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The Engine Room / Re: A New Fine Arts Board?
Last post by von Corax - January 08, 2025, 04:52:45 PM
Quote from: J. Wilhelm on January 08, 2025, 02:17:49 AM
Quote from: von Corax on January 07, 2025, 03:07:34 PMThat's... ambitious.

I suggest we start simple, with (perhaps) 2D, 3D, Performative, and Technical. If traffic warrants, we can add more categories later.

What say you all?

Well, that's why I wrote we could start with just a few categories.  I like "Performative as it folds dance and theatre together. Could "Design" be used for Architecture?

Quote from: Sorontar on January 08, 2025, 04:03:50 AMWould Design or 3d cover sculpture?

I would think both sculpture and architecture would be "3D".

Quote from: Sir Henry on January 08, 2025, 08:36:29 AMShould there be a separate category for AI-made images and videos? They can be creative, but in a very different way to the 'crafting' of human-made arts. And they seem to be gaining popularity.
That is worth considering.
The Engine Room / Re: A New Fine Arts Board?
Last post by Sir Henry - January 08, 2025, 08:36:29 AM
Should there be a separate category for AI-made images and videos? They can be creative, but in a very different way to the 'crafting' of human-made arts. And they seem to be gaining popularity.
The Engine Room / Re: A New Fine Arts Board?
Last post by Sorontar - January 08, 2025, 04:03:50 AM
Would Design or 3d cover sculpture?
The Engine Room / Re: A New Fine Arts Board?
Last post by J. Wilhelm - January 08, 2025, 02:17:49 AM
Quote from: von Corax on January 07, 2025, 03:07:34 PMThat's... ambitious.

I suggest we start simple, with (perhaps) 2D, 3D, Performative, and Technical. If traffic warrants, we can add more categories later.

What say you all?

Well, that's why I wrote we could start with just a few categories.  I like "Performative as it folds dance and theatre together. Could "Design" be used for Architecture?
The Engine Room / Re: A New Fine Arts Board?
Last post by von Corax - January 07, 2025, 03:07:34 PM
That's... ambitious.

I suggest we start simple, with (perhaps) 2D, 3D, Performative, and Technical. If traffic warrants, we can add more categories later.

What say you all?
Off Topic / Re: The Brassgoggles Model Mak...
Last post by The Bullet - January 07, 2025, 09:20:04 AM
That 6D looks good.
All the major dimensions seem to match.
Keep in mind: Things look worse on the workbench.
As soon as the loco/wagon is painted it looks like the pieces belong together.
Before, you see all different parts in different colours and this enhances any errors.
Later on the layout at normal viewing distance, the small inaccuracies become even less visible as the loco is inside proper landscape and pulling something.

I have finally dusted off my LBSC-based fire truck, tried all engines (driving, pump motor and pum itself), repaired some broken solder jounts and made a new baseplate.

As my fullsuize 1955 Citroen 11BL takes up most of my workshop time, there´s little progress on the smaller scales.
Off Topic / Re: GAAAAAHHHHHH Mk.VI: The Re...
Last post by J. Wilhelm - January 07, 2025, 07:25:05 AM

It's time to strangle another roommate!

Texas just went below zero degrees Celsius, at least for the whole week.  We expect ice or snow as early as Wednesday night.

Now, that in itself isn't a problem.

But, I'm sharing this condo with a 21 y/o kid who likes to leave all the windows and doors open at night, "because he "is part Scandinavian."

No, I'm not joking. The dude is obsessed with all things Scandinavian, lingonberry juice and all, and he's not even full Scandinavian. He doesn't look Scandinavian. He's about as Scandinavian as I am German, and I don't look it either!

Which is not to say his claim has absolutely no merit, but rather that it's entirely incidental and just a fractional part of his genetic makeup, plus genetics got nothing to do with how your body is adapted to local weather. It'd be like if I told you I will only eat sausage and schnitzel!

WTF??? I want to rip his head off!
The Engine Room / Re: A New Fine Arts Board?
Last post by J. Wilhelm - January 07, 2025, 06:49:23 AM
Quote from: von Corax on January 07, 2025, 04:30:59 AMHow do you picture it being laid out? Sub-boards for photography, sculpture, 2D art, technical discussion, or perhaps some other arrangement? I assume the new board would subsume the current Photography board. The general idea certainly has merit.

Actually yes.  There aren't that many types of fine art that we have at the moment (painting, photography, sculpture), but we could add sub boards as more subjects are added over time.

