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Off Topic / Re: The Brassgoggles Model Mak...
Last post by Madasasteamfish - January 19, 2025, 11:12:03 AM
Quote from: James Harrison on January 19, 2025, 11:02:09 AM
Quote from: Madasasteamfish on January 19, 2025, 10:43:34 AMAs to the L&YR specifically, I went with them (rather than the tempting MR crimson lake set) as the L&YR had running rights along the GCR into Sheffield from Penistone and given its' absorption into the LNWR in 1922 and my 1925ish onwards timeframe I feel that the 'We haven't got round to them yet Guv!' excuse for their anachronistic livery is fitting for stock stranded in "foreign" climes.

That's how it started for me.  "There's a picture here of a loco in GC livery in 1926, let's model that"  "Oh heck.  It looks really nice."

Well, as handsome as some of the pre-grouping liveries are....given the prototype I'd be looking to emulate would be the South Yorkshire Joint Railway (although primarily a freight line it involved 5 major companies (the GCR, MR, L&YR, GNR and GER), not to mention a couple of smaller ones (such as the Hull and Barnsley) lurking in the background) I suspect that way madness lies.....
Off Topic / Re: The Brassgoggles Model Mak...
Last post by James Harrison - January 19, 2025, 11:02:09 AM
Quote from: Madasasteamfish on January 19, 2025, 10:43:34 AMAs to the L&YR specifically, I went with them (rather than the tempting MR crimson lake set) as the L&YR had running rights along the GCR into Sheffield from Penistone and given its' absorption into the LNWR in 1922 and my 1925ish onwards timeframe I feel that the 'We haven't got round to them yet Guv!' excuse for their anachronistic livery is fitting for stock stranded in "foreign" climes.

That's how it started for me.  "There's a picture here of a loco in GC livery in 1926, let's model that"  "Oh heck.  It looks really nice."

Well, time to start putting some of that really nice livery onto my current project. 
Frames are Humbrol #20 gloss crimson and boilers, splashers and cab are Humbrol #3 gloss brunswick green.  There's a process to go through in smoothing down and then recoating, but it's looking promising. 

Off Topic / Re: The Brassgoggles Model Mak...
Last post by Madasasteamfish - January 19, 2025, 10:43:34 AM
Quote from: James Harrison on January 18, 2025, 04:37:44 PMOh, very nice!  Very nice indeed.  Have you bought the 4-carriage set, the mix of 4-wheelers and 6-wheelers?

I've gone for the mixture of 4 and 6 wheelers rather than all of one or the other.

QuoteAlso, I can't help but notice you've got a set in a pre-grouping livery... is that the start of back-dating Dukeswood?

Not as of yet (I expect I'd be receiving some very angry phonecalls from my bank manager about my overdraft if that happened). As things stand I decided to go with the pre-grouping livery as it felt more appropriate for the design and for my intended vibe of some mothballed coaches that have called into service at short notice.

As to the L&YR specifically, I went with them (rather than the tempting MR crimson lake set) as the L&YR had running rights along the GCR into Sheffield from Penistone and given its' absorption into the LNWR in 1922 and my 1925ish onwards timeframe I feel that the 'We haven't got round to them yet Guv!' excuse for their anachronistic livery is fitting for stock stranded in "foreign" climes.
Tactile / Re: My Steampunk Gameboy
Last post by James Harrison - January 19, 2025, 09:04:15 AM
That's fantastic, great work. 
Tactile / My Steampunk Gameboy
Last post by Coppernibrass - January 18, 2025, 11:45:43 PM
Hello from Germany. My name is Matthias and I'm new here.

Today I would like to introduce you to my version of a Steampunk Gameboy. I hope you enjoy it.

The first thing I wanted was a real wooden housing. Which wasn't so easy with all the curves, recesses and openings. About 200 cogwheels and clockwork parts from pocket watches were used as a frame for the screen.

All the controls are made of metal. The directional pad didn't look "Victorian" enough for my taste, which is why it was replaced by a more historic-looking joystick. Everything is of course fully functional.

The grooves of the original housing were modeled with copper wire. The cover of the Gamelink port is secured with a chain to prevent loss.

A number of steampunk elements have also been added, such as the "electron tube" at the top, the "steam drive" on the back and various decorations. Incidentally, the dial of the pressure gauge is copied from a real steam engine.

Where I couldn't attach a wooden panel (e.g. the slot for the game module), I covered the plastic with a thin self-adhesive copper foil, which is normally used to protect flower pots from snails:o

The battery cover is held in place by two hinges and closed with a small casket closure.

But that wasn't all

A steampunk Gameboy and then a gray game module in it? No way! So I pimped an old Tetris game accordingly. Again the snail foil (slightly aged with brass bronzing agent), a few gears and other parts and the label was modified to look vintage, voila.

Looks much better, doesn't it?

After all that, you'd probably like to see what the whole thing actually looks like in action now, right?

Tactile / Re: That 'big project' I've be...
Last post by James Harrison - January 18, 2025, 04:40:39 PM
Another weekend, another session of laying recycled glass matting in the attic. 

I've got nudging 300mm thickness up there now, which is what the current building regulations specify for a new-build property, so I think I can leave off. 

That little distraction over with, I should be able to make a start on repapering at least one wall of the bedroom. 
Off Topic / Re: The Brassgoggles Model Mak...
Last post by James Harrison - January 18, 2025, 04:37:44 PM
Oh, very nice!  Very nice indeed.  Have you bought the 4-carriage set, the mix of 4-wheelers and 6-wheelers?

Also, I can't help but notice you've got a set in a pre-grouping livery... is that the start of back-dating Dukeswood?

Off Topic / Re: The Brassgoggles Model Mak...
Last post by Madasasteamfish - January 18, 2025, 03:58:52 PM
Quote from: James Harrison on October 03, 2024, 05:54:18 PMYesterday I had a delivery. 

If you want some of these, well the shop might have some cancellations, or the tooling might turn up somewhere.  Unfortunately the retailer that commissioned them folded early this year, so they're going to be fairly rare on the open market for the moment. 

So earlier this week the retailer delivering these coaches announced that after fulfilling all the pre-orders they still had some left... and well..... the words "Shut up and take my money!" Might have been me.

And now I'm in possession of a rake of rather lovely coaches in L&YR brown and umber. It almost feels like sacrilege to weather them, but I'm doing to do it anyway.
Off Topic / Re: The Brassgoggles Model Mak...
Last post by James Harrison - January 17, 2025, 10:52:36 PM
Well, I had to order another keeper plate for the chassis (after I accidentally cut the wires off the first one...)

Whilst doing that I also ordered the chassis block and keeper plate for the other set of outside-framed axles in my spares box. 

Don't be surprised if one day I announce I'm building the other GCR 2-4-0 to survive long enough to feature in LNER loco books...
Off Topic / Re: The Brassgoggles Model Mak...
Last post by Madasasteamfish - January 17, 2025, 08:09:21 PM
oooh, that looks very nice...