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Happy New Year

Started by Cora Courcelle, December 31, 2023, 06:44:14 PM

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Cora Courcelle

May I wish everyone a Happy New Year and a Peaceful and Prosperous 2024.
You have to tread a fine line between avant-garde surrealism and getting yourself sectioned...

Sir Henry

Happy New Year, folks!

May the next year be unexpectedly better than the last one in all kind ways! ;)
I speak in syllabubbles. They rise to the surface by the force of levity and pop out of my mouth unneeded and unheeded.
Cry "Have at!" and let's lick the togs of Waugh!
Arsed not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for tea.


The legs have fallen off my Victorian Lady...


Sorontar, Captain of 'The Aethereal Dancer'
Advisor to HM Engineers on matters aethereal, aeronautic and cosmographic

von Corax

Merry Kiss Moose and Happy Gnu Year.
By the power of caffeine do I set my mind in motion
By the Beans of Life do my thoughts acquire speed
My hands acquire a shaking
The shaking becomes a warning
By the power of caffeine do I set my mind in motion
The Leverkusen Institute of Paleocybernetics is 5842 km from Reading



merry new year to you too.

I tend to live in a sort of limbo, between jan 1st to chinese new year each year, and to a lesser degree halloween/samhain and the winter solstice. maybe throw in the ides of march too lol.

I guess I dont really have a normal relation with the year, lol.
When an explosion explodes hard enough, the dust wakes up and thinks about itself.