For example, I haven't heard from any member dancing Ballet or writing poetry -that I'm aware of (I may be wrong on that maybe back in 2009 we did have poets), so for now we may ignore those topics, but we could add them later, and right now we do have examples of performances like Mr. Bailey's banjo, for example, we currently have members involved in architecture, and in the past we've had sculptures made by an engineer who got involved in metal work, if I remember correctly.

According to Wikipedia,  historically, the five main fine arts were painting, sculpture, architecture, music, and poetry. Theatre and dance were then tacked on as two "subsidiary" fine arts. (Dancing being "a derivative" is weird, because that's also very primal).

Fast forwarding through history, photography IMHO also counts as a subsidiary, and technology will undoubtedly generate more categories, as we debate whether digital renders (20th C.) and AI (21st C. ) fall into the category of subsidiary genres. And noting that photography was not even considered a genre of art at all, when it emerged in the 19th C. We would be hard pressed to make such an argument today, yes?

Perhaps we could synthesize a couple of genres together, like 2 Dimensional Fine Art as you mentioned, if the Pantheon of genres is too large.  Painting, photography, and computer generated art could be 2D Fine Art.

3D Fine Art would involve sculpture, and perhaps computer rendering.

But Dance is dance, you really can't categorize it dimensionally ( unless you want to talk about 4-dimensional space-time). And I'd stick to "Poetry" as well, just to be specific, and avoid confusion with the Textual Board (in this definition of Fine Arts, a play could be Fine Art, but a novel couldn't).

So perhaps:

1. 2D Fine Art (Painting, photography, digital. All your own creation)

2. 3D Fine Art (Sculpture, Digital Rendering. All your own creation)

3. Poetry (self explanatory)

4. Music and Dance (Must be your own performance or creation)

5. Architecture (Must be your own creation)

6. Theatre (also your own performance).
The Engine Room / Re: A New Fine Arts Board?
Last post by von Corax - January 07, 2025, 04:30:59 AM
How do you picture it being laid out? Sub-boards for photography, sculpture, 2D art, technical discussion, or perhaps some other arrangement? I assume the new board would subsume the current Photography board. The general idea certainly has merit.
Off Topic / Re: The Brassgoggles Model Mak...
Last post by Madasasteamfish - January 06, 2025, 05:56:52 PM
Well, we're into the new year, so I think it's appropriate to review my plans from the previous year
Quote1st off is of course to finish off my OO9 micro which I've rolled over from 2023 and have provisionally given myself the deadline of my expected change in domestic arrangements (currently the end of February).

Unfortunately this fell through somewhat as I had other pressing concerns and an extended hiatus in my domestic arrangements meant I never got the time to really attack it, but I'm still 90% of the way there (I reckon if I can find a free weekend with the necessary mojo and space, which continues to be an issue in my domestic arrangements, I'll get it up and running).

Quote1. Build up a list of trains I want to run (not quite a timetable/running order but something so as I can figure out exactly what I stock I already have, what I need and tasks I need to do). Hopefully this should discourage my usual magpie approach of 'oooh I could make that work!' and buying a rake of wagons/shiny thing.

Well, this has happened (to an extent) and I even have it colour coded to help discourage my magpie approach, however, that hasn't happened (mostly because I keep forgetting I have the damn thing to refer to), what with all the things I've accquired.

Quote2. Build up another full train, specifically I'm going to try and put together a ballast train as I have more than enough wagons and with 2 kits (although I may need wheels) awaiting assembly that can provide a full train.
I'm 95% of the way there with this, in that I have a full rake of ballast wagons (and a couple more kits awaiting assembly), some with loads. The drawback has been sourcing appropriate transfers at a reasonable price. I'm adding finishing this to my list of 'roundtoit' jobs.

Quote3. Sort of some sort of semi-permanent storage for things as my collection has vastly outgrown the handful of cardboard stock boxes I acquired some years ago and so have a multitude of locos, wagons and coaches strewn throughout my old bedroom at my parents. However, the exact size, shape and nature of this will depend on my new living arrangements.

YES! Finally a (big-ish) win, given my inexperience with carpentry, and I am tempted to do some more at some point in the future.

As to the 2025 programme. I think it's going to be maybe looking at a few 'roundtoit' jobs and other 'here and there' efforts, partly due to my current domestic and work arrangements, but mostly as Dukeswood is approaching the stage where making progress would require actually physically laying track and putting together other physical things that would ideally have to wait until I have at least some of the 17' of space I need. Maybe I could scratch that particular itch by doing some plotting/planning.