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Spoked Wheels for Scale Models?

Started by RJBowman, April 04, 2024, 04:53:17 AM

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Is there a source for small spoked wheels for model vehicles? Maybe a cheaply available model kit or toy that has them? They are not an easy thing to make with the very basic tools I have access to.


Google, e-bay, etsy all very helpful to source parts for all sorts of projects.

Sir Henry

There's always Herbie's Wheels. Though they are spectacularly expensive.


etsy has a few that are a bit cheaper.

Or find someone (your local Hackspace?) with a 3d printer. There must be loads of free models for them; or if not they shouldn't be hard to model.
I speak in syllabubbles. They rise to the surface by the force of levity and pop out of my mouth unneeded and unheeded.
Cry "Have at!" and let's lick the togs of Waugh!
Arsed not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for tea.

James Harrison

I do have, in an old book, a way of making spoked wheels for small scale vehicles (assuming of course you want it to be stationary).  This is in the context of making horse-drawn road vehicles in 1:76 scale.  I've not actually tried it myself though so can't comment on how easy it is.

Broadly you take a square of timber and drill a hole through the middle, and then insert a length of hollow tube (this becomes the hub).  You then need a larger circular section - larger than the wheel you're making - and and you fix that to the board centred about the hub.  Then you drill around that circle as appropriate for your spokes. 

Then you feed thread through the hub and out through the holes you've drilled around the perimeter (these threads become the spokes).  Then you take a length of wire and fold it into a circle the diameter of your wheel and glue that to the threads (this becomes the rim).  After you've dosed the whole thing with shellac or varnish to stiffen the threads you can cut your wheel loose.

Persons intending to travel by open carriage should select a seat with their backs to the engine, by which means they will avoid the ashes emitted therefrom, that in travelling generally, but particularly through the tunnels, prove a great annoyance; the carriage farthest from the engine will in consequence be found the most desirable.