute of Paleocybernetics is 5842 km from Reading

von Corax

It seems that our web server prohibits any reference to the site "img bb dot com." I shall be pursuing this with our hosting service forthwith.
By the power of caffeine do I set my mind in motion
By the Beans of Life do my thoughts acquire speed
My hands acquire a shaking
The shaking becomes a warning
By the power of caffeine do I set my mind in motion
The Leverkusen Institute of Paleocybernetics is 5842 km from Reading


Thats strange, I posted a photo upped there not that long ago and I know at least 3 others here use the same image host.

Thanks for looking into the situation.

Any ideas on the phishing flag from malwarebytes?

von Corax

The problem was caused by a particular rule in the Apache webserver's ModSecurity module. I expect these rules come from a service to which CanSpace subscribes, so it's not unreasonable to expect the occasional faulty rule to sneak in. Everyone please let us know if something like this happens again.

As for MalwareBytes, I see nothing in the logs, so without more information I refuse to even speculate.
By the power of caffeine do I set my mind in motion
By the Beans of Life do my thoughts acquire speed
My hands acquire a shaking
The shaking becomes a warning
By the power of caffeine do I set my mind in motion
The Leverkusen Institute of Paleocybernetics is 5842 km from Reading


Is there a spell check installed at the moment?
I type so fast if not an add on would be handy......oh and I'm illiterate and am fed up with googling words..... ;D

von Corax

There doesn't appear to be a spelling checker. (I'm sure there used to be one.)

Which browser do you use? I use Firefox, and it underlines probable spelling errors in red.

EDIT: I've confirmed that spelling check was removed from the current version of SMF because it already exists in browsers.
By the power of caffeine do I set my mind in motion
By the Beans of Life do my thoughts acquire speed
My hands acquire a shaking
The shaking becomes a warning
By the power of caffeine do I set my mind in motion
The Leverkusen Institute of Paleocybernetics is 5842 km from Reading