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Walking sticks with secrets...

Started by Hieronimous Stonebender, April 02, 2008, 01:29:22 PM

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Quote from: Atterton on April 03, 2008, 11:06:04 PM
You could make it hollow with some lenses at either end and use it as a telescope.

Highly impractical for focusing, unless it was telescopic, and then something to protect the lens at the bottom end.

Krazny Veshov

Well... It looks good on paper, but on paper so does Communism.

Maggoty Anne

*mutters nigh-incomprehensibly*

Perhaps a string of glass capsules filled with VX nerve gas.

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"One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's
work is terribly important."
-Bertrand Russell

Maggoty Anne

Sorry about that ^^^, but it can't be edited because my computer is silly.
What I meant to say, akumabito, is "Just don't go whacking anybody with it!"
"One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's
work is terribly important."
-Bertrand Russell


I've made a little MS Paint drawing, showing a walking stick and some of the possibilities in it. I don't think it would fit in here, so here's the link:
ok, here we go. i didnt knew a tinkergirl before i chose my usename. true story.

Hieronimous Stonebender

Quote from: Tinkerboy on April 04, 2008, 11:27:40 AM
I've made a little MS Paint drawing, showing a walking stick and some of the possibilities in it. I don't think it would fit in here, so here's the link:

Ooooh... five-in-one

A challenge...?


If a person who indulges in gluttony is a glutton, and a person who commits a felony is a felon, then God is an iron.
-Spider Robinson


Quote from: groomporter on April 04, 2008, 01:31:04 PM
A couple neat doctor's canes on Ebay recently

well, for that price...i will buy 2!!


but it really is a pretty cane none the less.


I think a cane pez dispenser would be cool. just tilt the head of the cane back and pez pops out.

Dr Flonker

Quote from: Maggoty Anne on April 02, 2008, 02:06:16 PM
I think the compass and spyglass are your best bets if you don't want the fez after you, though the only example I've seen of a spyglass-cane is this:
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which while absolutely gorgeous, would be extremely difficult to make.

For the compass, we've already established that they are rather difficult to make in a thread I don't feel like digging up right now, but the mechanics mentioned there might help you.

I rather like the idea of putting a working clock in the handle, as opposed to a compass, like this person did here:

Spyglass cane link for you.

Looks ok, I guess...



Quote from: Dorkenfarber on April 05, 2008, 05:45:48 AM
I think a cane pez dispenser would be cool. just tilt the head of the cane back and pez pops out.

Now THAT is an idea.



Brigadier Stanley Banks

I was also perusing some fine canes here and noticed some fine ideas. The pop-up pencil cane was very entertaining. If you use any of these ideas I'd be very interested to see the final product. If you'd like I'll post some of the fine walking sticks my father has carved and made out of "Diamond Willow" from Alaska (he does folk art). It's an interesting wood, a red outer layer covers a fine white layer. When whittled down it leaves large diamond-shaped knots left in red. Most of these he's capped with bronze and brass tips at the end, with a soft rubber ball inset that keeps it from causing too much impact on the arm (a brilliant idea if you ask me, and one he came up with himself). At the top of the handles he insets stone cabs, usually of Snowflake, or Mahogany Obsidian, but sometimes other agates. If any are interested I will post pictures either here or in a new thread. Please let me know. Thanks.

Hieronimous Stonebender

Quote from: Brigadier Stanley Banks on April 06, 2008, 06:13:51 AM
I was also perusing some fine canes here and noticed some fine ideas. The pop-up pencil cane was very entertaining. If you use any of these ideas I'd be very interested to see the final product. If you'd like I'll post some of the fine walking sticks my father has carved and made out of "Diamond Willow" from Alaska (he does folk art). It's an interesting wood, a red outer layer covers a fine white layer. When whittled down it leaves large diamond-shaped knots left in red. Most of these he's capped with bronze and brass tips at the end, with a soft rubber ball inset that keeps it from causing too much impact on the arm (a brilliant idea if you ask me, and one he came up with himself). At the top of the handles he insets stone cabs, usually of Snowflake, or Mahogany Obsidian, but sometimes other agates. If any are interested I will post pictures either here or in a new thread. Please let me know. Thanks.

Please do; they sound rather magnificent


Quote from: Hieronimous Stonebender on April 04, 2008, 01:23:20 PM
Ooooh... five-in-one

A challenge...?

Do you mean challenge as a challenge to make it?
ok, here we go. i didnt knew a tinkergirl before i chose my usename. true story.

Hieronimous Stonebender


I believe I'll have to add a cane to the list of items to make  :)

Jake of All Trades

Quote from: Brigadier Stanley Banks on April 06, 2008, 06:13:51 AM
I was also perusing some fine canes here ...
My Cogs, I want them all!!!  Out of curiosity, does anyone know what a "vinigarette grill" is?  It is the stated function of the third-from-last cane on that page, but Dr. Phineas T. Google's Aethernet Conciergery does not seem willing to reveal its purpose.  I do rather like the idea of a gentleman so particular about his salad dressings that he carries the facilities for preparing his own on his person, though I somehow doubt that's what it means...
"'s a form of fiction, and as such, while there may be times when it's considered a worthy vehicle for pointing out some of society and individual flaws - I still want a side that will let there be lighthearted adventures in the clouds, on mars, or under the sea."


Quote from: Jake of All Trades on April 07, 2008, 03:25:16 AM
Quote from: Brigadier Stanley Banks on April 06, 2008, 06:13:51 AM
I was also perusing some fine canes here ...
My Cogs, I want them all!!!  Out of curiosity, does anyone know what a "vinigarette grill" is?  It is the stated function of the third-from-last cane on that page, but Dr. Phineas T. Google's Aethernet Conciergery does not seem willing to reveal its purpose.  I do rather like the idea of a gentleman so particular about his salad dressings that he carries the facilities for preparing his own on his person, though I somehow doubt that's what it means...

In the old days of British cities when it stank like hell, one would use a vinigarette.  A small sponge soaked in vinegar and other things could be held under the nose. It was kept in a vinigarette, and you hold up the vinigarette to your nose to mask the smell.


I've an idea! However I am so enthused of it that rather than tell you I shall go out this morning and acquire supplies to begin its construction personally!

...Which makes me wonder why I bothered posting this....


Brigadier Stanley Banks

Not sure if I should make another topic, but if it helps here's this. These are my fathers walking sticks I was talking about as well as a necklace made of bear claws that my father worked on with a friend, and was allowed to keep in the end. To give a relevance of size I gave a large shot, the tallest is about 6' tall. Here you go:

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Any questions or comments appreciated. I do similar things as well.

Hieronimous Stonebender

Quote from: TristanRenn on April 07, 2008, 05:03:55 AM
I've an idea! However I am so enthused of it that rather than tell you I shall go out this morning and acquire supplies to begin its construction personally!

...Which makes me wonder why I bothered posting this....

At least show us the result. I'm intrigued...