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Centurion 35 day Wall Clock Chime Dementia

Started by cae, February 18, 2020, 11:16:32 PM

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I picked up a Centurion 35 day wall clock at Goodwill about 5 years back and it's been ticking along on my wall with very few issues ever since.

That is until recently.

I was nearing then end of winding the chime spring when I heard a bit of a funny noise. I assumed it was just the spring collecting itself, as it does here and there during winding, but this sound was different enough that I noted it. Worse, thereafter my clock chime seemed to lose all sense of time. It misses some hours, then chimes on almost endlessly for others, prompting my youngest to pronounce the time one day as "32 o'clock." Yes, well - still time for your homework, buddy.

My local clock "repairman" (feh) said "You need to let me tear out that cheap, unnecessarily complicated movement and install a nice modern battery operated assembly in there."
"Heaven forfend, you scurrilous rapscallion," I replied. (ok, not really - but I was tempted)

I have since scoured the 'net for any diagram of this particular movement for troubleshooting purposes and have come up blank. One search, however, led me to this forum, where, back in 2011, some folks chimed in on another Centurion 35 day wall clock thread.

Any helpful ideas or suggestions on what might be going wrong with my clock? TIA


By the sounds of things the striking movement, and or count wheel have been buggered up in some way, shape or form (if it's a spring driven movement then probably due to be being overwound).

Without having seeing it in person the best thing I can recommend (as someone with some experience of antique horology) is removing the mechanism and checking it over for any obvious problems. Or, simply have it serviced/repaired by a local clockmaker/repairer (look for someone who specialises in historic/antique clocks).
I made a note in my diary on the way over here. Simply says; "Bugger!"



Thanks! Yeah, that's kind of what I am thinking, too - darn it.

It's funny, typing about it here had me starting it back up again (I'd disabled it a week or so ago). It ran beautifully until around 5pm, then it just stopped chiming. The little serrated lever that regulates the chime count is sticking in place. Activating it, you never know what count you'll end up with.

Guess it's time to give finding a local expert another try.

- Thanks again!

Prof Marvel

To help you along, here are some links to websites which may be of use to you -

Dr. Time's Clock Repair-Part 1-Antique Clock Overhaul a multi-part series

this one has loads of great info on mechanical clocks & PARTS!

and another

chiming issues

and a clock forum discussing chiming problems

hope this helps
prof marvel
MIGRATION to Spare Goggles under way


Quote from: cae on February 18, 2020, 11:16:32 PM
My local clock "repairman" (feh) said "You need to let me tear out that cheap, unnecessarily complicated movement and install a nice modern battery operated assembly in there."
"Heaven forfend, you scurrilous rapscallion," I replied. (ok, not really - but I was tempted)

Your local clock repairman 1) is obviously a poseur,
2) whose soul's poetic capacity is challenged by Dick and Jane stories, and
3) has all the imaginative faculty of a potato pancake

One can only hope his lease expires soon.....and the one for his shop, too. 

"Unless you're prepared to surrender everything, don't surrender anything."

Society: Be yourself.
Me: OK
Society: No. Not like that.

Synistor 303

I audibly gasped when I read what the "clockmaker" said... What a ghastly suggestion!


Thank you, Prof Marvel! My biggest impediment at this juncture is ignorance of clock movements, in general. What I wouldn't do for a manual or schematics on this particular clock's inner workings. Heh - not gonna happen. :)

Deimos and Synistor 303: I most heartily agree. I was quite taken aback by his suggestion. Disgusting.